GNU Astronomy Utilities manual

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3.3.1 Configuring

The $ ./configure step is the most important step in the build and install process. All the required packages, libraries, headers and environment variables are checked in this step. The behaviors of make and make install can also be set through command line options to this command.

The configure script accepts various arguments and options which enable the final user to highly customize whatever she is building. The options to configure are generally very similar to normal program options explained in Arguments and options. Similar to all GNU programs, you can get a full list of the options along with a short explanation by running

$ ./configure --help

A complete explanation is also included in the gnuastro-0.1/INSTALL file in plain text that comes with the Gnuastro source. Note that this file was written by the authors of GNU Autoconf and is common for all programs which use the $ ./configure script for building and installing (there is a lot of such programs). Here the most common general usages (not only Gnuastro) are explained: when you don’t have super-user access to the system and changing the executable names. But before that a review of the options to configure that are particular to Gnuastro are discussed.

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GNU Astronomy Utilities manual, November 2015.