GNU Astronomy Utilities manual

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3.1 Requirements

GNU Astronomy Utilities 0.1 have several dependencies, they all follow the same basic GNU based build system (like that shown in Quick start), so even if you don’t have them, installing them should be pretty straightforward. In this section we explain each program and any specific note that might be necessary in the installation.

The most basic choice is to build the packages from source your self instead of relying on your distribution’s pre-built packages. These packages might already be available by your distribution’s package management system. You can also use those, just note the following two issues:

  1. They might not be the most recent release.
  2. For each package, Gnuastro might require certain configuration options that the your distribution’s package managers didn’t add for you. Those configuration options are explained below.
  3. For the libraries, they might separate the binary file from the header files, see Known issues.

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GNU Astronomy Utilities manual, November 2015.