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3.3.2 Tests

After successfully building (compiling) the programs with the $ make command you can check the installation before installing. To run the tests on your newly build utilities, run

$ make check

For every program some tests are designed to check some possible operations. Running the command above will run those tests and give you a final report. If everything is ok and you have built all the programs, all the tests should pass. In case any of the tests fail, please have a look at Known issues and if that still doesn’t fix your problem, look that the ./tests/test-suite.log file to see if the source of the error is something particular to your system or more general. If you feel it is general, please contact us because it might be a bug. Note that the tests of some programs depend on the outputs of other program’s tests, so if you have not installed them they might be skipped or fail. Prior to releasing every distribution all these tests are checked. If you have a reasonably modern terminal, the outputs of the successful tests will be colored green and the failed ones will be colored red.

These scripts can also act as a good set of examples for you to see how the programs are run. All the tests are in the gnuastro-0.1/tests directory. The tests for each program are shell scripts (ending with .sh) in a subdirectory of this directory with the same name as the program. See Test scripts for more detailed information about these scripts incase you want to inspect them.

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GNU Astronomy Utilities manual, November 2015.