GNU Astronomy Utilities manual

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1.1 Quick start

Let’s assume you have just downloaded the gnuastro-0.1.tar.gz in the DOWLD directory and you already have the requirements (see Requirements). Running the following commands will unpack, compile, check and install all the GNU Astronomy Utilities so you can use them anywhere in your system.

$ cd DOWLD
$ tar -zxvf gnuastro-0.1.tar.gz
$ cd gnuastro-0.1
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make check
$ sudo make install
$ cd ../
$ rm -rf gnuastro-0.1 gnuastro-0.1.tar.gz

See Known issues if you confront any complications. For each program there is an ‘Invoke ProgramName’ sub-section in this manual which explains how the programs should be run on the command line. It can be read on the command line by running the command $ info astprogname, see Naming convention and Getting help. The ‘Invoke ProgramName’ sub-section starts with a few examples of each program and goes on to explain the invocation details. In Tutorials some real life examples of how these programs might be used is given.

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GNU Astronomy Utilities manual, November 2015.