GNU Astronomy Utilities manual

Next: , Previous: , Up: Configuring   [Contents][Index] GNU Astronomy Utilities configure options

Most of the options to configure (which are to do with building) are similar for every program which uses this script. Here the options that are particular to Gnuastro are discussed. The next topics explain the usage of other configure options which can be applied to any program using the GNU build system (through the configure script).


(=INT) If this option is given an integer value, that value will be used for the default number of threads to use. If it is not given, then the total number of threads will be read from the system, see Threads in GNU Astronomy Utilities. Specifying --with-numthreads=no or --without-numthreads is equivalent to not calling this option it at all.


Only build and install progname along with any other program that is enabled in this fashion. progname is the name of the executable without the ast, for example imgcrop for ImageCrop (with the executable name of astimgcrop). If this option is called for any of the programs in Gnuastro, any program which is not explicitly enabled will not be built or installed.


Do not build or install the program named progname. This is very similar to the --enable-progname, but will build and install all the other programs except this one.


Enable checks on the GNU Portability Library (Gnulib). Gnulib is used by Gnuastro to enable users of non-GNU based operating systems (that don’t use GNU C Library or glibc) to compile and use the advanced features that this library provides. We make extensive use of such functions. If you give this option to $ ./configure, when you run $ make check, first the functions in Gnulib will be tested, then the Gnuastro executables. If your operating system does not support glibc or has an older version of it and you have problems in the build process ($ make), you can give this flag to configure to see if the problem is caused by Gnulib not supporting your operating system or Gnuastro, see Known issues.

Note: If some programs are enabled and some are disabled, it is equivalent to simply enabling those that were enabled. Listing the disabled programs is redundant.

Note that the tests of some programs might require other programs to have been installed and tested. For example MakeProfiles is the first program to be tested when you run $ make check, it provides the inputs to all the other tests. So if you don’t install MakeProfiles, then the tests for all the other programs will be skipped or fail. To avoid this, in one run, you can install all the packages and run the tests but not install. If everything is working correctly, you can run configure again with only the packages you want but not run the tests and directly install after building.

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GNU Astronomy Utilities manual, November 2015.