
Today the GNU C Library is almost complete: nearly all known and useful functions from any other C library are available. However, there is still room for improvement.

If you would like to add or improve features in the GNU C Library, please look through at the latest PROJECTS file in the glibc sources, and coordinate your work with the maintainers at

Note that most large contributions to the code base will require authors to file copyright papers with the FSF. Please contact the maintainers with any queries. For more information see the contribution checklist on the wiki.

Standards Conformance

glibc distributes a CONFORMANCE file in the sources which reports the projects adherence to various standards. This list also shows where GNU libc needs to be improved.


The GNU C Library manual is incomplete. It would be very helpful if you could spend a bit of your time on writing the missing parts. Please coordinate your work with the maintainers


For more information on the process of porting see Porting the C Library in the glibc manual. The status of ports and their sub-maintainers is currently documented on the maintainers page of the wiki. If you are interested in porting GNU libc to additional system types, please contact the maintainers before beginning your port.


The #glibc channel is registered on and

Mailing lists


Get your glibc announcements via email:

The glibc mailing lists are hosted on

libc-announce: The libc-anounce list is used to inform users and developers of upcoming releases and anouncements.

libc-alpha: The libc-alpha list is for the discussion of glibc development. Please do not ask for build help on this list.

libc-help: The libc-help list is intended for all glibc questions including build problems, C library usage, and more. No question about glibc is ever wrong on this list.

libc-hacker: The libc-hacker list was a closed list, and is no longer used. It is still possible to look at the archives of the list.

libc-locales: The libc-locales mailing list is used for discussing locale specific changes and patches to glibc.

libc-ports: The libc-ports mailing list is no longer used. It was previously used to discuss the ports add-on, but after 2.19 it was merged directly into the core project. It is still possible to look at the archives of the list.

libc-stable: The libc-stable mailing list is used to discuss changes backported to stable branches. The list also receives git commit traffic for stable release branches. Distribution developers can subscribe to the list to track backports and determine if their own distribution branches need to be rebased and or if the stable release branch they depend upon needs backports.

glibc-cvs, and glibc-bugs: The glibc-cvs and glibc-bugs lists exist solely to receive automated messages from git and from Bugzilla, respectively. Please do not post to these lists.

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