Note The Guix System Distribution (GuixSD) is beta software, which means it is not production-ready. But you can help!


GNU Guix provides 2,908 packages transparently available as pre-built binaries. This is a complete list of the packages. Our continuous integration system shows their current build status.

GNU?Package versionPackage details
Part of GNUa2ps 4.14Any file to PostScript, including pretty-printing
aalib 1.4rc5ASCII-art library
abbaye 1.13GNU/Linux port of the indie game "l'Abbaye des Morts"
abcde 2.7Command-line audio CD ripper
abduco 0.4Session management in a clean and simple way
abiword 2.8.6Word processing program
accountsservice 0.6.40D-Bus interface for user account query and manipulation
Part of GNUacct 6.6.2Standard login and process accounting utilities
acl 2.2.52Library and tools for manipulating access control lists
acme 0.1.1ACME protocol implementation in Python
acpica 20150410Tools for the development and debug of ACPI tables
acpid 2.0.23Daemon for delivering ACPI events to user-space programs
Part of GNUadns 1.5.0Asynchronous DNS client library and utilities
Part of GNUadwaita-icon-theme 3.18.0GNOME icon theme
aegis 4.24Project change supervisor
agg 2.5High-quality 2D graphics rendering engine for C++
patches: 1
Part of GNUaisleriot 3.18.2Solitaire card games
Part of GNUalive 2.0.2Autologin and keep-alive daemon
alsa-lib Advanced Linux Sound Architecture libraries
alsa-modular-synth 2.1.1Realtime modular synthesizer and effect processor
alsa-utils for the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)
american-fuzzy-lop 1.86bSecurity-oriented fuzzer
ansible 1.9.2Radically simple IT automation
ant 1.9.6Build tool for Java
ao 1.1.0Cross platform audio library
Part of GNUapl 1.5APL interpreter
apr 1.5.2The Apache Portable Runtime Library
apr-util 1.5.4One of the Apache Portable Runtime Library companions
aragorn 1.2.36Detect tRNA, mtRNA and tmRNA genes in nucleotide sequences
arandr 0.1.8Another RandR graphical user interface
arb 2.7.0Arbitrary precision floating-point ball arithmetic
ardour 4.4Digital audio workstation
patches: snippet
argtable 2.13Command line option parsing library
armadillo 6.200.2C++ linear algebra library
armadillo 6.400.3C++ linear algebra library
arpack-ng 3.2.0Fortran subroutines for solving eigenvalue problems
arpack-ng-openmpi 3.2.0Fortran subroutines for solving eigenvalue problems with MPI
Part of GNUartanis 0.1.0Web application framework written in Guile
asciidoc 8.6.9Text-based document generation system
Part of GNUaspell checker
Part of GNUaspell-dict-en 7.1-0English dictionary for GNU Aspell
Part of GNUaspell-dict-eo 2.1.20000225a-2Esperanto dictionary for GNU Aspell
Part of GNUaspell-dict-es 1.11-2Spanish dictionary for GNU Aspell
Part of GNUaspell-dict-fr 0.50-3French dictionary for GNU Aspell
Part of GNUaspell-dict-ru 0.99f7-1Russian dictionary for GNU Aspell
astyle 2.05Source code indenter, formatter, and beautifier
asymptote 2.35Script-based vector graphics language
Part of GNUat-spi2-atk 2.18.1Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface, ATK bindings
Part of GNUat-spi2-core 2.18.1Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface, core components
ath9k-htc-firmware 1.4.0Firmware for the Atheros AR7010 and AR9271 USB 802.11n NICs
Part of GNUatk 2.18.0GNOME accessibility toolkit
Part of GNUatkmm 2.24.1C++ interface to the ATK accessibility library
atlas 3.10.2Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software
attic 0.16Deduplicating backup program
attica 0.4.2Qt library for the Open Collaboration Services API
attr 2.4.46Library and tools for manipulating extended attributes
aubio 0.4.1Library for audio labelling
audacity 2.1.0Software for recording and editing sounds
aumix 2.9.1Audio mixer for X and the console
autobuild 5.3Process generated build logs
Part of GNUautoconf 2.68Create source code configuration scripts
Part of GNUautoconf 2.69Create source code configuration scripts
Part of GNUautoconf 2.64Create source code configuration scripts
Part of GNUautogen 5.18.7Automated program generator
Part of GNUautomake 1.15Making GNU standards-compliant Makefiles
automoc4 0.9.88Build tool for KDE
avahi 0.6.31Implementation of mDNS/DNS-SD protocols
avidemux 2.6.10Video editor
avr-libc 1.8.1The AVR C Library
avrdude 6.1AVR downloader and uploader
azr3 1.2.3Tonewheel organ synthesizer
babl 0.1.10Image pixel format conversion library
bamtools 2.3.0C++ API and command-line toolkit for working with BAM data
Part of GNUbarcode 0.99Convert text strings to printed bars in various standards
Part of GNUbash 4.3.39The GNU Bourne-Again SHell
bash-completion 2.1Bash completions for common commands
Part of GNUbash-minimal 4.3.39The GNU Bourne-Again SHell
Part of GNUbash-static 4.3.39The GNU Bourne-Again SHell
Part of GNUbazaar 2.6.0Version control system supporting both distributed and centralized workflows
bbdb 3.1.2Contact management utility for Emacs
patches: snippet
Part of GNUbc 1.06Arbitrary precision numeric processing language
bdb 5.3.21Berkeley database
bdftopcf 1.0.4Convert X font from BDF to PCF
bedops 2.4.14Tools for high-performance genomic feature operations
bedtools 2.24.0Tools for genome analysis and arithmetic
behave 1.2.4Python behavior-driven development
bigloo 4.1aEfficient Scheme compiler
bigreqsproto 1.1.2Xorg BigReqsProto protocol headers
bind-utils 9.10.3-P2Tools for querying nameservers
Part of GNUbinutils 2.25.1Binary utilities: bfd gas gprof ld
binutils-bootstrap 0Bootstrap binaries of the GNU Binutils
Part of GNUbinutils-static-stripped-tarball 2.25.1Binary utilities: bfd gas gprof ld
bio-blastxmlparser 2.0.4Fast big data BLAST XML parser and library
bio-locus 0.0.7Tool for fast querying of genome locations
bioperl-minimal 1.6.924Bioinformatics toolkit
bioruby 1.5.0Ruby library, shell and utilities for bioinformatics
Part of GNUbison 2.7Parser generator
Part of GNUbison 3.0.4Parser generator
bitcoin-core 0.11.0Bitcoin peer-to-peer client
bitlbee 3.4IRC to instant messaging gateway
blast+ 2.2.31Basic local alignment search tool
bless 1p02Bloom-filter-based error correction tool for NGS reads
bluez 5.36Linux Bluetooth protocol stack
bogofilter 1.2.4Mail classifier based on a Bayesian filter
Part of GNUbool 0.2.2Finding text and HTML files that match boolean expressions
boost 1.58.0Peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries
bootstrap-binaries 0Bootstrap binaries of Coreutils, Awk, etc.
bootstrap-tarballs 0
bowtie 2.2.4Fast and sensitive nucleotide sequence read aligner
Part of GNUbrasero 3.12.1CD/DVD burning tool for Gnome
brdf-explorer 17Analyze bidirectional reflectance distribution functions (BRDFs)
bridge-utils 1.5Manipulate Ethernet bridges
bristol 0.60.11Synthesizer emulator
bspwm 0.9Tiling window manager based on binary space partitioning
btar 1.1.1Tar-compatible archiver
bullet 2.82-r27043D physics engine library
bundler 1.10.6Ruby gem bundler
busybox 1.22.1Many common UNIX utilities in a single executable
bwa 0.7.12Burrows-Wheeler sequence aligner
byobu 5.98Text-based window manager and terminal multiplexer
bzip2 1.0.6High-quality data compression program
c-ares 1.10.0C library for asynchronous DNS requests
c-reduce 2.3.0Reducer for interesting code
cabal-install interface for Cabal and Hackage
cairo 1.14.22D graphics library
Part of GNUcairomm 1.12.0C++ bindings to the Cairo 2D graphics library
calcurse 4.0.0Text-based calendar and scheduling
calf 0.0.60Audio plug-in pack for LV2 and JACK environments
calibre 2.41.0E-book library management software
camlp4 4.02+6Write parsers in OCaml
camlp5 6.14Pre-processor Pretty Printer for OCaml
Part of GNUcaribou 0.4.19Text entry and UI navigation application
catch 1.1.3Automated test framework for C++ and Objective-C
ccache 3.2.2Compiler cache
ccl 1.10Common Lisp implementation
Part of GNUccrtp 2.1.2Implementation of RTP (real-time transport protocol)
cd-discid 1.4Get CDDB discid information from an audio CD
cdparanoia 10.2Audio CD reading utility
cereal 1.1.2C++11 library for serialization
Part of GNUcflow 1.4Create a graph of control flow within a program
cgal 4.6.3Computational geometry algorithms library
check 0.9.14Unit test framework for C
Part of GNUchess 6.2.2Full chess implementation
chibi-scheme 0.7.3Small embeddable Scheme implementation
chicken Scheme implementation that compiles native code via C
chmlib 0.40Library for CHM files
cityhash hash functions for strings
clalsadrv 2.0.0C++ wrapper around the ALSA API
clang 3.6.2C language family frontend for LLVM
clang 3.5.0C language family frontend for LLVM
clang-runtime 3.5.0Runtime library for Clang/LLVM
clang-runtime 3.6.2Runtime library for Clang/LLVM
claws-mail 3.13.1GTK-based Email client
clipper 0.3.0CLIP peak enrichment recognition
Part of GNUclisp 2.49A Common Lisp implementation
cloog 0.18.0Library to generate code for scanning Z-polyhedra
clucene text indexing and searching library
clustal-omega 1.2.1Multiple sequence aligner for protein and DNA/RNA
clusterssh 3.28Secure concurrent multi-server terminal control
Part of GNUclutter 1.24.2Open GL based interactive canvas library
Part of GNUclutter-gst 3.0.14Integration library for using GStreamer with Clutter
Part of GNUclutter-gtk 1.6.6Open GL based interactive canvas library GTK+ widget
cm 0.2.1CM constructions for elliptic curves
cmake 3.3.2Cross-platform build system
cmatrix 1.2aSimulate the display from "The Matrix"
cmus 2.7.1Small console music player
Part of GNUcogl 1.22.0Object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer
colord 1.1.8Color management service
colord-gtk 0.1.26GTK integration for libcolord
colordiff 1.0.16Display diff output with colors
Part of GNUcommoncpp 1.8.1(u)Common C++ framework for threaded applications
Part of GNUcomplexity 1.3Analyze complexity of C functions
compositeproto 0.4.2Xorg CompositeProto protocol headers
conkeror 1.0pre1.20150730Keyboard focused web browser with Emacs look and feel
conky 1.10.0Lightweight system monitor for X
cook 2.34Tool for constructing files
coq 8.4pl6Proof assistant for higher-order logic
Part of GNUcoreutils 8.24Core GNU utilities (file, text, shell)
Part of GNUcoreutils-minimal 8.24Core GNU utilities (file, text, shell)
corkscrew 2.0Tunneling SSH through HTTP proxies
couger 1.8.2Identify co-factors in sets of genomic regions
Part of GNUcpio 2.12Manage cpio and tar file archives
cpphs 1.19.3Liberalised re-implementation of cpp, the C pre-processor
Part of GNUcppi 1.18Indent C preprocessor directives to reflect nesting and more
cppunit 1.12.1Unit testing framework for C++
cpufrequtils 0.3Utilities to get and set CPU frequency on Linux
cpulimit 0.2Limit CPU usage
cracklib 2.9.6Password checking library
crda 3.18Central regulatory domain agent (CRDA) for WiFi
crossmap 0.2.1Convert genome coordinates between assemblies
cryptsetup 1.6.1Hard disk encryption tool
csound 6.05Sound and music computing system
Part of GNUcssc 1.3.0File-based version control like SCCS
ctl 1.5.2Color Transformation Language
cuetools 1.4.1Cue and toc file parsers and utilities
cunit 2.1-3Automated testing framework for C
cups 2.1.0The Common Unix Printing System
cups-filters 1.4.0OpenPrinting CUPS filters and backends
cups-minimal 2.1.0The Common Unix Printing System
curl 7.45.0Command line tool for transferring data with URL syntax
Part of GNUcursynth 1.5Polyphonic and MIDI subtractive music synthesizer using curses
cutadapt 1.8Remove adapter sequences from nucleotide sequencing reads
cvs 1.12.13Historical centralized version control system
cvs-fast-export 1.33Export an RCS or CVS history as a fast-import stream
cyrus-sasl 2.1.26Simple Authentication Security Layer implementation
Part of GNUd-feet 0.3.10D-Bus debugger
damageproto 1.2.1Xorg DamageProto protocol headers
Part of GNUdatamash 1.0.7Scriptable statistics and data calculation
dblatex 0.3.5DocBook to LaTeX Publishing
dbus 1.10.0.aMessage bus for inter-process communication (IPC)
dbus 1.10.0Message bus for inter-process communication (IPC)
dbus-glib 0.104D-Bus GLib bindings
Part of GNUdconf 0.24.0Low-level GNOME configuration system
Part of GNUddrescue 1.20Data recovery utility
dealii 8.2.1Finite element library
dealii-openmpi 8.2.1Finite element library (with MPI support)
deeptools 1.5.11Tools for normalizing and visualizing deep-sequencing data
Part of GNUdejagnu 1.5.3GNU software testing framework
delta 2006.08.03Heuristical file minimizer
desktop-file-utils 0.22Utilities for working with desktop entries
detox 1.2.0Clean up file names
Part of GNUdevhelp 3.18.1API documentation browser for GNOME
devil 1.7.8Library for manipulating many image formats
dfc 3.0.4Display file system space usage using graphs and colors
dfu-programmer 0.7.2Device firmware update programmer for Atmel chips
dialog 1.2-20150920Curses widgets
diamond 0.7.9Accelerated BLAST compatible local sequence aligner
Part of GNUdico 2.2Implementation of DICT server (RFC 2229)
diffoscope 34Compare files, archives, and directories in depth
diffstat 1.58Make histograms from the output of 'diff'
Part of GNUdiffutils 3.3Comparing and merging files
Part of GNUdionysus 1.3.0Local search for universal constants and scientific values
Part of GNUdirevent 5.0Daemon to monitor directories for events such as file removal
djvulibre 3.5.27Implementation of DjVu, the document format
Part of GNUdmd 0.2.01Daemon managing daemons
dmenu 4.5Dynamic menu
dmidecode 2.12Read hardware information from the BIOS
dmxproto 2.3.1Xorg DMXProto protocol headers
dnsmasq 2.72Small caching DNS proxy and DHCP/TFTP server
docbook-xml 4.3DocBook XML DTDs for document authoring
docbook-xml 4.5DocBook XML DTDs for document authoring
docbook-xml 4.2DocBook XML DTDs for document authoring
docbook-xml 4.4DocBook XML DTDs for document authoring
docbook-xsl 1.78.1DocBook XSL style sheets for document authoring
dosbox 0.74.svn3947X86 emulator with CGA/EGA/VGA/etc. graphics and sound
dosfstools 3.0.28Utilities for making and checking MS-DOS FAT filesystems
double-conversion 1.1.5Conversion routines for IEEE doubles
dovecot 2.2.19Secure POP3/IMAP server
doxygen 1.8.7Generate documentation from annotated sources
dri2proto 2.8Xorg DRI2Proto protocol headers
dri3proto 1.0Xorg DRI3Proto protocol headers
dropbear 2014.63Small SSH server and client
drumstick 1.0.1C++ MIDI library
dtach 0.8Emulates the detach feature of screen
dunst 1.1.0Customizable and lightweight notification daemon
duplicity 0.6.26Encrypted backup using rsync algorithm
dvdisaster 0.72.6Error correcting codes for optical media images
dvtm 0.14Tiling window management for the console
dwm 6.0Dynamic window manager

dwm is a dynamic window manager for X. It manages windows in tiled, monocle and floating layouts. All of the layouts can be applied dynamically, optimising the environment for the application in use and the task performed.

In tiled layout windows are managed in a master and stacking area. The master area contains the window which currently needs most attention, whereas the stacking area contains all other windows. In monocle layout all windows are maximised to the screen size. In floating layout windows can be resized and moved freely. Dialog windows are always managed floating, regardless of the layout applied.

Windows are grouped by tags. Each window can be tagged with one or multiple tags. Selecting certain tags displays all windows with these tags.

Each screen contains a small status bar which displays all available tags, the layout, the number of visible windows, the title of the focused window, and the text read from the root window name property, if the screen is focused. A floating window is indicated with an empty square and a maximised floating window is indicated with a filled square before the windows title. The selected tags are indicated with a different color. The tags of the focused window are indicated with a filled square in the top left corner. The tags which are applied to one or more windows are indicated with an empty square in the top left corner.

dwm draws a small customizable border around windows to indicate the focus state.
e2fsck-static 1.42.13Statically-linked fsck.* commands from e2fsprogs
e2fsprogs 1.42.13Creating and checking ext2/ext3/ext4 file systems
ecl 15.2.21Embeddable Common Lisp
Part of GNUed 1.12Line-oriented text editor
edirect 2.50Tools for accessing the NCBI's set of databases
efl 1.16.1Enlightenment Foundation Libraries
eigen 3.2.7C++ template library for linear algebra
elementary 1.16.1Widget library of Enlightenment world
elfutils 0.161Linker and ELF manipulation tools
elogind 219.12User, seat, and session management service
Part of GNUemacs 24.5The extensible, customizable, self-documenting text editor
Part of GNUemacs-auctex 11.88.6Integrated environment for TeX
emacs-butler 0.2.4Emacs client for Jenkins
emacs-dash 2.12.1Modern list library for Emacs
emacs-debbugs 0.7Access the Debbugs bug tracker in Emacs

This package lets you access the GNU Bug Tracker from within Emacs.

For instance, it defines the command M-x debbugs-gnu for listing bugs, and the command M-x debbugs-gnu-search for bug searching. If you prefer the listing of bugs as TODO items of org-mode, you could use M-x debbugs-org and related commands.

A minor mode debbugs-browse-mode let you browse URLs to the GNU Bug Tracker as well as bug identifiers prepared for bug-reference-mode.
emacs-deferred 0.3.2Simple asynchronous functions for Emacs Lisp
emacs-f 0.17.2Emacs API for working with files and directories
emacs-flycheck 0.23On-the-fly syntax checking
emacs-let-alist 1.0.4Easily let-bind values of an assoc-list by their names
emacs-mmm-mode 0.5.4Allow multiple major modes in an Emacs buffer
Part of GNUemacs-no-x 24.5The extensible, customizable, self-documenting text editor (console only)
Part of GNUemacs-no-x-toolkit 24.5The extensible, customizable, self-documenting text editor (without an X toolkit)
emacs-ob-ipython 20150704.8807064693Org-Babel functions for IPython evaluation
emacs-pdf-tools 0.70Emacs support library for PDF files
emacs-s 1.9.0Emacs string manipulation library
emacs-typo 1.1Minor mode for typographic editing
emacs-undo-tree 0.6.4Treat undo history as a tree
emacs-w3m 1.4.538+0.20141022Simple Web browser for Emacs based on w3m
emacs-wget 0.5.0Simple file downloader for Emacs based on wget
Part of GNUemms 4.0Emacs Multimedia System
emotion-generic-players 1.16.0Plugins for integrating media players in EFL based applications
emulation-station 2.0.1Video game console emulator front-end
enblend-enfuse 4.1.3Tools for combining and blending images
enca 1.16Text encoding detection tool
enchant 1.6.0Multi-backend spell-checking library wrapper
encodings 1.0.4Xorg font encoding files
enlightenment 0.20.2Lightweight desktop environment
Part of GNUenscript 1.6.6Generating PostScript, including pretty-printing
Part of GNUeog 3.18.1GNOME image viewer
Part of GNUepiphany 3.16.3GNOME web browser
esmtp 1.2Relay-only mail transfer agent (MTA)
ethtool 4.0Display or change Ethernet device settings
etl 0.04.19Extended C++ template library
eudev 3.1.5Userspace device management
evas-generic-loaders 1.16.0Plugins for integration of various file types into Evas
evilwm 1.1.1Minimalist window manager for the X Window System
Part of GNUevince 3.18.1GNOME's document viewer
Part of GNUevolution-data-server 3.18.2Store address books and calendars
execline shell-like language with minimal overhead
exempi 2.2.2XMP metadata handling library
exfat-utils 1.1.1Utilities to manipulate exFAT file systems
exim 4.86Message Transfer Agent (MTA) developed at the University of Cambridge
exiv2 0.23Library and command-line utility to manage image metadata
exo 0.10.3Extension library for Xfce
exosip 4.1.0Sip abstraction library
expat 2.1.0Stream-oriented XML parser library written in C
expect 5.45Tool for automating interactive applications
express 1.5.1Streaming quantification for high-throughput genomic sequencing
express-beta-diversity 1.0.7Taxon- and phylogenetic-based beta diversity measures
extra-cmake-modules 5.12.0CMake module files for common software used by KDE
extremetuxracer 0.6.0High speed arctic racing game based on Tux Racer
extundelete 0.2.4Recover deleted files from ext2/3/4 partitions
eyed3 0.7.8MP3 tag ID3 metadata editor
faad2 2.7MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 AAC decoder
fastcap 2.0-18Sep92Multipole-accelerated capacitance extraction program
fasthenry 3.0-12Nov96Multipole-accelerated inductance analysis program
fastjar 0.98Replacement for Sun's 'jar' utility
fasttree 2.1.8Infers approximately-maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees
fastx-toolkit 0.0.14Tools for FASTA/FASTQ file preprocessing
faust 0.9.67Signal processing language
fcitx method framework
Part of GNUfdisk 2.0.0aLow-level disk partitioning and formatting
fdupes 1.51Identify duplicate files
feh 2.14Fast and light imlib2-based image viewer
fetchmail 6.3.26Remote-mail retrieval and forwarding utility
ffmpeg 2.8.4Audio and video framework
fftw 3.3.4Computing the discrete Fourier transform
fftw-openmpi 3.3.4Computing the discrete Fourier transform
fftwf 3.3.4Computing the discrete Fourier transform
figlet 2.2.5Make large letterforms out of ordinary screen characters
file 5.22File type guesser
Part of GNUfile-roller 3.16.4Graphical archive manager for GNOME
findnewest 0.2Print the modification time of the latest file
Part of GNUfindutils 4.4.2Operating on files matching given criteria
fish 2.2.0The friendly interactive shell
fixesproto 5.0Xorg FixesProto protocol headers
fizmo 0.7.9Z-machine interpreter
flac 1.3.1Free lossless audio codec
flann 1.8.4Library for approximate nearest neighbors computation
flashrom 0.9.7Identify, read, write, erase, and verify ROM/flash chips
flex 2.5.37Fast lexical analyser generator
flexbar 2.5Barcode and adapter removal tool for sequencing platforms
flint 2.5.2Fast library for number theory
fltk 1.3.33D C++ GUI library
fluidsynth 1.1.6SoundFont synthesizer
font-adobe-source-han-sans 1.004Pan-CJK fonts
font-adobe100dpi 1.0.3Xorg adobe-100dpi fonts
font-adobe75dpi 1.0.3Xorg adobe-75dpi fonts
font-alias 1.0.3Xorg font aliases
font-anonymous-pro 1.002Fixed-width fonts designed with coding in mind
font-arabic-misc 1.0.3Xorg arabic-misc font
Part of GNUfont-bitstream-vera 1.10Bitstream Vera sans-serif typeface
font-cronyx-cyrillic 1.0.3Xorg cronyx-cyrillic font
font-dec-misc 1.0.3Xorg dec-misc font
font-dejavu 2.34Vera font family derivate with additional characters
Part of GNUfont-gnu-freefont-ttf 20100919Unicode-encoded outline fonts
Part of GNUfont-gnu-unifont 8.0.01Large bitmap font covering Unicode's Basic Multilingual Plane
font-inconsolata 0.80Monospace font
font-isas-misc 1.0.3Xorg isas-misc font
font-liberation 2.00.1Fonts compatible with Arial, Times New Roman, and Courier New
font-micro-misc 1.0.3Xorg micro-misc font
font-misc-cyrillic 1.0.3Xorg misc-cyrillic fonts
font-misc-ethiopic 1.0.3Xorg misc-ethiopic fonts
font-misc-misc 1.1.2Xorg misc-misc fonts
font-mutt-misc 1.0.3Xorg mutt-misc fonts
font-schumacher-misc 1.1.2Xorg schumacher-misc fonts
font-screen-cyrillic 1.0.4Xorg screen-cyrillic fonts
font-sony-misc 1.0.3Xorg sony-misc fonts
font-sun-misc 1.0.3Xorg sun-misc fonts
font-terminus 4.39Simple bitmap programming font
font-tex-gyre 2.005Remake of Ghostscript fonts
font-ubuntu 0.80The Ubuntu Font Family
font-util 1.3.0Xorg font utilities
font-winitzki-cyrillic 1.0.3Xorg winitzki-cyrillic font
font-wqy-zenhei 0.9.45CJK font
font-xfree86-type1 1.0.4Xorg xfree86-type1 font
fontconfig 2.11.94Library for configuring and customizing font access
fontforge 20120731-bOutline font editor
fontsproto 2.1.3Xorg FontsProto protocol headers
fplll 4.0.4Library for LLL-reduction of euclidean lattices
fraggenescan 1.20Finds potentially fragmented genes in short reads
Part of GNUfreedink 108.4Twisted adventures of young pig farmer Dink Smallwood
freeglut 3.0.0Alternative to the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT)
freeimage 3.17.0Library for handling popular graphics image formats
Part of GNUfreeipmi 1.5.1Platform management, including sensor and power monitoring
freepats 20060219GUS compatible patches for MIDI players
freetype 2.6Font rendering library
frescobaldi 2.18.1LilyPond sheet music text editor
Part of GNUfribidi 0.19.6Implementation of the Unicode bidirectional algorithm
fritzing 0.9.2bElectronic circuit design
ftgl 2.1.3-rc5Font rendering library for OpenGL applications
fuse 2.9.4Support file systems implemented in user space
fuse-exfat 1.1.0Mount exFAT file systems
fvwm 2.6.5Virtual window manager for X11
g-wrap 1.9.15Generate C bindings for Guile
gajim 0.16.4Jabber (XMPP) client
gambit-c 4.7.4Efficient Scheme interpreter and compiler
gamine 1.4Mouse and keyboard discovery for children
ganv 1.4.2GTK+ widget for interactive graph-like environments
garcon 0.4.0Implementation of the menu specification
Part of GNUgawk 4.1.3Text scanning and processing language
Part of GNUgcal 4Calculating and printing a wide variety of calendars
Part of GNUgcc 5.3.0GNU Compiler Collection
Part of GNUgcc 4.9.3GNU Compiler Collection
Part of GNUgcc 4.8.5GNU Compiler Collection
Part of GNUgcc 4.7.4GNU Compiler Collection
gcc-bootstrap 0Bootstrap binaries of the GNU Compiler Collection

Part of GNUgcc-cross-arm-linux-gnueabihf 4.9.3GNU Compiler Collection
Part of GNUgcc-cross-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 4.9.3GNU Compiler Collection
Part of GNUgcc-cross-sans-libc-avr 4.9.3GNU Compiler Collection
Part of GNUgcc-cross-sans-libc-xtensa-elf 4.9.3GNU Compiler Collection
Part of GNUgcc-objc 4.8.5GNU Compiler Collection
Part of GNUgcc-objc++ 4.8.5GNU Compiler Collection
gcc-stripped-tarball 4.9.3GNU Compiler Collection
gcc-toolchain 5.3.0Complete GCC tool chain for C/C++ development
gcc-toolchain 4.9.3Complete GCC tool chain for C/C++ development
gcc-toolchain 4.9.3Complete GCC tool chain for C/C++ development
Part of GNUgccgo 4.8.5GNU Compiler Collection
Part of GNUgcj 4.9.3GNU Compiler Collection
Part of GNUgcl 2.6.12A Common Lisp implementation
Part of GNUgconf 3.2.6Store application preferences
Part of GNUgcr 3.18.0Libraries for displaying certificates and accessing key stores
gd 2.1.1Library for the dynamic creation of images by programmers
Part of GNUgdb 7.10.1The GNU debugger
Part of GNUgdbm 1.11Hash library of database functions compatible with traditional dbm
Part of GNUgdk-pixbuf 2.32.3GNOME image loading and manipulation library
Part of GNUgdm 3.18.2Display manager for GNOME
geda-gaf 1.8.2Schematic capture, netlister, symbols, symbol checker, and utils
Part of GNUgedit 3.18.1GNOME text editor
geeqie 1.1Lightweight GTK+ based image viewer
gegl 0.2.0Graph based image processing framework
geiser 0.8.1Collection of Emacs modes for Guile and Racket hacking
geoclue 2.2.0Geolocation service
Part of GNUgeocode-glib 3.18.0Geocoding and reverse-geocoding library
gerbv 2.6.1Gerber file viewer
getmail 4.48.0Mail retriever
Part of GNUgettext 0.19.6Tools and documentation for translation
Part of GNUgexiv2 0.10.3GObject wrapper around the Exiv2 photo metadata library
Part of GNUgfortran 4.9.3GNU Compiler Collection
patches: 1
Part of GNUgfortran 5.3.0GNU Compiler Collection
Part of GNUgfortran 4.9.3GNU Compiler Collection
Part of GNUgfortran 4.8.5GNU Compiler Collection
ghc 7.10.2The Glasgow Haskell Compiler
ghc-adjunctions 4.2.2Adjunctions and representable functors
ghc-aeson JSON parsing and encoding
ghc-aeson-qq 0.8.1JSON quasiquoter for Haskell
ghc-alex 3.1.4Tool for generating lexical analysers in Haskell
ghc-annotated-wl-pprint 0.7.0The Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer, with annotation support
ghc-ansi-terminal terminal support for Haskell
ghc-ansi-wl-pprint Pretty Printer for colored ANSI terminal output
ghc-appar 0.1.4Simple applicative parser
ghc-asn1-encoding 0.9.3ASN1 data reader and writer in RAW, BER and DER forms
ghc-asn1-parse 0.9.4Simple monadic parser for ASN1 stream types
ghc-asn1-types 0.3.1ASN.1 types for Haskell
ghc-async 2.0.2Library to run IO operations asynchronously
ghc-attoparsec combinator parsing for bytestrings and text
ghc-auto-update run periodic, on-demand actions
ghc-base-compat 0.8.2Haskell compiler compatibility library
ghc-base-orphans 0.4.4Orphan instances for backwards compatibility
ghc-base64-bytestring encoding and decoding for ByteStrings
ghc-bifunctors 5Bifunctors for Haskell
ghc-blaze-builder buffered output
ghc-blaze-html HTML combinator library
ghc-blaze-markup markup combinator library for Haskell
ghc-byteable 0.1.1Type class for sequence of bytes
ghc-byteorder 1.0.4Exposes the native endianness of the system
ghc-bytestring-builder new bytestring builder, packaged outside of GHC
ghc-case-insensitive insensitive string comparison
ghc-cereal serialization library
ghc-cgi 3001.2.2.2Library for writing CGI programs
ghc-charset unicode character sets for Haskell
ghc-chasingbottoms of partial and infinite values in Haskell
ghc-cheapskate markdown processor
ghc-clock 0.5.1High-resolution clock for Haskell
ghc-cmark 0.4.1Fast, accurate CommonMark (Markdown) parser and renderer

This package provides Haskell bindings for libcmark, the reference parser for CommonMark, a fully specified variant of Markdown. It includes sources for libcmark (0.21.0) and does not require prior installation of the C library.
ghc-cmdargs 0.10.13Command line argument processing
ghc-comonad for Haskell
ghc-conduit data library
ghc-connection 0.2.5Simple and easy network connections API
ghc-contravariant 1.3.3Contravariant functors
ghc-cookie cookie parsing and rendering
ghc-cryptonite 0.9Cryptography primitives
ghc-css-text parser and renderer
ghc-data-default 0.5.3Types with default values
ghc-data-default-class 0.0.1Types with default values
ghc-data-default-instances-base 0.0.1Default instances for types in base
ghc-data-default-instances-containers 0.0.1Default instances for types in containers
ghc-data-default-instances-dlist 0.0.1Default instances for types in dlist
ghc-data-default-instances-old-locale 0.0.1Default instances for types in old-locale
ghc-deepseq-generics RNF implementation
ghc-diff 0.3.2O(ND) diff algorithm in Haskell
ghc-digest cryptographic hashes for bytestrings
ghc-distributive 0.4.4Distributive functors for Haskell
ghc-dlist lists
ghc-doctest 0.10.1Test interactive Haskell examples
ghc-easy-file 0.2.1File handling library for Haskell
ghc-enclosed-exceptions all exceptions from within an enclosed computation
ghc-exceptions optionally-pure exceptions
ghc-executable-path 0.0.3Find out the full path of the executable
ghc-extensible-exceptions exceptions for Haskell
ghc-extra 1.4.2Extra Haskell functions
ghc-fast-logger 2.4.1Fast logging system
ghc-fgl Erwig's Functional Graph Library
ghc-filemanip and directory manipulation for Haskell
ghc-fingertree finger-tree structure
ghc-free 4.12.1Unrestricted monads for Haskell
ghc-generic-deriving 1.8.0Generalise the deriving mechanism to arbitrary classes
ghc-gluraw Haskell bindings GLU
ghc-glut bindings for the OpenGL Utility Toolkit
ghc-haddock 2.16.1Documentation-generation tool for Haskell libraries
ghc-haddock-api 2.16.1API for documentation-generation tool Haddock
ghc-haddock-library 1.2.1Library exposing some functionality of Haddock
ghc-half floating-point computations
ghc-happy 1.19.5Parser generator for Haskell
ghc-hashable for types that can be converted to a hash value
ghc-haskell-src for manipulating Haskell source code
ghc-haskell-src-exts for manipulating Haskell source
ghc-haskell-src-meta source to template-haskell abstract syntax
ghc-highlighting-kate 0.6Syntax highlighting library

Highlighting-kate is a syntax highlighting library with support for nearly one hundred languages. The syntax parsers are automatically generated from Kate syntax descriptions, so any syntax supported by Kate can be added. An (optional) command-line program is provided, along with a utility for generating new parsers from Kate XML syntax descriptions.
ghc-hostname 1.0Hostname in Haskell
ghc-hourglass 0.2.9Simple time-related library for Haskell
ghc-hslua 0.4.1Lua language interpreter embedding in Haskell
ghc-hspec 2.2.0Testing Framework for Haskell
ghc-hspec-contrib 0.3.0Contributed functionality for Hspec
ghc-hspec-core 2.2.0Testing framework for Haskell
ghc-hspec-expectations 0.7.2Catchy combinators for HUnit
ghc-hspec-meta 2.2.0Version of Hspec to test Hspec itself
ghc-html combinator library
ghc-http 4000.2.20Library for client-side HTTP
ghc-http-client 0.4.24HTTP client engine
ghc-http-client-tls 0.2.2Backend for http-client using the TLS library
ghc-http-types 0.9Generic HTTP types for Haskell
ghc-hunit testing framework for Haskell
ghc-iproute 1.7.0IP routing table
ghc-juicypixels loading and serialization library
ghc-kan-extensions 4.2.3Kan extensions library
ghc-lens 4.13Lenses, Folds and Traversals
ghc-libxml 0.1.1Haskell bindings to libxml2
ghc-lifted-base IO operations from the base library
ghc-logging-facade 0.1.0Simple logging abstraction that allows multiple back-ends
ghc-logict logic-programming monad
ghc-memory 0.10Memory abstractions for Haskell
ghc-mime-types MIME type handling types and functions
ghc-mmap 0.5.9Memory mapped files for Haskell
ghc-mmorph 1.0.4Monad morphisms
ghc-mockery 0.3.2Support functions for automated testing
ghc-monad-control transformers to lift control operations like exception catching
ghc-mtl 2.2.1Monad classes, using functional dependencies
ghc-multipart 0.1.2HTTP multipart library
ghc-nats 1Natural numbers
ghc-network networking interface
ghc-network-uri for URI manipulation
ghc-objectname library for Haskell OpenGL
ghc-old-locale to locale conventions
ghc-old-time compatibility library for Haskell
ghc-opengl bindings for the OpenGL graphics system
ghc-openglraw Haskell bindings for the OpenGL graphics system
ghc-optparse-applicative and combinators for parsing command line options
ghc-packedstring for packed strings
ghc-pandoc between markup formats
ghc-pandoc-types for representing a structured document
ghc-parallel programming library
ghc-parsec 3.1.9Monadic parser combinators
ghc-parsers 0.12.3Parsing combinators
ghc-paths of GHC's installation directories
ghc-pcre-light library for Perl 5 compatible regular expressions
ghc-pem 0.2.2Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format reader and writer
ghc-polyparse 1.11Alternative parser combinator libraries
ghc-prelude-extras order versions of Prelude classes
ghc-primitive memory-related operations
ghc-profunctors 5.1.1Profunctors for Haskell
ghc-quickcheck 2.8.1Automatic testing of Haskell programs
ghc-quickcheck-instances 0.3.11Common quickcheck instances
ghc-quickcheck-io 0.1.2Use HUnit assertions as QuickCheck properties
ghc-quickcheck-unicode functions Unicode-related tests
ghc-random 1.1Random number library
ghc-reducers 3.12.1Semigroups, specialized containers and a general map/reduce framework
ghc-reflection 2.1Reify arbitrary terms into types that can be reflected back into terms
ghc-regex-base 0.93.2Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex
ghc-regex-compat 0.95.1Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex
ghc-regex-pcre-builtin of the builtin Text.Regex library
ghc-regex-posix 0.95.2POSIX regular expressions for Haskell
ghc-regex-tdfa-rc DFA regex engine for Haskell
ghc-resourcet 1.1.6Deterministic allocation and freeing of scarce resources
ghc-safe 0.3.9Library of safe (exception free) functions
ghc-scientific represented using scientific notation
ghc-sdl for Haskell
ghc-sdl-image bindings to libSDL_image
ghc-sdl-mixer bindings to libSDL_mixer
ghc-semigroupoids operations for Haskell
ghc-semigroups operations for Haskell
ghc-setenv for setting environment variables
ghc-sha suite of message digest functions
ghc-silently 1.2.5Prevent writing to stdout
ghc-simple-reflect 0.3.2Simple reflection of expressions containing variables
ghc-smallcheck 1.1.1Property-based testing library
ghc-socks 0.5.4SOCKS proxy (version 5) implementation.
ghc-split 0.2.2Combinator library for splitting lists
ghc-statevar variables for Haskell
ghc-stm 2.4.4Software Transactional Memory
ghc-streaming-commons and pipes needed by some streaming data libraries
ghc-stringbuilder 0.5.0Writer monad for multi-line string literals
ghc-stringsearch searching, splitting and replacing of ByteStrings
ghc-syb 0.6Scrap Your Boilerplate

This package contains the generics system described in the /Scrap Your Boilerplate/ papers (see the website). It defines the 'Data' class of types permitting folding and unfolding of constructor applications, instances of this class for primitive types, and a variety of traversals.
ghc-tagged 0.8.1Haskell phantom types to avoid passing dummy arguments
ghc-tagsoup 0.13.3Parsing and extracting information from (possibly malformed) HTML/XML documents
ghc-tasty and extensible testing framework
ghc-tasty-ant-xml 1.0.2Render tasty output to XML for Jenkins
ghc-tasty-golden tests support for tasty
ghc-tasty-hunit 0.9.2HUnit support for the Tasty test framework
ghc-tasty-kat 0.0.3Known Answer Tests (KAT) framework for tasty
ghc-tasty-quickcheck 0.8.4QuickCheck support for the Tasty test framework
ghc-tasty-smallcheck support for the Tasty test framework
ghc-temporary file and directory support
ghc-temporary-rc temporary file and directory support
ghc-test-framework for running and organising tests
ghc-test-framework-hunit support for test-framework
ghc-test-framework-quickcheck2 support for test-framework
ghc-texmath 0.8.4Conversion between formats used to represent mathematics
ghc-text packed Unicode text type library
ghc-tf-random 0.5High-quality splittable pseudorandom number generator
ghc-th-expand-syns type synonyms in Template Haskell ASTs
ghc-th-lift 0.7.5Derive Template Haskell's Lift class for datatypes
ghc-th-orphans 0.13.0Orphan instances for TH datatypes
ghc-th-reify-many 0.1.3Recurseively reify template haskell datatype info
ghc-tls 1.3.3TLS/SSL protocol native implementation (Server and Client)
ghc-transformers-base 0.4.4Backported transformer library
ghc-transformers-compat compatibility shim between transformers 0.3 and 0.4
ghc-trifecta 1.5.2Parser combinator library with convenient diagnostics
ghc-unbounded-delays thread delays and timeouts
ghc-uniplate 1.6.12Simple, concise and fast generic operations
ghc-unix-compat POSIX-compatibility layer
ghc-unix-time 0.3.6Unix time parser/formatter and utilities
ghc-unordered-containers hashing-based container types
ghc-utf8-string for reading and writing UTF8 Strings
ghc-vault store for arbitrary values
ghc-vector Arrays
ghc-vector-binary-instances of Data.Binary and Data.Serialize for vector
ghc-void 0.7.1Logically uninhabited data type
ghc-wai application interface for Haskell
ghc-wai-extra basic WAI handlers and middleware
ghc-wai-logger system for WAI
ghc-word8 0.1.2Word8 library for Haskell
ghc-x11 to the X11 graphics library
ghc-x11-xft 0.3.1Bindings to Xft
ghc-x509 1.6.3X509 reader and writer
ghc-x509-store 1.6.1X.509 collection accessing and storing methods
ghc-x509-system 1.6.1Handle system X.509 accessors and storage
ghc-x509-validation 1.6.3X.509 certificate and revocation list validation
ghc-xhtml 3000.2.1XHTML combinator library
ghc-xml 1.3.14Simple XML library for Haskell
ghc-xmonad-contrib 0.11.4Third party extensions for xmonad
ghc-xss-sanitize untrusted HTML to prevent XSS attacks
ghc-yaml and rendering YAML documents
ghc-zip-archive archive library for Haskell
ghc-zlib and decompression in the gzip and zlib formats
Part of GNUghostscript 9.14.0PostScript and PDF interpreter
Part of GNUghostscript-with-x 9.14.0PostScript and PDF interpreter
giblib 1.2.4Wrapper library for imlib2
giflib 5.1.1Tools and library for working with GIF images
Part of GNUgimp 2.8.14GNU Image Manipulation Program
girara 0.2.4Library for minimalistic gtk+3 user interfaces
git 2.6.3Distributed version control system
git-flow 0.4.2-preGit extensions for Vincent Driessen's branching model
git-manpages 2.6.3Man pages of the Git version control system
git-modes 1.2.0Emacs major modes for Git configuration files
git-test-sequence 20140312.48e5a2fRun a command over a sequence of commits
gitolite 3.6.2Git access control layer
Part of GNUgjs 1.44.0Javascript bindings for GNOME
gkrellm 2.3.5System monitors
Part of GNUglade 3.8.5GTK+ rapid application development tool
glew 1.11.0OpenGL extension loading library for C and C++
Part of GNUglib 2.46.1Thread-safe general utility library; basis of GTK+ and GNOME
Part of GNUglib-networking 2.46.1Network-related GIO modules
Part of GNUglibc 2.21The GNU C Library
Part of GNUglibc 2.22The GNU C Library
glibc-bootstrap 0Bootstrap binaries and headers of the GNU C Library
Part of GNUglibc-hurd 2.18The GNU C Library (GNU Hurd variant)
Part of GNUglibc-hurd-headers 2.18The GNU C Library (GNU Hurd variant)
patches: 1
Part of GNUglibc-locales 2.22All the locales supported by the GNU C Library
Part of GNUglibc-stripped-tarball 2.22The GNU C Library
Part of GNUglibc-utf8-locales 2.22Small sample of UTF-8 locales
Part of GNUglibmm 2.46.1C++ interface to the GLib library
glm Mathematics library
Part of GNUglobal 6.5.1Cross-environment source code tag system
Part of GNUglpk 4.57GNU Linear Programming Kit, supporting the MathProg language
glproto 1.4.17Xorg GLProto protocol headers
glu 9.0.0Mesa OpenGL Utility library
glulxe 0.5.2Interpreter for Glulx VM
Part of GNUgmime 2.6.20MIME message parser and creator library
Part of GNUgmp 6.0.0aMultiple-precision arithmetic library
gmsh 2.8.43D finite element grid generator
gmtp 1.3.9Simple graphical MTP client
Part of GNUgnome-bluetooth 3.18.1GNOME Bluetooth subsystem
Part of GNUgnome-common 3.18.0Bootstrap GNOME modules built from Git
Part of GNUgnome-control-center 3.18.2Utilities to configure the GNOME desktop
Part of GNUgnome-desktop 3.18.1Libgnome-desktop, gnome-about, and desktop-wide documents
Part of GNUgnome-doc-utils 0.20.10Documentation utilities for the Gnome project
Part of GNUgnome-icon-theme 3.12.0GNOME icon theme
Part of GNUgnome-keyring 3.18.3Daemon to store passwords and encryption keys
Part of GNUgnome-klotski 3.18.2Sliding block puzzles
Part of GNUgnome-mime-data 2.18.0Base MIME and Application database for GNOME
Part of GNUgnome-mines 3.18.2Minesweeper game
Part of GNUgnome-online-accounts 3.18.1Single sign-on framework for GNOME
Part of GNUgnome-session manager for GNOME
Part of GNUgnome-settings-daemon 3.18.2GNOME settings daemon
Part of GNUgnome-shell 3.18.3Desktop shell for GNOME
Part of GNUgnome-terminal 3.18.2Terminal emulator
Part of GNUgnome-themes-standard 3.18.0Default GNOME 3 themes
Part of GNUgnome-vfs 2.24.4Access files and folders in GNOME applications
Part of GNUgnu-c-manual 0.2.4Reference manual for the C programming language
Part of GNUgnu-pw-mgr 1.6Retrieve login credentials without recording passwords
Part of GNUgnubg 1.02Backgammon game
Part of GNUgnubik 2.4.23d Rubik's cube game
Part of GNUgnucash 2.6.9Personal and small business financial accounting software
Part of GNUgnugo 3.8Play the game of Go
Part of GNUgnujump 1.0.8Game of jumping to the next floor, trying not to fall
Part of GNUgnumach-headers 1.6GNU Mach kernel headers
Part of GNUgnumeric 1.12.24Spreadsheet application
Part of GNUgnunet 0.10.1Secure, decentralized, peer-to-peer networking framework
Part of GNUgnupg 1.4.20GNU Privacy Guard
Part of GNUgnupg 2.0.29GNU Privacy Guard
Part of GNUgnupg 2.1.10GNU Privacy Guard
gnuplot 5.0.1Command-line driven graphing utility
gnurl 7.45.0Microfork of cURL with support for the HTTP/HTTPS/GnuTLS subset of cURL
Part of GNUgnutls 3.4.5Transport layer security library
Part of GNUgobject-introspection 1.46.0Generate interface introspection data for GObject libraries
patches: 1, 2, 3, snippet
Part of GNUgoffice 0.8.17Document-centric objects and utilities
Part of GNUgoffice 0.10.24Document-centric objects and utilities
Part of GNUgom 0.3.1Object mapper from GObjects to SQLite
gourmet 0.17.4Recipe organizer
gp2c 0.0.9pl4PARI/GP, a computer algebra system for number theory
Part of GNUgperf 3.0.4Perfect hash function generator
Part of GNUgpgme 1.6.0Library providing simplified access to GnuPG functionality
gphoto2 2.5.2Command-line tools to access digital cameras
gpm 1.20.7Mouse support for the Linux console
Part of GNUgprolog 1.4.4Prolog compiler
gpsbabel 1.5.0Convert and exchange data with GPS and map programs
gpscorrelate photo correlation tool to geo-localize images
graphicsmagick 1.3.23Create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images
graphios 2.0.3Emit Nagios metrics to Graphite, Statsd, and Librato
graphite2 1.3.3Reimplementation of the SIL Graphite text processing engine
graphviz 2.38.0Graph visualization software
Part of GNUgrep 2.21Print lines matching a pattern
Part of GNUgrilo 0.2.14Framework for discovering and browsing media
Part of GNUgrilo-plugins 0.2.16Plugins for the Grilo media discovery library
grit 2.0.2Tool for integrative analysis of RNA-seq type assays
Part of GNUgroff 1.22.3Typesetting from plain text mixed with formatting commands
Part of GNUgrub 2.00GRand Unified Boot loader
grue-hunter 1.0Text adventure game
gs-fonts 8.11Free replacements for the PostScript fonts
Part of GNUgsasl 1.8.0Simple Authentication and Security Layer library
Part of GNUgsegrafix 1.0.6GNOME application to create scientific and engineering plots
Part of GNUgsettings-desktop-schemas 3.18.0GNOME settings for various desktop components
Part of GNUgsl 2.1Numerical library for C and C++
Part of GNUgss 1.0.3Generic Security Service library
gst-libav 1.6.1Plugins for the GStreamer multimedia library
gst-plugins-base 1.6.1Plugins for the GStreamer multimedia library
gst-plugins-good 1.6.1Plugins for the GStreamer multimedia library
gst-plugins-ugly 1.6.1GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set
gstreamer 1.6.1Multimedia library
Part of GNUgtk+ 3.18.2Cross-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces
Part of GNUgtk+ 2.24.28Cross-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces
Part of GNUgtk-doc 1.24Documentation generator from C source code
gtk-xfce-engine 2.10.1GTK+ theme engine for Xfce
gtkglext 1.2.0OpenGL extension to GTK+
Part of GNUgtkmm 2.24.4C++ interface to the GTK+ graphical user interface library
Part of GNUgtkmm 3.18.0C++ interface to the GTK+ graphical user interface library
Part of GNUgtksourceview 2.10.5Widget that extends the standard GTK+ 2.x 'GtkTextView' widget
Part of GNUgtksourceview 3.18.1GNOME source code widget
gts 0.7.6Triangulated Surface Library
Part of GNUgtypist 2.9.5Typing tutor
Part of GNUguile 1.8.8Scheme implementation intended especially for extensions
Part of GNUguile 2.0.11Scheme implementation intended especially for extensions
Part of GNUguile 2.0.11Scheme implementation intended especially for extensions

Guile is the GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions, the official extension language of the GNU system. It is an implementation of the Scheme language which can be easily embedded in other applications to provide a convenient means of extending the functionality of the application without requiring the source code to be rewritten.
patches: 1
guile-bootstrap 2.0Bootstrap Guile
guile-cairo 1.4.1Cairo bindings for GNU Guile
guile-charting 0.2.0Create charts and graphs in Guile
Part of GNUguile-emacs 20150512.41120e0The extensible, customizable, self-documenting text editor
Part of GNUguile-for-guile-emacs 20150510.d8d9a8dSnapshot of what will become version 2.2 of GNU Guile
guile-gdbm-ffi 20120209.fa1d5b6Guile bindings to the GDBM library via Guile's FFI
Part of GNUguile-gnunet 0.0.383eac2Guile bindings for GNUnet services
guile-irregex 0.9.3S-expression based regular expressions
guile-json 0.4.0JSON module for Guile
guile-lib 0.2.2Collection of useful Guile Scheme modules
guile-minikanren 20150424.e844d85MiniKanren declarative logic system, packaged for Guile
Part of GNUguile-ncurses 1.6Guile bindings to ncurses
Part of GNUguile-next 2.1.1Snapshot of what will become version 2.2 of GNU Guile
Part of GNUguile-opengl 0.1.0Guile binding for the OpenGL graphics API
guile-present 0.3.0Create SVG or PDF presentations in Guile
guile-reader 0.6.1Framework for building readers for GNU Guile
guile-redis 0.1.0Redis client library for Guile
guile-rsvg 2.18.1Render SVG images using Cairo from Guile
Part of GNUguile-sdl 0.5.2Guile interface for SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer)
guile-sly 0.12D/3D game engine for GNU Guile
guile-ssh 0.9.0Guile bindings to libssh
Part of GNUguile-static-stripped 2.0.11Minimal statically-linked and relocatable Guile
Part of GNUguile-static-stripped-tarball 2.0.11Minimal statically-linked and relocatable Guile
guile-wisp 0.9.0Whitespace to lisp syntax for Guile
guile-wm 1.0X11 window manager toolkit in Scheme
guile-xcb 1.3XCB bindings for Guile
guitarix 0.34.0Virtual guitar amplifier
Part of GNUguix package manager for installed software packages and versions
Part of GNUguix 0.9.0Functional package manager for installed software packages and versions
gumbo-parser 0.10.1HTML5 parsing library
gusb 0.2.6GLib binding for libusb1
Part of GNUgv 3.7.4PostScript and PDF viewer using Ghostscript as a back-end
Part of GNUgvfs 1.26.2Userspace virtual filesystem for GIO
Part of GNUgvpe 2.25Secure VPN among multiple nodes over an untrusted network
Part of GNUgxmessage 3.4.3Open popup message window with buttons for return
Part of GNUgzip 1.6General file (de)compression (using lzw)
gzochi 0.9Scalable middleware for multiplayer games
harfbuzz 1.0.5OpenType text shaping engine
haskell-mode 13.14.2Haskell mode for Emacs
haunt 0.1Functional static site generator
hdf5 1.8.12Management suite for extremely large and complex data
hdparm 9.45Tune hard disk parameters for high performance
hdup 2.0.14Simple incremental backup tool
Part of GNUhello 2.10Hello, GNU world: An example GNU package
Part of GNUhelp2man 1.47.3Automatically generate man pages from program --help
hevea 2.23LaTeX to HTML translator
hexchat 2.10.1Graphical IRC Client
hicolor-icon-theme 0.12Freedesktop icon theme
hisat 0.1.4Hierarchical indexing for spliced alignment of transcripts
hlint 1.9.21Suggest improvements for Haskell source code
hmmer 3.1b2Biosequence analysis using profile hidden Markov models
hoedown 3.0.3Markdown processing library
hop 2.4.0Multi-tier programming language for the Web 2.0
hscolour 1.23Script to colourise Haskell code
hspec-discover 2.2.0Automatically discover and run Hspec tests
htop 1.0.3Interactive process viewer
htseq 0.6.1Analysing high-throughput sequencing data with Python
htsjdk 1.129Java API for high-throughput sequencing data (HTS) formats
htslib 1.2.1C library for reading/writing high-throughput sequencing data
httpd 2.4.16Featureful HTTP server
hugs Sep2006Functional programming system based on Haskell 98
hunspell 1.3.3Spell checker
Part of GNUhurd-headers 0.7GNU Hurd headers
Part of GNUhurd-minimal 0.7GNU Hurd libraries
hwloc 1.11.1Abstraction of hardware architectures
hydra 20150407.4c0e3e4Continuous build system
hydrogen machine
hyphen 2.8.8Hyphenation library
i2c-tools 3.1.1I2C tools for Linux
i3-wm 4.10.3Improved tiling window manager
i3status 2.9Status bar for i3bar, dzen2, xmobar or similar programs
ibus 1.5.11Input method framework
ibus-libpinyin 1.7.2Chinese Pinyin and ZhuYin input methods for IBus
iceauth 1.0.6ICE authority file utility
icecast 2.4.1Streaming media server
Part of GNUicecat 38.5.0-gnu1Entirely free browser derived from Mozilla Firefox
icedtea6 1.13.9Java development kit
icedtea7 2.6.3Java development kit
icon-naming-utils 0.8.90Utility to implement the Freedesktop Icon Naming Specification
icu4c 55.1International Components for Unicode
patches: 1, 2, 3
id3lib 3.8.3Library for reading, writing, and manipulating ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags
idr 2.0.0Tool to measure the irreproducible discovery rate (IDR)
idris purpose language with full dependent types
Part of GNUidutils 4.6Identifier database utilities
ifstatus 1.1.0Text based network interface status monitor
Part of GNUijs 9.14.0IJS driver framework for inkjet and other raster devices
ilmbase 2.2.0Utility C++ libraries for threads, maths, and exceptions
imagemagick 6.9.2-1Create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images
imake 1.0.7Source code configuration and build system
imlib2 1.4.7Loading, saving, rendering and manipulating image files
Part of GNUindent 2.2.10Code reformatter
Part of GNUinetutils 1.9.4Basic networking utilities
iniparser 3.1Standalone ini file parsing library
Part of GNUinklingreader 0.8Wacom Inkling sketch format conversion and manipulation
inkscape 0.91Vector graphics editor
inotify-tools 3.13Monitor file accesses
inputproto 2.3.1Xorg InputProto protocol headers
intltool 0.51.0Tools to centralise translations of different file formats
iotop 0.6Displays the IO activity of running processes
iproute2 3.12.0Utilities for controlling TCP/IP networking and traffic in Linux
iptables to configure the Linux IP packet filtering rules
ir 1.3.2LV2 convolution reverb
irrlicht 1.8.13D game engine written in C++
irssi 0.8.17Terminal-based IRC client
isc-dhcp 4.3.3Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) tools
isl 0.11.1Manipulating sets and relations of integer points bounded by linear constraints
iso-codes 3.49Various ISO standards
isync 1.2.1Mailbox synchronization program
itstool 2.0.2Tool to translate XML documents with PO files
iw 3.17Tool for configuring wireless devices
ixion 0.9.1General purpose formula parser and interpreter
jack 0.124.1JACK audio connection kit
jack2 1.9.10JACK audio connection kit
jalv 1.4.6Simple LV2 host for JACK
jansson 2.7JSON C library
jasper 1.900.1JPEG-2000 library
jbig2dec 0.11Decoder of the JBIG2 image compression format
jemalloc 3.6.0General-purpose scalable concurrent malloc implementation
jnettop 0.13.0Visualize network traffic by bandwidth use
jpegoptim 1.4.3Optimize JPEG images
jrnl 1.8.4Personal journal application
json-c 0.12JSON implementation in C
Part of GNUjson-glib 1.0.4Compiler for the GObject type system
julia 0.4.2High-performance dynamic language for technical computing
kbd 2.0.2Linux keyboard utilities and keyboard maps
kbproto 1.0.6Xorg KBProto protocol headers
keepassx 2.0Password manager
key-mon 1.17Show keyboard and mouse status
klick 0.12.2Metronome for JACK
kmod 17Kernel module tools
kodi 15.2Media center for home theater computers
kwindowsystem 5.12.0KDE access to the windowing system
lablgtk 2.18.3GTK+ bindings for OCaml
ladspa 1.13Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plugin API (LADSPA)
lame 3.99.5MPEG Audio Layer III (MP3) encoder
lapack 3.5.0Library for numerical linear algebra
lash 0.6.0-rc2Audio application session manager
lcms 2.6Little CMS, a small-footprint colour management engine
lcov 1.10Code coverage tool that enhances GNU gcov
Part of GNUld-wrapper 0The linker wrapper
ldb 1.1.24LDAP-like embedded database
leptonica 1.72Library and tools for image processing and analysis
Part of GNUless 481Paginator for terminals
lesstif 0.95.2Clone of the Motif toolkit for the X window system
letsencrypt 0.1.1Let's Encrypt client
lftp 4.6.1Command-line file transfer program
liba52 0.7.4ATSC A/52 stream decoder
libabw 0.1.1Library for parsing the AbiWord format
libaio 0.3.110Linux-native asynchronous I/O access library
libarchive 3.1.2Multi-format archive and compression library
Part of GNUlibart-lgpl 2.3.212D drawing library
libass 0.13.1Subtitle rendering library for the ASS/SSA format
Part of GNUlibassuan 2.4.2IPC library used by GnuPG and related software
libatasmart 0.19ATA S.M.A.R.T. reading and parsing library
libatomic-ops 7.4.2Accessing hardware atomic memory update operations
libavc1394 0.5.4AV/C protocol library for IEEE 1394
libbluray 0.9.2Blu-Ray Disc playback library
Part of GNUlibbonobo 2.32.1Framework for creating reusable components for use in GNOME applications
Part of GNUlibbonoboui 2.24.5Some user interface controls using Bonobo
libbs2b 3.1.0Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP
libcaca 0.99.beta19Colour ASCII-art library
libcanberra 0.30Implementation of the XDG Sound Theme and Name Specifications
libcap 2.24Library for working with POSIX capabilities
libcap-ng 0.7.4Library for more easily working with POSIX capabilities
libcddb 1.3.0C library to access data on a CDDB server
Part of GNUlibcdio 0.93CD Input and Control library
Part of GNUlibcdio-paranoia 10.2+0.93+1Jitter- and error-tolerant CD audio extraction
libcdr 0.1.1Library for parsing the CorelDRAW format
Part of GNUlibchamplain 0.12.12C library providing a ClutterActor to display maps
libchop 0.5.2Tools & library for data backup and distributed storage
libcmis 0.5.0CMIS client library
libconfig 1.5C/C++ configuration file library
libconfuse 2.7Configuration file parser library
Part of GNUlibcroco 0.6.8CSS2 parsing and manipulation library
libcue 1.4.0C library to parse cue sheets
libdaemon 0.14Lightweight C library that eases the writing of UNIX daemons
libdbusmenu-qt 0.9.2Qt implementation of the DBusMenu protocol
libdca 0.0.5DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder
libdmx 1.1.3Xorg DMX library
libdrm 2.4.65Direct rendering userspace library
libdv 1.0.0DV video (IEC 61834 and SMPTE 314M) codec
libdvdcss 1.3.99Library for accessing DVDs as block devices
libdvdnav 5.0.3Library for video DVD navigation features
libdvdnav 4.2.1Library for video DVD navigation features
libdvdread 5.0.3Library for reading video DVDs
libe-book 0.1.2Library for import of reflowable e-book formats
libedit 20150325-3.1NetBSD Editline library
libelf 0.8.13ELF object file access library
libepoxy 1.2A library for handling OpenGL function pointer management
libesmtp 1.0.6Library for sending mail via remote hosts using SMTP
libetonyek 0.1.3Library for parsing the Apple Keynote format
libetpan 1.6Portable middleware for email access
libev 4.20Event loop loosely modelled after libevent
libevdev 1.3Wrapper library for evdev devices
libevent 2.0.21Event notification library
libexif 0.6.21Read and manipulate EXIF data in digital photographs
Part of GNUlibextractor 1.3Library to extract meta-data from media files
libexttextcat 3.4.4Text Categorization library
Part of GNUlibffcall 1.10+cvs-2015-01-15Foreign function calls from interpreters
libffi 3.1Foreign function call interface library
libfm 1.2.3File management support (core library)
libfm-extra 1.2.3File management support (extra library)
libfontenc 1.1.2Xorg font encoding library
libfreehand 0.1.0Library for parsing the FreeHand format
libfs 1.0.6Xorg Font Service client library
libftdi 1.1FTDI USB driver with bitbang mode
libgc 7.4.2The Boehm-Demers-Weiser conservative garbage collector for C and C++
libgc 7.2fThe Boehm-Demers-Weiser conservative garbage collector for C and C++
libgc-cxx 7.4.2The Boehm-Demers-Weiser conservative garbage collector for C and C++
Part of GNUlibgcrypt 1.6.3Cryptographic function library
Part of GNUlibgcrypt 1.5.4Cryptographic function library
Part of GNUlibgee 0.18.0GObject collection library
libgit2 0.23.3Library providing Git core methods
Part of GNUlibglade 2.6.4Load glade interfaces and access the glade built widgets
Part of GNUlibgnome 2.32.1Useful routines for building applications
Part of GNUlibgnome-keyring 3.12.0Accessing passwords from the GNOME keyring
Part of GNUlibgnomecanvas 2.30.3Flexible widget for creating interactive structured graphics
Part of GNUlibgnomecanvasmm 2.26.0C++ bindings to the GNOME Canvas library
Part of GNUlibgnomeprint 2.8.2Printing framework for GNOME
Part of GNUlibgnomeprintui 2.8.2Printing framework for GNOME
Part of GNUlibgnomeui 2.24.5Additional widgets for applications
Part of GNUlibgpg-error 1.19Library of error values for GnuPG components
libgphoto2 2.5.2Accessing digital cameras
Part of GNUlibgsf 1.14.34GNOME's Structured File Library
libgtextutils 0.7Gordon's text utils library
Part of GNUlibgtop 2.32.0Portable system access library
Part of GNUlibgudev 230GObject bindings for libudev
Part of GNUlibgweather 3.18.1Location, time zone, and weather library for GNOME
Part of GNUlibiberty 4.9.3Collection of subroutines used by various GNU programs
libical 1.0.1iCalendar protocols and data formats implementation
libice 1.0.9Xorg Inter-Client Exchange library
libid3tag 0.15.1bLibrary for reading ID3 tags
Part of GNUlibidl 0.8.14Create trees of CORBA Interface Definition Language files
Part of GNUlibidn 1.32Internationalized string processing library
libiec61883 1.2.0Isochronous streaming media library for IEEE 1394
libinput 0.21.0Input devices handling library
libjpeg 9aLibrary for handling JPEG files
libjpeg 8dLibrary for handling JPEG files
libkate 0.4.1Karaoke and text codec for embedding in ogg
Part of GNUlibksba 1.3.3CMS and X.509 access library
liblo 0.28Implementation of the Open Sound Control protocol
Part of GNUlibltdl 2.4.6System-independent dlopen wrapper of GNU libtool
liblxqt 0.9.0Core utility library for all LXQt components
libmad 0.15.1bMPEG audio decoder
libmbim 1.12.2Library to communicate with MBIM-powered modems
libmcrypt 2.5.8Encryption algorithm library
libmhash hash library
Part of GNUlibmicrohttpd 0.9.48C library implementing an HTTP 1.1 server
libmikmod 3.3.7Library for module sound formats
libmng 2.0.3Library for handling MNG files
libmodplug file playing library
libmp3splt 0.8.1aLibrary for splitting mp3 and ogg vorbis files
libmpcdec 1.2.6Decoding library for the Musepack audio format
libmpdclient 2.10Music Player Daemon client library
libmpeg2 0.5.1MPEG1 and MPEG2 video decoder library
libmspack 0.5Compression tools for some formats used by Microsoft
libmspub 0.1.2Library for parsing the Microsoft Publisher format
libmtp 1.1.9Library implementing the Media Transfer Protocol
libmwaw 0.3.5Import library for some old Macintosh text documents
libndp 1.5Library for Neighbor Discovery Protocol
libnl 3.2.25NetLink protocol library suite
Part of GNUlibnotify 0.7.6GNOME desktop notification library
libntlm 1.3Library that implements NTLM authentication
libodfgen 0.1.3ODF (Open Document Format) library
libogg 1.3.2Library for manipulating the ogg multimedia format
liboop 1.0Event loop library
libotr 3.2.1Off-the-Record (OTR) Messaging Library and Toolkit
libotr 4.1.0Off-the-Record (OTR) Messaging Library and Toolkit
libpagemaker 0.0.2Library for parsing the PageMaker format
libpano13 2.9.19Library for panoramic images
libpaper 1.1.24Library for handling paper sizes
libpcap 1.7.4Network packet capture library
libpciaccess 0.13.4Xorg PCI access library
Part of GNUlibpeas 1.16.0GObject plugin system
libphidget library to manipulate Phidgets
libpinyin 1.2.0Library to handle Chinese Pinyin
libpipeline 1.4.0C library for manipulating pipelines of subprocesses
libpng 1.5.26Library for handling PNG files
libpsl 0.7.1C library for the Publix Suffix List
libpthread-stubs 0.3Library with pthread stubs
libpwquality 1.3.0Password quality checker
libqmi 1.12.6Library to communicate with QMI-powered modems
libqtxdg 1.2.0Qt implementation of xdg specifications
libquvi 0.4.1Media stream URL parser
libquvi-scripts 0.4.21Media stream URL parser
libraw 0.17.0Raw image decoder
libraw1394 2.1.0Interface library for the Linux IEEE1394 drivers
librecad 2.0.6-rcComputer-aided design (CAD) application
libreoffice suite
librep 0.92.5Lisp system for sawfish
libressl 2.2.0SSL/TLS implementation
librevenge 0.0.2Document importer for office suites
Part of GNUlibrsvg 2.40.11Render SVG files using Cairo
librsync 0.9.7Implementation of the rsync remote-delta algorithm
libsamplerate 0.1.8Audio sample rate conversion library
libsbsms 2.0.2Library for time stretching and pitch scaling of audio
Part of GNUlibsecret 0.18.3GObject bindings for "Secret Service" API
libshout 2.3.1Audio streaming library for icecast encoders
Part of GNUlibsigc++ 2.6.1Type-safe callback system for standard C++
Part of GNUlibsigsegv 2.10Library for handling page faults
libsm 1.2.2Xorg Session Management library
libsndfile 1.0.25Reading and writing files containing sampled sound
libsodium 1.0.0Portable NaCl-based crypto library
Part of GNUlibsoup 2.52.1GLib-based HTTP Library
libspectre 0.2.7Postscript rendering library
libspiro 20071029Clothoid to bezier conversion library
libsrtp 1.5.2Secure RTP (SRTP) Reference Implementation
libssh 0.6.5SSH client library
libssh2 1.4.3Client-side C library implementing the SSH2 protocol
Part of GNUlibstdc++ 4.9.3GNU C++ standard library
Part of GNUlibstdc++-doc 4.9.3GNU libstdc++ documentation
Part of GNUlibstdc++-doc 5.3.0GNU libstdc++ documentation
libsvm 3.20Library for Support Vector Machines
libtar 1.2.11C library for manipulating POSIX tar files
Part of GNUlibtasn1 4.5ASN.1 library
libtheora 1.1.1Library implementing the Theora video format
libtiff 4.0.5Library for handling TIFF files
libtirpc 0.2.4Transport-independent Sun/ONC RPC implementation
libtocc 1.0.1Tool for Obsessive Compulsive Classifiers
Part of GNUlibtool 2.4.6Generic shared library support tools

GNU Libtool helps in the creation and use of shared libraries, by presenting a single consistent, portable interface that hides the usual complexity of working with shared libraries across platforms.
patches: 1
libtorrent 0.13.6BitTorrent library of rtorrent
libungif 4.1.4GIF decompression library
libuninameslist 0.4.20140731Unicode names and annotation list
Part of GNUlibunistring 0.9.6C library for manipulating Unicode strings
libunwind 1.1Determining the call chain of a program
libupnp 1.6.19Portable SDK for UPnP Devices
libusb 1.0.19User-space USB library
libusb-compat 0.1.5Compatibility shim for libusb
libuv 1.4.2Library for asynchronous I/O
libva 1.6.1Video acceleration library
libvisio 0.1.0Library for parsing the Microsoft Visio format
libvorbis 1.3.5Library implementing the vorbis audio format
libvpx 1.4.0VP8/VP9 video codec
libwacom 0.12Helper library for Wacom tablet settings
libwebp 0.4.3Lossless and lossy image compression
libwebsockets 1.3WebSockets library written in C
libwindowswm 1.0.1Xorg WindowsWM library
libwmf for reading images in the Microsoft WMF format
Part of GNUlibwnck 2.30.7Window Navigator Construction Kit
Part of GNUlibwnck 3.14.0Window Navigator Construction Kit
libwpd 0.10.0Library for importing WordPerfect documents
libwpg 0.3.0Library and tools for the WordPerfect Graphics format
libwps 0.4.0Import library for Microsoft Works text documents
libx11 1.6.2Xorg Core X11 protocol client library
libx264 20150706-2245H.264 video coding library

non-copyleft (This is a lax, non-copyleft free software license. Check the URI for details. See extras/cl.h in the distribution.)
libxau 1.0.8Xorg Authorization library
libxaw 1.0.12Xorg Xaw library
libxaw3d 1.6.2Xorg Xaw3d library
libxcb 1.11The X C Binding (XCB) library
libxcomposite 0.4.4Xorg Composite library
libxcursor 1.1.14Xorg Cursor management library
libxdamage 1.1.4Xorg Damage Extension library
libxdg-basedir 1.2.0Implementation of the XDG Base Directory specification
libxdmcp 1.1.1Xorg Display Manager Control Protocol library
libxext 1.3.3Xorg Common extensions library
libxfce4ui 4.12.0Widgets library for Xfce
libxfce4util 4.12.1Basic utility library for Xfce
libxfixes 5.0.1Xorg Fixes Extension library
libxfont 1.5.1Xorg Font handling library
libxft 2.3.2Xorg FreeType library
libxi 1.7.4Xorg Input Extension library
libxinerama 1.1.3Xorg Xinerama protocol library
libxkbcommon 0.5.0Library to handle keyboard descriptions
libxkbfile 1.0.8Xorg XKB file handling library
Part of GNUlibxklavier 5.3High-level API for X Keyboard Extension
Part of GNUlibxml++ 2.91.2C++ wrapper for XML parser library libxml2
libxml2 2.9.3C parser for XML
libxmp 4.3.8Module player library
libxmu 1.1.2Xorg Xmu library
libxp 1.0.2Xorg Print Client library
libxpm 3.5.11Xorg XPM library
libxrandr 1.4.2Xorg Resize and Rotate Extension library
libxrender 0.9.8Xorg Render Extension library
libxres 1.0.7Xorg Resource extension library
libxscrnsaver 1.2.2Xorg Screen Saver library
libxshmfence 1.1Xorg shared memory fences library
libxslt 1.1.28C library for applying XSLT stylesheets to XML documents
libxt 1.1.4Xorg XToolkit Intrinsics library
libxtst 1.2.2Xorg library for Xtest and Record extensions
libxv 1.0.10Xorg XVideo Extension library
libxvmc 1.0.8Xorg XvMC library
libxxf86dga 1.1.4Xorg XFree86-DGA library
libxxf86vm 1.1.3Xorg XF86 Video Mode Extension library
libyajl 2.1.0C library for parsing JSON
libyaml 0.1.5YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C
libyubikey 1.12Development kit for the YubiKey authentication device
Part of GNUlightning 2.1.0Library for generating assembly code at runtime
lilv 0.20.0Library to simplify use of LV2 plugins in applications
Part of GNUlilypond 2.19.33Music typesetting
links 2.12Text and graphics mode web browser
Part of GNUlinux-libre 4.3.3100% free redistribution of a cleaned Linux kernel
Part of GNUlinux-libre-headers 3.14.37GNU Linux-Libre kernel headers
linux-pam 1.2.1Pluggable authentication modules for Linux
lirc 0.9.3Linux Infrared Remote Control
livestreamer 1.12.2Internet video stream viewer
llvm 3.6.2Optimizing compiler infrastructure
llvm 3.5.0Optimizing compiler infrastructure
lm-sensors 3.3.5Utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors
lout 3.40Document layout system
love 0.10.02D game framework for Lua
lpsolve integer linear programming (MILP) solver
lrdf 0.5.0Lightweight RDF library for accessing LADSPA plugin metadata
Part of GNUlsh 2.1GNU implementation of the Secure Shell (ssh) protocols
lsof 4.88Display information about open files
ltrace 0.7.3Library call tracer for Linux
lua 5.1.5Embeddable scripting language
lua 5.2.3Embeddable scripting language
luajit 2.0.3Just in time compiler for Lua programming language version 5.1
luit 1.1.1Convert terminal I/O from legacy encodings to UTF-8
lv2 1.12.0LV2 audio plugin specification
lv2-mda-epiano 0.0.2LV2 port of the mda EPiano plugin
lv2-mda-piano 0.0.2LV2 port of the mda Piano plugin
lvm2 2.02.109Logical volume management for Linux
lvtk 1.2.0C++ libraries for LV2 plugins
lxappearance 0.6.1LXDE GTK+ theme switcher
lxqt-common 0.9.1Common files for LXQt
lxqt-session 0.9.0Session manager for LXQt
lxrandr 0.3.0LXDE monitor configuration tool
lxtask 0.1.6LXDE task manager
lxterminal 0.2.0LXDE terminal emulator
lynx 2.8.8rel.2Text Web Browser
lz4 131Compression algorithm focused on speed
lzip 1.16Lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm
lzo 2.09Data compression library suitable for real-time data de-/compression
lzop 1.03Compress or expand files
Part of GNUm4 1.4.17Macro processor
macs based analysis for ChIP-Seq data
mafft 7.267Multiple sequence alignment program
magit 2.3.1Emacs interface for the Git version control system
magit-svn 2.1.1Git-SVN extension to Magit
Part of GNUmailutils 2.2Utilities and library for reading and serving mail
Part of GNUmake 4.1Remake files automatically
makedepend 1.0.5Xorg makedepend utility
man-db 2.7.1Standard Unix documentation system
man-pages 3.82Development manual pages from the Linux project
manaplus for 'The Mana World' and similar games
mariadb 10.0.20SQL database server
markdown 1.0.1Text-to-HTML conversion tool
mars space shooter
maxima 5.36.1Numeric and symbolic expression manipulation
Part of GNUmc 4.8.11Graphical file manager
Part of GNUmcron 1.0.8Run jobs at scheduled times
mcrypt 2.6.8Replacement for the popular Unix crypt command
mdadm 3.3.2Tool for managing Linux Software RAID arrays
mdds 0.12.1Multi-dimensional C++ data structures and indexing algorithms
menu-cache 1.0.0LXDE implementation of the freedesktop menu's cache
mercurial 3.2.4Decentralized version control system
mesa 11.0.3OpenGL implementation
mesa-headers 11.0.3OpenGL implementation
mesa-utils 8.2.0Utility tools for Mesa
metabat 0.26.1Reconstruction of single genomes from complex microbial communities
metis 5.1.0Graph partitioning and fill-reducing matrix ordering library
mg 20050429Microscopic GNU Emacs clone
microscheme 0.9.2Scheme subset for Atmel microcontrollers
Part of GNUmig 1.6Mach 3.0 interface generator for the Hurd
minetest 0.4.13Infinite-world block sandbox game
mingetty 1.08Getty for the text console
miniupnpc 1.9Library implementing the client side UPnP protocol
minixml 2.9Small XML parsing library
miredo 1.2.6Teredo IPv6 tunneling software
Part of GNUmiscfiles 1.5Data files for airport codes, zip codes, a dictionary, and more
miso 0.5.3Mixture of Isoforms model for RNA-Seq isoform quantitation
mit-krb5 1.13.2MIT Kerberos 5
Part of GNUmit-scheme 9.2A Scheme implementation with integrated editor and debugger

GNU/MIT Scheme is an implementation of the Scheme programming language. It provides an interpreter, a compiler and a debugger. It also features an integrated Emacs-like editor and a large runtime library.
mkfontdir 1.0.7Create an index of X font files in a directory
mkfontscale 1.1.1Create an index of scalable font files for X server
mlt 0.9.8Author, manage, and run multitrack audio/video compositions
modem-manager 1.4.12Mobile broadband modems manager
module-init-tools 3.16Tools for loading and managing Linux kernel modules
Part of GNUmoe 1.7Modeless, multiple-buffer, user-friendly 8-bit text editor
moreutils 0.57Miscellaneous general-purpose command-line tools
mosaik 2.2.30Map nucleotide sequence reads to reference genomes
mosh 1.2.5Remote shell tolerant to intermittent connectivity
mozjs 17.0.0Mozilla javascript engine
mozjs 24.2.0Mozilla javascript engine
mp3info 0.8.5aMP3 technical info viewer and ID3 1.x tag editor
mp3splt 2.5.1Utility for splitting mp3 and ogg vorbis files
Part of GNUmpc 1.0.3C library for arbitrary precision complex arithmetic
mpc123 0.2.4Audio player for Musepack-formatted files
mpd 0.19.10Music Player Daemon
mpd-mpc 0.27Music Player Daemon client
mpdscribble 0.22MPD client for track scrobbling
Part of GNUmpfr 3.1.3C library for arbitrary precision floating-point arithmetic
mpfrcx 0.4.2Arithmetic of polynomials over arbitrary precision numbers
mpg123 1.22.4Console MP3 player and decoder library
mpg321 0.3.1Command-line MP3 player
mplayer 1.2Audio and video player
mpv 0.14.0Audio and video player
msmtp 1.6.3Simple and easy to use SMTP client with decent sendmail compatibility
mtdev 1.1.3Multitouch protocol translation library
Part of GNUmtools 4.0.18Access MS-DOS disks without mounting
mu 0.9.13Quickly find emails
mumps 5.0.1Multifrontal sparse direct solver
mumps-metis 5.0.1Multifrontal sparse direct solver
mumps-metis-openmpi 5.0.1Multifrontal sparse direct solver (with MPI)
mumps-openmpi 5.0.1Multifrontal sparse direct solver (with MPI)
patches: 1
muparser 2.2.5Fast parser library for mathematical expressions
mupdf 1.6Lightweight PDF viewer and toolkit
mupen64plus-audio-sdl 2.5Mupen64Plus SDL input plugin
mupen64plus-core 2.5Nintendo 64 emulator core library
mupen64plus-input-sdl 2.5Mupen64Plus SDL input plugin
mupen64plus-rsp-hle 2.5Mupen64Plus SDL input plugin
mupen64plus-rsp-z64 2.0.0Mupen64Plus SDL input plugin
mupen64plus-ui-console 2.5Mupen64Plus SDL input plugin
mupen64plus-video-arachnoid 2.0.0Mupen64Plus Rice Video plugin
mupen64plus-video-glide64 2.0.0Mupen64Plus Rice Video plugin
mupen64plus-video-glide64mk2 2.5Mupen64Plus Rice Video plugin
mupen64plus-video-rice 2.5Mupen64Plus Rice Video plugin
mupen64plus-video-z64 2.0.0Mupen64Plus Z64 video plugin
mutt 1.5.24Mail client
Part of GNUmutter 3.18.1Window and compositing manager
myrepos 1.20151022Multiple repository management tool
mysql 5.6.25Fast, easy to use, and popular database
mythes 1.2.4Thesaurus
Part of GNUnano 2.5.0Small, user-friendly console text editor
ncbi-vdb 2.5.4Database engine for genetic information
ncdc 1.19Lightweight direct connect client with a friendly ncurses interface
ncdu 1.11Ncurses based disk usage analyzer
ncftp 3.2.5Command-line File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client
ncmpc 0.24Curses Music Player Daemon client
ncmpcpp 0.6.7Featureful ncurses based MPD client inspired by ncmpc
Part of GNUncurses 6.0Terminal emulation (termcap, terminfo) library
neon 0.30.0HTTP and WebDAV client library
nestopia-ue 1.46.2Nintendo Entertainment System (NES/Famicom) emulator
net-base 5.3IANA protocol, port, and RPC number assignments
net-tools 1.60Tools for controlling the network subsystem in Linux
netcat 0.7.1Read and write data over TCP/IP
netpbm 10.61.01Toolkit for manipulation of images
patches: snippet
Part of GNUnettle 2.7.1C library for low-level cryptographic functionality
Part of GNUnettle 3.1.1C library for low-level cryptographic functionality
Part of GNUnetwork-manager 1.0.6Network connection manager
Part of GNUnetwork-manager-applet 1.0.6Applet for managing network connections
newt 0.52.18Not Erik's Windowing Toolkit - text mode windowing with slang
nginx 1.8.0HTTP and reverse proxy server
ngircd 22Lightweight Internet Relay Chat server for small networks
ngs-java 1.2.2Java bindings for NGS SDK
ngs-sdk 1.2.2API for accessing Next Generation Sequencing data
ninja 1.5.3Small build system
nix 1.10The Nix package manager
node 0.12.7Evented I/O for V8 JavaScript
non-sequencer 1.9.5-1d9bd576Pattern-based MIDI sequencer
notmuch 0.21Thread-based email index, search, and tagging
noweb 2.11bLiterate programming tool
Part of GNUnpth 1.2Non-preemptive thread library
nspr 4.10.10Netscape API for system level and libc-like functions
nss 3.20.2Network Security Services
nss-certs 3.20.2CA certificates from Mozilla
nss-mdns 0.10The mDNS Name Service Switch (NSS) plug-in
ntk 1.3.0Fork of FLTK with graphics rendering via Cairo
ntp 4.2.8p4Real time clock synchronization system
numactl 2.0.11Tools for non-uniform memory access (NUMA) machines
nvi 1.81.6The Berkeley Vi Editor
obs 0.12.4Live streaming software
ocaml 4.02.3The OCaml programming language
Part of GNUocrad 0.25Optical character recognition based on feature extraction
Part of GNUoctave 4.0.0High-level language for numerical computation
offlineimap 6.6.1Sync emails between two repositories
opam 1.1.1Package manager for OCaml
openal 1.15.13D audio API
openblas 0.2.15Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS
openbox 3.5.2Box style window manager
openconnect 7.05Client for Cisco VPN
openexr 2.2.0High-dynamic range file format library
openimageio 1.5.18C++ library for reading and writing images
openjpeg 2.0.1JPEG 2000 codec
openjpeg 1.5.2JPEG 2000 codec
openjpeg 2.1.0JPEG 2000 codec
openldap 2.4.42Implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
openlibm 0.4.1Portable C mathematical library (libm)
openmpi 1.10.1MPI-2 implementation
openntpd 5.7p3NTP client and server by the OpenBSD Project
openspecfun 0.4Collection of special mathematical functions
openssh 7.1p1Client and server for the secure shell (ssh) protocol
openssl 1.0.2eSSL/TLS implementation
openvpn 2.3.6Virtual private network daemon
opus 1.1.1Versatile audio codec
opus-tools 0.1.9Command line utilities to encode, inspect, and decode .opus files
opusfile 0.6Versatile audio codec
Part of GNUorbit2 2.14.19CORBA 2.4-compliant Object Request Broker
orc 0.4.24Oil runtime compiler
orcus 0.7.1File import filter library for spreadsheet documents
orfm 0.4.1Simple and not slow open reading frame (ORF) caller
orpheus 1.6Text-mode audio player
Part of GNUosip 4.1.0Library implementing SIP (RFC-3261)
ots 0.5.0Tool for summarizing texts
owncloud-client 2.1.0Folder synchronization with an ownCloud server
oxygen-icons 4.14.2Oxygen icon theme for the KDE desktop
p11-kit 0.23.1PKCS#11 library
p4est 1.1Adaptive mesh refinement on forests of octrees
p4est-openmpi 1.1Parallel adaptive mesh refinement on forests of octrees
Part of GNUpango 1.38.1GNOME text and font handling library
Part of GNUpangomm 2.38.1C++ interface to the Pango text rendering library
Part of GNUpangox-compat 0.0.2Obsolete pango functions
paperkey 1.3Backup OpenPGP keys to paper
Part of GNUparallel 20151222Build and execute command lines in parallel
paredit 24Emacs minor mode for editing parentheses
pari-gp 2.7.5PARI/GP, a computer algebra system for number theory
Part of GNUparted 3.2Disk partition editor
Part of GNUpatch 2.7.5Apply differences to originals, with optional backups
patchage 1.0.0Modular patch bay for audio and MIDI systems
patchelf 0.8Modify the dynamic linker and RPATH of ELF executables
patches 0.0.26d7dbcPatch tracking tool
patchutils 0.3.3Collection of tools for manipulating patch files
pavucontrol 3.0PulseAudio volume control
pbtranscript-tofu transcriptome data generated with the Iso-Seq protocol
pbzip2 1.1.12Parallel bzip2 implementation
Part of GNUpcb 20140316Design printed circuit board layouts
pciutils 3.3.1Programs for inspecting and manipulating PCI devices
pcmanfm 1.2.3LXDE file manager
pcre 8.38Perl Compatible Regular Expressions
pcre2 10.20Perl Compatible Regular Expressions
pd 0.45.4Visual programming language for artistic performances
pelican 3.6.3Python-based static site publishing system
Part of GNUpem 0.7.9Personal expenses manager
perf 4.3.3Linux profiling with performance counters
perl 5.16.1Implementation of the Perl programming language
perl-algorithm-c3 0.10Module for merging hierarchies using the C3 algorithm
perl-algorithm-diff 1.1903Compute differences between two files or lists
perl-aliased 0.34Use shorter versions of class names
perl-apache-logformat-compiler 0.32Compile a log format string to perl-code
perl-appconfig 1.71Configuration files and command line parsing
perl-archive-zip 1.30Perl API to zip files
perl-authen-sasl 2.16SASL authentication framework
perl-b-hooks-endofscope 0.13Execute code after a scope finished compilation
perl-base 2.18Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at compile time
perl-benchmark-timer 0.7102Benchmarking with statistical confidence
perl-bit-vector 7.4Bit vector library
perl-boolean 0.45Boolean support for Perl
perl-cache-cache 1.08Cache interface for Perl
perl-cache-fastmmap 1.40Shared memory interprocess cache via mmap
perl-capture-tiny 0.28Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS or external programs
perl-carp-assert 0.21Executable comments for Perl
perl-carp-assert-more 1.14Convenience wrappers around Carp::Assert
perl-carp-clan 6.04Report errors from a "clan" of modules
perl-catalyst-action-renderview 0.16Sensible default Catalyst action
perl-catalyst-action-rest 1.17Automated REST Method Dispatching
perl-catalyst-authentication-store-dbix-class 0.1506Storage class for Catalyst authentication using DBIx::Class
perl-catalyst-component-instancepercontext 0.001001Create only one instance of Moose component per context
perl-catalyst-devel 1.39Catalyst Development Tools
perl-catalyst-dispatchtype-regex 5.90035Regex DispatchType for Catalyst
perl-catalyst-model-dbic-schema 0.65DBIx::Class::Schema Model Class
perl-catalyst-plugin-accesslog 1.05Request logging from within Catalyst
perl-catalyst-plugin-authentication 0.10023Infrastructure plugin for the Catalyst authentication framework
perl-catalyst-plugin-authorization-roles 0.09Role-based authorization for Catalyst
perl-catalyst-plugin-captcha 0.04Captchas for Catalyst
perl-catalyst-plugin-configloader 0.34Load config files of various types
perl-catalyst-plugin-session 0.39Catalyst generic session plugin
perl-catalyst-plugin-session-state-cookie 0.17Maintain session IDs using cookies
perl-catalyst-plugin-session-store-fastmmap 0.16FastMmap session storage backend
perl-catalyst-plugin-stacktrace 0.12Stack trace on the Catalyst debug screen
perl-catalyst-plugin-static-simple 0.33Simple serving of static pages
perl-catalyst-runtime 5.90082The Catalyst Framework Runtime
perl-catalyst-traitfor-request-proxybase 0.000005Replace request base with value passed by HTTP proxy
perl-catalyst-view-download 0.09Download data in many formats
perl-catalyst-view-json 0.35Catalyst JSON view
perl-catalyst-view-tt 0.42Template View Class
perl-catalystx-component-traits 0.19Trait Loading and Resolution for Catalyst Components
perl-catalystx-roleapplicator 0.005Apply roles to Catalyst classes
perl-catalystx-script-server-starman 0.02Catalyst development server with Starman
perl-cgi-simple 1.115CGI interface that is compliant
perl-cgi-struct 1.21Build structures from CGI data
perl-class-accessor 0.34Automated accessor generation
perl-class-accessor-chained 0.01Faster, but less expandable, chained accessors
perl-class-accessor-grouped 0.10012Build groups of accessors
perl-class-c3 0.27Pragma to use the C3 method resolution order algorithm
perl-class-c3-adopt-next 0.13Drop-in replacement for NEXT
perl-class-c3-componentised 1.001000Load mix-ins or components to your C3-based class
perl-class-data-inheritable 0.08Inheritable, overridable class data
perl-class-date 1.1.15Class for easy date and time manipulation
perl-class-factory-util 1.7Utility methods for factory classes
perl-class-inspector 1.28Get information about a class and its structure
perl-class-load 0.22Working (require "Class::Name") and more
perl-class-load-xs 0.09XS implementation of parts of Class::Load
perl-class-method-modifiers 2.11Moose-like method modifiers
perl-class-methodmaker 2.24Create generic methods for OO Perl
perl-class-singleton 1.5Implementation of a singleton class for Perl
perl-class-tiny 1.000Minimalist class construction
perl-class-unload 0.08Unload a class
perl-class-xsaccessor 1.19Generate fast XS accessors without runtime compilation
perl-clone 0.37Recursively copy Perl datatypes
perl-common-sense 3.73Sane defaults for Perl programs
perl-compress-raw-bzip2 2.068Low-level interface to bzip2 compression library
perl-compress-raw-zlib 2.068Low-level interface to zlib compression library
perl-config-any 0.24Load configuration from different file formats
perl-config-autoconf 0.309Module to implement some AutoConf macros in Perl
perl-config-general 2.56Generic Config Module
perl-context-preserve 0.01Preserve context during subroutine call
perl-cpan-meta 2.143240Distribution metadata for a CPAN dist
perl-cpan-meta-check 0.009Verify requirements in a CPAN::Meta object
perl-cpan-meta-requirements 2.131Set of version requirements for a CPAN dist
perl-cpan-meta-yaml 0.012Read and write a subset of YAML for CPAN Meta files
perl-cpanel-json-xs 3.0114JSON::XS for Cpanel
perl-crypt-randpasswd 0.06Random password generator
perl-czplib 1.0.5Library for genomic analysis
perl-data-dump 1.22Pretty printing of data structures
perl-data-dumper-concise 2.022Concise data dumper
perl-data-optlist 0.109Parse and validate simple name/value option pairs
perl-data-page 2.02Help when paging through sets of results
perl-data-stag 0.14Structured tags datastructures
perl-data-stream-bulk 0.11N at a time iteration API
perl-data-tumbler 0.008Dynamic generation of nested combinations of variants
perl-data-visitor 0.30Visitor style traversal of Perl data structures
perl-date-calc 6.4Gregorian calendar date calculations
perl-date-calc-xs 6.4XS wrapper for Date::Calc
perl-date-manip 6.50Date manipulation routines
perl-datetime 1.18Date and time object for Perl
perl-datetime-event-ical 0.12DateTime rfc2445 recurrences
perl-datetime-event-recurrence 0.16DateTime::Set extension for basic recurrences
perl-datetime-format-builder 0.81Create DateTime parser classes and objects
perl-datetime-format-flexible 0.26Parse data/time strings
perl-datetime-format-http 0.42Date conversion routines
perl-datetime-format-ical 0.09Parse and format iCal datetime and duration strings
perl-datetime-format-natural 1.02Machine-readable date/time with natural parsing
perl-datetime-format-strptime 1.56Parse and format strp and strf time patterns
perl-datetime-locale 0.45Localization support for
perl-datetime-set 0.3400DateTime set objects
perl-datetime-timezone 1.86Time zone object for Perl
perl-datetimex-easy 0.089Parse date/time strings
perl-dbd-mysql 4.033DBI MySQL interface
perl-dbd-pg 3.5.1DBI PostgreSQL interface
perl-dbd-sqlite 1.42SQlite interface for Perl
perl-dbi 1.631Database independent interface for Perl
perl-dbix-class 0.082810Extensible and flexible object <-> relational mapper
perl-dbix-class-cursor-cached 1.001002Cursor with built-in caching support
perl-dbix-class-introspectablem2m 0.001001Introspect many-to-many relationships
perl-dbix-class-schema-loader 0.07042Create a DBIx::Class::Schema based on a database
perl-devel-caller 2.06Meatier version of caller
perl-devel-checkbin 0.02Check that a command is available
perl-devel-globaldestruction 0.13Provides equivalent of ${^GLOBAL_PHASE} eq 'DESTRUCT' for older perls
perl-devel-lexalias 0.05Alias lexical variables
perl-devel-overloadinfo 0.002Introspect overloaded operators
perl-devel-partialdump 0.17Partial dumping of data structures
perl-devel-stacktrace 2.00Object representing a stack trace
perl-devel-stacktrace-ashtml 0.14Displays stack trace in HTML
perl-devel-symdump 2.14Dump symbol names or the symbol table
perl-digest-hmac 1.03Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
perl-digest-md5-file 0.08MD5 sums for files and urls
perl-digest-sha1 2.13Perl implementation of the SHA-1 message digest algorithm
perl-dist-checkconflicts 0.11Declare version conflicts for your dist
perl-email-abstract 3.008Interface to mail representations
perl-email-address 1.907Email address parsing and creation
perl-email-date-format 1.005Produce RFC 2822 date strings
perl-email-messageid 1.405Generate world unique message-ids
perl-email-mime 1.929MIME message handling
perl-email-mime-contenttype 1.017Parse MIME Content-Type headers
perl-email-mime-encodings 1.315Unified interface to MIME encoding and decoding
perl-email-sender 1.300016Perl library for sending email
perl-email-simple 2.206Parsing of RFC 2822 messages
perl-encode-locale 1.03Perl locale encoding determination
perl-error 0.17023OO-ish Error/Exception handling for Perl
perl-eval-closure 0.12Safely and cleanly create closures via string eval
perl-exception-class 1.39Allows you to declare real exception classes in Perl
perl-exporter-lite 0.06Lightweight exporting of functions and variables
perl-exporter-tiny 0.042Exporter with the features of Sub::Exporter but only core dependencies
perl-extutils-config 0.008Wrapper for perl's configuration
perl-extutils-helpers 0.022Various portability utilities for module builders
perl-extutils-installpaths 0.010Build.PL install path logic made easy
perl-file-changenotify 0.24Watch for changes to files
perl-file-copy-recursive 0.38Recursively copy files and directories
perl-file-find-rule 0.33Alternative interface to File::Find
perl-file-find-rule-perl 1.13Common rules for searching for Perl things
perl-file-homedir 1.00Find your home and other directories on any platform
perl-file-list 0.3.1Perl extension for crawling directory trees and compiling lists of files
perl-file-listing 6.04Perl directory listing parser
perl-file-remove 1.52Remove files and directories in Perl
perl-file-sharedir 1.102Locate per-dist and per-module shared files
perl-file-sharedir-install 0.10Install shared files
perl-file-slurp 9999.19Reading/Writing/Modifying of complete files
perl-file-slurp-tiny 0.004Simple file reader and writer
perl-file-temp 0.2304Return name and handle of a temporary file safely
perl-file-which 1.09Portable implementation of the `which' utility
perl-finance-quote 1.37Stock and mutual fund quotes
perl-gd 2.56Perl interface to the GD graphics library
perl-gd-securityimage 1.73Security image generator
perl-getopt-long-descriptive 0.098Getopt::Long, but simpler and more powerful
perl-getopt-tabular 0.3Table-driven argument parsing for Perl
perl-gssapi 0.28Perl extension providing access to the GSSAPIv2 library
perl-hash-merge 0.200Merge arbitrarily deep hashes into a single hash
perl-hash-multivalue 0.15Store multiple values per key
perl-html-element-extended 1.18Manipulate tables of HTML::Element
perl-html-form 6.03Perl class representing an HTML form element
perl-html-lint 2.20Check for HTML errors in a string or file
perl-html-parser 3.71Perl HTML parser class
perl-html-tableextract 2.13Extract contents from HTML tables
perl-html-tagset 3.20Perl data tables useful in parsing HTML
perl-html-template 2.95HTML-like templates
perl-html-tree 5.03Work with HTML in a DOM-like tree structure
perl-http-body 1.19HTTP Body Parser
perl-http-cookiejar 0.006Minimalist HTTP user agent cookie jar
perl-http-cookies 6.01Perl HTTP cookie jars
perl-http-daemon 6.01Perl simple http server class
perl-http-date 6.02Perl date conversion routines
perl-http-message 6.06Perl HTTP style message
perl-http-negotiate 6.01Perl http content negotiation
perl-http-parser 0.06Parse HTTP/1.1 requests
perl-http-parser-xs 0.17Fast HTTP request parser
perl-http-request-ascgi 1.2Set up a CGI environment from an HTTP::Request
perl-http-server-simple 0.44Lightweight HTTP server
perl-http-tiny 0.053HTTP/1.1 client
perl-image-exiftool 9.70Program and Perl library to manipulate EXIF tags
perl-image-magick 6.89Perl interface to ImageMagick
perl-import-into 1.002004Import packages into other packages
perl-inc-latest 0.500Use modules in inc/ if newer than installed
perl-io-compress 2.068IO Interface to compressed files/buffers
perl-io-html 1.00Perl module to open an HTML file with automatic charset detection
perl-io-interactive 0.0.6Utilities for interactive I/O
perl-io-socket-ip 0.36Family-neutral IP socket supporting both IPv4 and IPv6
perl-io-socket-ssl 2.002Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO::Socket::INET
perl-io-string 1.08Emulate file interface for in-core strings
perl-io-stringy 2.110IO:: interface for reading/writing an array of lines
perl-io-tty 1.11Perl interface to pseudo ttys
perl-ipc-run 0.94Run system() and background procs w/ piping, redirs, ptys
perl-ipc-run3 0.048Run a subprocess with input/output redirection
perl-ipc-sharelite 0.17Lightweight interface to shared memory
perl-json 2.90JSON encoder/decoder for Perl
perl-json-any 1.38Wrapper for Perl JSON classes
perl-json-maybexs 1.003003Cpanel::JSON::XS with fallback
perl-json-xs 3.01JSON serialising/deserialising for Perl
perl-libwww 6.13Perl modules for the WWW
perl-libxml 0.08Perl SAX parser using XML::Parser
perl-lingua-en-findnumber 1.30Locate (written) numbers in English text
perl-lingua-en-inflect 1.895Convert singular to plural
perl-lingua-en-inflect-number 1.11Force number of words to singular or plural
perl-lingua-en-inflect-phrase 0.18Inflect short English phrases
perl-lingua-en-number-isordinal 0.04Detect if English number is ordinal or cardinal
perl-lingua-en-tagger 0.24Part-of-speech tagger for English natural language processing
perl-lingua-en-words2nums 0.18Convert English text to numbers
perl-lingua-pt-stemmer 0.01Portuguese language stemming
perl-lingua-stem 0.84Stemming of words in various languages
perl-lingua-stem-fr 0.02Porter's stemming algorithm for French
perl-lingua-stem-it 0.02Porter's stemming algorithm for Italian
perl-lingua-stem-ru 0.01Porter's stemming algorithm for Russian
perl-lingua-stem-snowball-da 1.01Porters stemming algorithm for Danish
perl-list-allutils 0.09Combination of List::Util and List::MoreUtils
perl-list-moreutils 0.402Provide the stuff missing in List::Util
perl-log-report 1.10Get messages to users and logs
perl-log-report-optional 1.01Log::Report in the lightest form
perl-lwp-mediatypes 6.02Perl module to guess the media type for a file or a URL
perl-lwp-protocol-https 6.06HTTPS support for LWP::UserAgent
perl-lwp-useragent-determined 1.07Virtual browser that retries errors
perl-memoize-expirelru 0.55Expiry plug-in for Memoize that adds LRU cache expiration
perl-mime-charset 1.012Charset information for MIME messages
perl-mime-types 2.09Definition of MIME types
perl-module-build 0.4211Build and install Perl modules
perl-module-build-tiny 0.039Tiny replacement for Module::Build
perl-module-find 0.12Find and use installed modules in a (sub)category
perl-module-implementation 0.09Loads alternate underlying implementations for a module
perl-module-install 1.14Standalone, extensible Perl module installer
perl-module-runtime 0.014Perl runtime module handling
perl-module-runtime-conflicts 0.001Provide information on conflicts for Module::Runtime
perl-module-scandeps 1.18Recursively scan Perl code for dependencies
perl-module-util 1.09Module name tools and transformations
perl-moo 1.007000Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatibility)
perl-moose 2.1403Postmodern object system for Perl 5
perl-moosex-emulate-class-accessor-fast 0.00903Emulate Class::Accessor::Fast behavior using Moose attributes
perl-moosex-getopt 0.65Moose role for processing command line options
perl-moosex-markasmethods 0.15Mark overload code symbols as methods
perl-moosex-methodattributes 0.29Code attribute introspection
perl-moosex-nonmoose 0.26Subclassing of non-Moose classes
perl-moosex-params-validate 0.19Extension of Params::Validate using Moose's types
perl-moosex-relatedclassroles 0.004Apply roles to a related Perl class
perl-moosex-role-parameterized 1.08Moose roles with composition parameters
perl-moosex-role-withoverloading 0.16Roles which support overloading
perl-moosex-semiaffordanceaccessor 0.10Name your accessors foo() and set_foo()
perl-moosex-strictconstructor 0.19Strict object constructors for Moose
perl-moosex-traits-pluggable 0.12Trait loading and resolution for Moose
perl-moosex-types 0.45Organise your Moose types in libraries
perl-moosex-types-datetime 0.10DateTime related constraints and coercions for Moose
perl-moosex-types-datetime-morecoercions 0.14Extensions to MooseX::Types::DateTime
perl-moosex-types-loadableclass 0.013ClassName type constraints for Moose
perl-moox-types-mooselike 0.28Moosish types and type builder
perl-mro-compat 0.12MRO interface compatibility for Perls < 5.9.5
perl-namespace-autoclean 0.24Keep imports out of your namespace
perl-namespace-clean 0.25Keep imports and functions out of your namespace
perl-net-amazon-s3 0.60Perl interface to Amazon S3
perl-net-http 6.07Perl low-level HTTP connection (client)
perl-net-server 2.008Extensible Perl server engine
perl-net-smtp-ssl 1.03SSL support for Net::SMTP
perl-net-ssleay 1.68Perl extension for using OpenSSL
perl-number-compare 0.03Numeric comparisons
perl-object-signature 1.07Generate cryptographic signatures for objects
perl-package-anon 0.05Anonymous packages
perl-package-deprecationmanager 0.13Manage deprecation warnings for your distribution
perl-package-stash 0.37Routines for manipulating stashes
perl-package-stash-xs 0.28Faster implementation of the Package::Stash API
perl-padwalker 2.0Play with other peoples' lexical variables
perl-par-dist 0.49Create and manipulate PAR distributions
perl-params-util 1.07Simple, compact and correct param-checking functions
perl-params-validate 1.17Validate method/function parameters
perl-parent 0.228Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at compile time
perl-parse-cpan-meta 1.4414Parse META.yml and META.json CPAN metadata files
perl-path-class 0.35Path specification manipulation
perl-plack 1.0033Perl Superglue for Web frameworks and servers (PSGI toolkit)
perl-plack-middleware-fixmissingbodyinredirect 0.12Plack::Middleware which sets body for redirect response
perl-plack-middleware-methodoverride 0.11Override REST methods to Plack apps via POST
perl-plack-middleware-removeredundantbody 0.05Plack::Middleware which removes body for HTTP response
perl-plack-middleware-reverseproxy 0.15Supports app to run as a reverse proxy backend
perl-plack-test-externalserver 0.01Run HTTP tests on external live servers
perl-pod-coverage 0.23Check for comprehensive documentation of a module
perl-pod-simple 3.31Parsing library for text in Pod format
perl-posix-strftime-compiler 0.41GNU C library compatible strftime for loggers and servers
perl-probe-perl 0.03Information about the currently running perl
perl-readonly 2.00Create read-only scalars, arrays, hashes
perl-regexp-common 2013031301Provide commonly requested regular expressions
perl-role-tiny 1.003004Roles, as a slice of Moose
perl-safe-isa 1.000005Call isa, can, does, and DOES safely
perl-scalar-list-utils 1.41Common Scalar and List utility subroutines
perl-scope-guard 0.20Lexically-scoped resource management
perl-set-infinite 0.65Infinite sets
perl-set-object 1.35Unordered collections of Perl Objects
perl-set-scalar 1.29Set operations for Perl
perl-snowball-norwegian 1.2Porters stemming algorithm for Norwegian
perl-snowball-swedish 1.2Porters stemming algorithm for Swedish
perl-spiffy 0.46Spiffy Perl Interface Framework For You
perl-sql-abstract 1.81Generate SQL from Perl data structures
perl-sql-splitstatement 1.00020Split SQL code into atomic statements
perl-sql-tokenizer 0.24SQL tokenizer
perl-stream-buffered 0.03Temporary buffer to save bytes
perl-strictures 1.005005Turn on strict and make all warnings fatal
perl-string-camelcase 0.02Camelcase and de-camelcase
perl-string-print 0.15String printing alternatives to printf
perl-string-rewriteprefix 0.007Rewrite strings based on a set of known prefixes
perl-string-toidentifier-en 0.11Convert strings to English program identifiers
perl-sub-exporter 0.987Sophisticated exporter for custom-built routines
perl-sub-exporter-progressive 0.001011Only use Sub::Exporter if you need it
perl-sub-identify 0.10Retrieve names of code references
perl-sub-install 0.928Install subroutines into packages easily
perl-sub-name 0.12(Re)name a sub
perl-sub-uplevel 0.24Apparently run a function in a higher stack frame
perl-svg 2.63Perl extension for generating SVG documents
perl-sys-cpu 0.61Perl extension for getting CPU information
perl-sys-hostname-long 1.5Get full hostname in Perl
perl-task-weaken 1.04Ensure that a platform has weaken support
perl-template-timer 1.00Profiling for Template Toolkit
perl-template-toolkit 2.26Template processing system for Perl
perl-term-encoding 0.02Detect encoding of the current terminal
perl-term-progressbar 2.17Progress meter on a standard terminal
perl-term-progressbar-quiet 0.31Progress meter if run interactively
perl-term-progressbar-simple 0.03Simple progress bars
perl-term-readkey 2.32Simple terminal control
perl-test-base 0.88Data-driven testing framework for Perl
perl-test-cleannamespaces 0.16Check for uncleaned imports
perl-test-deep 0.114Flexible deep comparison for the Test::Builder framework
perl-test-differences 0.63Test strings and data structures and show differences
perl-test-directory 0.041Perl extension for maintaining test directories
perl-test-exception 0.36Test exception based code
perl-test-fatal 0.014Simple helpers for testing code with exceptions
perl-test-harness 3.35Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics
perl-test-leaktrace 0.15Traces memory leaks in Perl
perl-test-longstring 0.17Tests strings for equality, with more helpful failures
perl-test-mockobject 1.20140408Emulate troublesome interfaces in Perl
perl-test-mocktime 0.13Replaces actual time with simulated time
perl-test-most 0.34Most commonly needed test functions and features
perl-test-nowarnings 1.04Ensure no warnings are produced while testing
perl-test-output 1.03Utilities to test STDOUT and STDERR messages
perl-test-pod 1.48Check for POD errors in files
perl-test-pod-coverage 1.10Check for pod coverage
perl-test-requires 0.08Checks to see if the module can be loaded
perl-test-script 1.07Basic cross-platform tests for scripts
perl-test-sharedfork 0.29Fork test in Perl
perl-test-simple 1.001014Basic utilities for writing tests
perl-test-tcp 2.06Testing TCP programs
perl-test-tester 0.109Simplify running Test::Builder tests
perl-test-trap v0.3.0Trap exit codes, exceptions, output, etc.
perl-test-utf8 1.01UTF-8 testing in Perl
perl-test-warn 0.30Perl extension to test methods for warnings
perl-test-warnings 0.020Test for warnings and the lack of them
perl-test-without-module 0.18Test fallback behaviour in absence of modules
perl-test-writevariants 0.010Dynamic generation of tests
perl-test-www-mechanize 1.44Testing-specific WWW::Mechanize subclass
perl-test-www-mechanize-catalyst 0.60Test::WWW::Mechanize for Catalyst
perl-test-www-mechanize-psgi 0.35Test PSGI programs using WWW::Mechanize
perl-test-yaml 1.05Testing module for YAML implementations
perl-text-aligner 0.12Align text
perl-text-balanced 2.02Extract delimited text sequences from strings
perl-text-csv 1.33Manipulate comma-separated values
perl-text-diff 1.41Perform diffs on files and record sets
perl-text-german 0.06German grundform reduction
perl-text-glob 0.09Match globbing patterns against text
perl-text-simpletable 2.03Simple ASCII tables
perl-text-table 1.130Organize Data in Tables
perl-text-unidecode 1.23Provide plain ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
perl-throwable 0.200012Role for classes that can be thrown
perl-tie-ixhash 1.23Ordered associative arrays for Perl
perl-tie-toobject 0.03Tie to an existing Perl object
perl-time-duration 1.1English expression of durations
perl-time-duration-parse 0.11Parse time duration strings
perl-time-local 1.2300Efficiently compute time from local and GMT time
perl-time-mock v0.0.2Shift and scale time
perl-timedate 2.30Date parsing/formatting subroutines
perl-tk 804.032Graphical user interface toolkit for Perl
perl-tree-simple 1.25Simple tree object
perl-tree-simple-visitorfactory 0.12Factory object for dispensing Visitor objects
perl-try-tiny 0.22Minimal try/catch with proper preservation of $@
perl-types-serialiser 1.0Data types for common serialisation formats
perl-unicode-linebreak 2015.12Unicode line breaking algorithm
perl-universal-can 1.20140328UNIVERSAL::can() reimplementation
perl-universal-isa 1.20140927UNIVERSAL::isa() reimplementation
perl-uri 1.67Perl Uniform Resource Identifiers (absolute and relative)
perl-uri-find 20140709Find URIs in arbitrary text
perl-uri-ws 0.03WebSocket support for URI package
perl-variable-magic 0.55Associate user-defined magic to variables from Perl
perl-www-curl 4.17Perl extension interface for libcurl
perl-www-mechanize 1.73Web browsing in a Perl object
perl-www-robotrules 6.02Perl database of robots.txt-derived permissions
perl-x11-protocol 0.56Raw interface to X Window System servers
perl-xml-compile 1.51Compilation-based XML processing
perl-xml-compile-cache 1.04Cache compiled XML translators
perl-xml-compile-soap 3.13Base-class for SOAP implementations
perl-xml-compile-tester 0.90XML::Compile related regression testing
perl-xml-compile-wsdl11 3.04Create SOAP messages defined by WSDL 1.1
perl-xml-dom 1.44Perl module for building DOM Level 1 compliant document structures
perl-xml-libxml 2.0118Perl interface to libxml2
perl-xml-libxml-simple 0.95XML::LibXML based XML::Simple clone
perl-xml-namespacesupport 1.11XML namespace support class
perl-xml-parser 2.44Perl bindings to the Expat XML parsing library
perl-xml-regexp 0.04Perl regular expressions for XML tokens
perl-xml-sax 0.99Perl API for XML
perl-xml-sax-base 1.08Base class for SAX Drivers and Filters
perl-xml-simple 2.20Perl module for easy reading/writing of XML files
perl-yaml 1.14YAML for Perl
perl-yaml-tiny 1.66Read/Write YAML files
perl-zip 1.30Provides an interface to ZIP archive files
petsc 3.6.2Library to solve PDEs
petsc-complex 3.6.2Library to solve PDEs (with complex scalars)
petsc-complex-openmpi 3.6.2Library to solve PDEs (with complex scalars and MPI support)
petsc-openmpi 3.6.2Library to solve PDEs (with MPI support)
pflask 0.2Simple tool for creating Linux namespace containers
phonon 4.8.3Qt 4 multimedia API
physfs 2.0.3File system abstraction library
pidgin 2.10.11Graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client

non-copyleft (This is a lax, non-copyleft free software license. Check the URI for details. See libpurple/protocols/zephyr/mit-copyright.h in the distribution.)
non-copyleft (This is a lax, non-copyleft free software license. Check the URI for details. See libpurple/protocols/zephyr/mit-sipb-copyright.h in the distribution.)
patches: 1
pidgin-otr 4.0.1Off-the-Record Messaging plugin for Pidgin
Part of GNUpies 1.2Program invocation and execution supervisor
pigz 2.3.3Parallel implementation of gzip
Part of GNUpinentry 0.9.6GnuPG's interface to passphrase input
pingus 0.7.6Lemmings clone
pius 2.2.1Programs to simplify GnuPG key signing
pixman 0.32.8Low-level pixel manipulation library
pkg-config 0.28Helper tool used when compiling applications and libraries
plink 1.07Whole genome association analysis toolset
ploticus 2.42Command-line tool for producing plots and charts
Part of GNUplotutils 2.6Plotting utilities and library
po4a 0.47Scripts to ease maintenance of translations
podofo 0.9.3Tools to work with the PDF file format
polipo 1.1.1Small caching web proxy
polkit 0.113Authorization API for privilege management
polkit-qt 1-0.112.0Qt frontend to the polkit library
poppler 0.37.0PDF rendering library
poppler-qt4 0.37.0Qt4 frontend for the Poppler PDF rendering library
popt 1.16Command line option parsing library
portaudio 19.20140130Audio I/O library
postgresql 9.3.8Powerful object-relational database system
potrace 1.11Transform bitmaps into vector graphics
powertabeditor 2.0.0-alpha8Guitar tablature editor
powertop 2.8Analyze power consumption on Intel-based laptops
ppp 2.4.7Implementation of the Point-to-Point Protocol
presentproto 1.0Xorg PresentProto protocol headers
preseq 2.0Program for analyzing library complexity
printproto 1.0.5Xorg PrintProto protocol headers
privoxy 3.0.21Web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for enhancing privacy
procps 3.2.8Utilities that give information about processes
prodigal 2.6.2Protein-coding gene prediction for Archaea and Bacteria
proof-general 4.2Generic front-end for proof assistants based on Emacs
protobuf 2.5.0Data encoding for remote procedure calls (RPCs)
psmisc 22.20Small utilities that use the proc filesystem
Part of GNUpspp 0.8.5Statistical analysis
psutils 17Collection of utilities for manipulating PostScript documents
pt-scotch 6.0.4Programs and libraries for graph algorithms (with MPI)
Part of GNUpth 2.0.7Portable thread library
pugixml 1.6Light-weight, simple and fast XML parser for C++ with XPath support
pulseaudio 6.0Sound server
pumpa 0.9.1Qt-based client
pv 1.6.0Pipeline progress indicator
pwgen 2.07Password generator
python 3.4.3High-level, dynamically-typed programming language
python 2.7.10High-level, dynamically-typed programming language
python-appdirs 1.4.0Determine platform-specific dirs, e.g. a "user data dir"
python-apsw Python SQLite Wrapper
python-babel 2.1.1Tools for internationalizing Python applications
python-bandit 0.13.2Security oriented static analyser for python code.
python-biopython 1.66Tools for biological computation in Python
python-blinker 1.4Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling
python-cairocffi 0.6Python bindings and object-oriented API for Cairo
python-ccm Cluster Manager
python-certifi 2015.11.20.1Python CA certificate bundle
python-cffi 1.4.2Foreign function interface for Python
python-chardet 2.3.0Universal encoding detector for Python 2 and 3
python-click 6.2Command line library for Python
python-configargparse 0.10.0Replacement for argparse
python-configobj 5.0.6Config file reading, writing and validation
python-contextlib2 0.4.0Tools for decorators and context managers
python-coverage 4.0.3Code coverage measurement for Python
python-cryptography 1.0.2Cryptographic recipes and primitives for Python
python-cryptography-vectors 1.0.2Test vectors for the cryptography package.
python-cssselect 0.9.1CSS3 selector parser and translator to XPath 1.0
python-cython 0.23.4C extensions for Python
python-dateutil 1.5Extensions to the standard datetime module
python-dateutil 2.4.2Extensions to the standard datetime module
python-dbus 1.2.0Python bindings for D-bus
python-debian 0.1.23Debian package related modules
python-debtcollector 1.0.0Find deprecated patterns and strategies in Python code
python-decorator 4.0.6Python module to simplify usage of decorators
python-discover 0.4.0Python test discovery for unittest
python-distutils-extra 2.38Enhancements to Python's distutils
python-docopt 0.6.2Command-line interface description language for Python
python-docutils 0.12Python Documentation Utilities
python-drmaa 0.7.6Python bindings for the DRMAA library
python-ecdsa 0.13ECDSA cryptographic signature library (pure python)
python-enum34 1.0Backported Python 3.4 Enum
python-exif-read 2.1.2Python library to extract EXIF data from image files
python-extras 0.0.3Useful extensions to the Python standard library
python-feedgenerator 20150710.97185b7Standalone version of Django's Atom/RSS feed generator
python-file 5.22Python bindings to the libmagic file type guesser
python-fixtures 1.4.0Python test fixture library
python-fixtures 0.3.16Python test fixture library
python-flake8 2.5.1The modular source code checker: pep8, pyflakes and co
python-flake8 2.2.4The modular source code checker: pep8, pyflakes and co
python-fonttools 2.5Tools to manipulate font files
python-gnupg 0.3.7Wrapper for the GNU Privacy Guard
python-gridmap 0.13.0Create jobs on a cluster directly from Python
python-h5py 2.4.0Read and write HDF5 files from Python
python-hacking 0.10.2OpenStack hacking guideline enforcement
python-html5lib 1.0b3Python HTML parser based on the WHATWG HTML specifcation
python-httplib2 0.9.1Comprehensive HTTP client library
python-idna 2.0Internationalized domain names in applications
python-ipython 3.2.1IPython is a tool for interactive computing in Python
python-ipython-genutils 0.1.0Vestigial utilities from IPython
python-iso8601 0.1.10Module to parse ISO 8601 dates
python-isodate 0.5.1Python date parser and formatter
python-itsdangerous 0.24Python library for passing data to/from untrusted environments
python-jinja2 2.8Python template engine
python-joblib 0.9.0b4Using Python functions as pipeline jobs
python-jsonschema 2.4.0Implementation of JSON Schema for Python
python-keyring 5.7.1Store and access your passwords safely
python-libarchive-c 2.2Python interface to libarchive
python-libsvm 3.20Python bindings of libSVM
python-libxml2 2.9.3Python bindings for the libxml2 library
python-llfuse 0.41Python bindings for FUSE
python-lockfile 0.9.1Platform-independent file locking module
python-lxml 3.4.2Python XML processing library
python-ly 0.9.2Tool and library for manipulating LilyPond files
python-markdown 2.6.5Python implementation of Markdown
python-markupsafe 0.23XML/HTML/XHTML markup safe string implementation for Python
python-matplotlib 1.4.32D plotting library for Python
python-mccabe 0.3.1McCabe checker, plugin for flake8
python-mccabe 0.2.1McCabe checker, plugin for flake8
python-mimeparse 0.1.4Python library for parsing MIME types
python-minimal 3.4.3High-level, dynamically-typed programming language
python-minimal 2.7.10High-level, dynamically-typed programming language
python-mistune 0.7Markdown parser in pure Python
python-mock 1.0.1Python mocking and patching library for testing
python-monotonic 0.3Implementation of time.monotonic() for Python 2 & < 3.3
python-mox3 0.13.0Mock object framework for Python
python-msgpack 0.4.6MessagePack (de)serializer
python-nbxmpp 0.5.3Non-blocking Jabber/XMPP module
python-ndg-httpsclient 0.4.0HTTPS support for Python's httplib and urllib2
python-netaddr 0.7.18Pythonic manipulation of network addresses
python-netifaces 0.10.4Python module for portable network interface information
python-networkx 1.9.1Python module for creating and manipulating graphs and networks
python-nose 1.3.7Python testing library
python-numexpr 2.4.4Fast numerical expression evaluator for NumPy
python-numpy 1.9.1Fundamental package for scientific computing with Python
python-numpydoc 0.5Numpy's Sphinx extensions
python-oauthlib 1.0.3OAuth implementation for Python
python-os-client-config 1.12.0OpenStack Client Configuration Library
python-os-testr 0.5.0Testr wrapper to provide functionality for OpenStack projects
python-oslo.config 2.4.0Oslo Configuration API
python-oslo.context 1.0.0Oslo context library
python-oslo.i18n 3.0.0Oslo internationalization (i18n) library
python-oslo.log 1.6.0Python logging library of the Oslo project
python-oslo.serialization 2.2.0Oslo serialization library
python-oslo.utils 3.0.0Oslo utility library
python-oslosphinx 4.2.0OpenStack sphinx extensions and theme
python-oslotest 1.10.0Oslo test framework
python-pandas 0.16.0Data structures for data analysis, time series, and statistics
python-paramiko 1.15.2SSHv2 protocol library
python-parse 1.6.4Parse strings
python-parse-type 0.3.4Extended parse module
python-parsedatetime 1.5Parse human-readable date/time text
python-passlib 1.6.5Comprehensive password hashing framework
python-pathpy 8.1.1Python module wrapper for built-in os.path
python-patsy 0.4.0Describe statistical models and build design matrices
python-pbr 0.11.0Change the default behavior of Python’s setuptools
python-pbr 1.8.1Change the default behavior of Python’s setuptools
python-pep8 1.5.7Python style guide checker
python-pep8 1.6.2Python style guide checker
python-pexpect 3.3Controlling interactive console applications
python-pickleshare 0.5Tiny key value database with concurrency support
python-pillow 3.0.0Fork of the Python Imaging Library
python-pip 7.1.2Package manager for Python software
python-poppler-qt4 0.24.0Python bindings for Poppler-Qt4
python-pretend 1.0.8Library for stubbing in Python
python-prettytable 0.7.2Display tabular data in an ASCII table format
python-psutil 3.3.0Library for retrieving information on running processes
python-ptyprocess 0.5Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal
python-py 1.4.31Python library for parsing, I/O, instrospection, and logging
python-py-bcrypt 0.4Bcrypt password hashing and key derivation
python-pyasn1 0.1.8ASN.1 types and codecs
python-pycairo 1.10.0Python bindings for cairo
python-pycparser 2.14C parser in Python
python-pycrypto 2.6.1Cryptographic modules for Python
python-pyflakes 1.0.0Passive checker of Python programs
python-pyflakes 0.8.1Passive checker of Python programs
python-pygments 2.0.2Syntax highlighting
Part of GNUpython-pygobject 3.18.0Python bindings for GObject
python-pyjwt 1.4.0JSON Web Token implementation in Python
python-pyld 0.6.8Python implementation of the JSON-LD specification
python-pyopenssl 0.15.1Python wrapper module around the OpenSSL library
python-pyparsing 2.0.3Python parsing class library
python-pyqt 4.11.4Python bindings for Qt
python-pyqt 5.5Python bindings for Qt
python-pyrfc3339 1.0Python timestamp library
python-pysam 0.8.1Python bindings to the SAMtools C API
python-pystache 0.5.4Python logic-less template engine
python-pytest 2.6.1Python testing library
python-pytest-cov 2.2.0Pytest plugin for measuring coverage
python-pytest-runner 2.6.2Invoke py.test as a distutils command
python-pytz 2015.7Python timezone library
python-pyxdg 0.25Implementations of standards in Python
python-pyyaml 3.11YAML parser and emitter for Python
python-pyzmq 15.1.0Python bindings for 0MQ
python-rdflib 4.1.2Python RDF library
python-redis 2.10.3Redis Python client
python-requests 2.8.1Python HTTP library
python-requests-mock 0.7.0Mock out responses from the requests package
python-rpy2 2.7.6Python interface to the R language
python-rq 0.5.2Simple job queues for Python
python-scikit-image 0.11.3Image processing in Python
python-scikit-learn 0.16.1Machine Learning in Python
python-scipy 0.16.0The Scipy library provides efficient numerical routines
python-scripttest 1.3Python library to test command-line scripts
python-seaborn 0.5.1Statistical data visualization
python-setuptools 18.3.1Library designed to facilitate packaging Python projects
python-setuptools-scm 1.9.0Manage Python package versions in SCM metadata
python-simplegeneric 0.8.1Python module for simple generic functions
python-simplejson 3.3.0Json library for Python
python-singledispatch of singledispatch feature from Python 3.4
python-sip 4.16.9Python binding creator for C and C++ libraries
python-six 1.10.0Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
python-sphinx 1.2.3Python documentation generator
python-sphinx-rtd-theme theme for Sphinx
python-sqlalchemy 0.9.7Database abstraction library
python-statsmodels 0.6.1Statistical modeling and econometrics in Python
python-stevedore 1.10.0Manage dynamic plugins for Python applications
python-subunit 0.0.21Python implementation of the subunit protocol
python-sympy 0.7.6Python library for symbolic mathematics
python-tempest-lib 0.12.0OpenStack functional testing library
python-terminado 0.5Terminals served to term.js using Tornado websockets
python-testlib 0.6.5Python micro test suite harness
python-testrepository 0.0.20Database for Python test results
python-testresources 0.2.7Pyunit extension for managing test resources
python-testscenarios 0.4Pyunit extension for dependency injection
python-testtools 1.0.0Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework
python-tlsh 3.4.4Fuzzy matching library for Python
python-tornado 4.1Python web framework and asynchronous networking library
python-traitlets 4.0.0Configuration system for Python applications
python-tzlocal 1.1.1Local timezone information for Python
python-unidecode 0.04.18ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
python-unittest2 0.5.1Python unit testing library
python-urwid 1.3.0Console user interface library for Python
python-virtualenv 13.1.2Virtual Python environment builder
python-waf 1.8.8Python-based build system
python-webob 1.5.1WSGI request and response object
python-werkzeug 0.11.2Utilities for WSGI applications
python-wheel 0.26.0Built-package format for Python
python-wrapper 3.4.3Wrapper for the Python 3 commands
python-wrapper 3.4.3Wrapper for the Python 3 commands
python-wrapt 1.10.5Module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching
python-xcffib 0.1.9XCB Python bindings
python-xlrd 0.9.4Library for extracting data from Excel files
python-zope-component 4.2.2Zope Component Architecture
python-zope-configuration 4.0.3Zope Configuration Markup Language
python-zope-event 4.1.0Event publishing system for Python
python-zope-exceptions 4.0.8Zope exceptions
python-zope-i18nmessageid 4.0.3Message identifiers for internationalization
python-zope-interface 4.1.3Python implementation of the "design by contract" methodology
python-zope-location 4.0.3Zope location library
python-zope-proxy 4.1.6Generic, transparent proxies
python-zope-schema 4.4.2Zope data schemas
python-zope-security 4.0.3Zope security framework
python-zope-testing 4.5.0Zope testing helpers
python-zope-testrunner 4.4.9Zope testrunner script
python2-appdirs 1.4.0Determine platform-specific dirs, e.g. a "user data dir"
python2-apsw Python SQLite Wrapper
python2-babel 2.1.1Tools for internationalizing Python applications
python2-backport-ssl-match-hostname of ssl.match_hostname() function from Python 3.4
python2-bandit 0.13.2Security oriented static analyser for python code.
python2-biopython 1.66Tools for biological computation in Python
python2-blinker 1.4Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling
python2-bx-python 0.7.2Tools for manipulating biological data
python2-cairocffi 0.6Python bindings and object-oriented API for Cairo
python2-ccm Cluster Manager
python2-certifi 2015.11.20.1Python CA certificate bundle
python2-cffi 1.4.2Foreign function interface for Python
python2-chardet 2.3.0Universal encoding detector for Python 2 and 3
python2-click 6.2Command line library for Python
python2-configargparse 0.10.0Replacement for argparse
python2-configobj 5.0.6Config file reading, writing and validation
python2-contextlib2 0.4.0Tools for decorators and context managers
python2-coverage 4.0.3Code coverage measurement for Python
python2-cryptography 1.0.2Cryptographic recipes and primitives for Python
python2-cryptography-vectors 1.0.2Test vectors for the cryptography package.
python2-cssselect 0.9.1CSS3 selector parser and translator to XPath 1.0
python2-cssutils 1.0CSS Cascading Style Sheets library for Python
python2-cython 0.23.4C extensions for Python
python2-dateutil 1.5Extensions to the standard datetime module
python2-dateutil 2.4.2Extensions to the standard datetime module
python2-dbus 1.2.0Python bindings for D-bus
python2-debian 0.1.23Debian package related modules
python2-debtcollector 1.0.0Find deprecated patterns and strategies in Python code
python2-decorator 4.0.6Python module to simplify usage of decorators
python2-discover 0.4.0Python test discovery for unittest
python2-distutils-extra 2.38Enhancements to Python's distutils
python2-docopt 0.6.2Command-line interface description language for Python
python2-docutils 0.12Python Documentation Utilities
python2-dogtail 0.8.2GUI test tool and automation framework written in ​Python
python2-drmaa 0.7.6Python bindings for the DRMAA library
python2-ecdsa 0.13ECDSA cryptographic signature library (pure python)
python2-element-tree 1.2.6Toolkit for XML processing in Python
python2-elib.intl 0.0.3Enhanced internationalization for Python
python2-empy 3.3Templating system for Python
python2-exif-read 2.1.2Python library to extract EXIF data from image files
python2-extras 0.0.3Useful extensions to the Python standard library
python2-fastlmm 0.2.14Perform genome-wide association studies on large data sets
python2-feedgenerator 20150710.97185b7Standalone version of Django's Atom/RSS feed generator
python2-file 5.22Python bindings to the libmagic file type guesser
python2-fixtures 1.4.0Python test fixture library
python2-fixtures 0.3.16Python test fixture library
python2-flake8 2.5.1The modular source code checker: pep8, pyflakes and co
python2-flake8 2.2.4The modular source code checker: pep8, pyflakes and co
python2-fonttools 2.5Tools to manipulate font files
python2-gnupg 0.3.7Wrapper for the GNU Privacy Guard
python2-gridmap 0.13.0Create jobs on a cluster directly from Python
python2-h5py 2.4.0Read and write HDF5 files from Python
python2-hacking 0.10.2OpenStack hacking guideline enforcement
python2-html5lib 1.0b3Python HTML parser based on the WHATWG HTML specifcation
python2-httplib2 0.9.1Comprehensive HTTP client library
python2-idna 2.0Internationalized domain names in applications
python2-ipaddress 1.0.14IP address manipulation library
python2-ipython 3.2.1IPython is a tool for interactive computing in Python
python2-ipython-genutils 0.1.0Vestigial utilities from IPython
python2-iso8601 0.1.10Module to parse ISO 8601 dates
python2-isodate 0.5.1Python date parser and formatter
python2-itsdangerous 0.24Python library for passing data to/from untrusted environments
python2-jinja2 2.8Python template engine
python2-joblib 0.9.0b4Using Python functions as pipeline jobs
python2-jsonschema 2.4.0Implementation of JSON Schema for Python
python2-keyring 5.7.1Store and access your passwords safely
python2-libarchive-c 2.2Python interface to libarchive
python2-libxml2 2.9.3Python bindings for the libxml2 library
python2-llfuse 0.41Python bindings for FUSE
python2-lockfile 0.9.1Platform-independent file locking module
python2-lxml 3.4.2Python XML processing library
python2-markdown 2.6.5Python implementation of Markdown
python2-markupsafe 0.23XML/HTML/XHTML markup safe string implementation for Python
python2-matplotlib 1.4.32D plotting library for Python
python2-mccabe 0.2.1McCabe checker, plugin for flake8
python2-mccabe 0.3.1McCabe checker, plugin for flake8
python2-mechanize 0.2.5Stateful programmatic web browsing in Python
python2-mimeparse 0.1.4Python library for parsing MIME types
python2-mistune 0.7Markdown parser in pure Python
python2-mock 1.0.1Python mocking and patching library for testing
python2-monotonic 0.3Implementation of time.monotonic() for Python 2 & < 3.3
python2-mox3 0.13.0Mock object framework for Python
python2-msgpack 0.4.6MessagePack (de)serializer
python2-nbxmpp 0.5.3Non-blocking Jabber/XMPP module
python2-ndg-httpsclient 0.4.0HTTPS support for Python's httplib and urllib2
python2-netaddr 0.7.18Pythonic manipulation of network addresses
python2-netifaces 0.10.4Python module for portable network interface information
python2-networkx 1.9.1Python module for creating and manipulating graphs and networks
python2-nose 1.3.7Python testing library
python2-notmuch 0.15.2Python bindings of the Notmuch mail indexing library
python2-numexpr 2.4.4Fast numerical expression evaluator for NumPy
python2-numpy 1.9.1Fundamental package for scientific computing with Python
python2-numpydoc 0.5Numpy's Sphinx extensions
python2-oauthlib 1.0.3OAuth implementation for Python
python2-os-client-config 1.12.0OpenStack Client Configuration Library
python2-os-testr 0.5.0Testr wrapper to provide functionality for OpenStack projects
python2-oslo.config 2.4.0Oslo Configuration API
python2-oslo.context 1.0.0Oslo context library
python2-oslo.i18n 3.0.0Oslo internationalization (i18n) library
python2-oslo.log 1.6.0Python logging library of the Oslo project
python2-oslo.serialization 2.2.0Oslo serialization library
python2-oslo.utils 3.0.0Oslo utility library
python2-oslosphinx 4.2.0OpenStack sphinx extensions and theme
python2-oslotest 1.10.0Oslo test framework
python2-pandas 0.16.0Data structures for data analysis, time series, and statistics
python2-paramiko 1.15.2SSHv2 protocol library
python2-parsedatetime 1.5Parse human-readable date/time text
python2-passlib 1.6.5Comprehensive password hashing framework
python2-pathpy 8.1.1Python module wrapper for built-in os.path
python2-patsy 0.4.0Describe statistical models and build design matrices
python2-pbcore 0.9.3Library for reading and writing PacBio data files
python2-pbr 0.11.0Change the default behavior of Python’s setuptools
python2-pbr 1.8.1Change the default behavior of Python’s setuptools
python2-pep8 1.5.7Python style guide checker
python2-pep8 1.6.2Python style guide checker
python2-pexpect 3.3Controlling interactive console applications
python2-pickleshare 0.5Tiny key value database with concurrency support
python2-pil 1.1.7Python Imaging Library
python2-pillow 3.0.0Fork of the Python Imaging Library
python2-pip 7.1.2Package manager for Python software
python2-pretend 1.0.8Library for stubbing in Python
python2-prettytable 0.7.2Display tabular data in an ASCII table format
python2-psutil 3.3.0Library for retrieving information on running processes
python2-ptyprocess 0.5Run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal
python2-py 1.4.31Python library for parsing, I/O, instrospection, and logging
python2-py-bcrypt 0.4Bcrypt password hashing and key derivation
python2-pyasn1 0.1.8ASN.1 types and codecs
python2-pybedtools 0.6.9Python wrapper for BEDtools programs
python2-pybugz 0.6.11Python and command-line interface to Bugzilla
python2-pycairo 1.10.0Python bindings for cairo
python2-pycparser 2.14C parser in Python
python2-pycrypto 2.6.1Cryptographic modules for Python
python2-pyflakes 1.0.0Passive checker of Python programs
python2-pyflakes 0.8.1Passive checker of Python programs
python2-pygments 2.0.2Syntax highlighting
Part of GNUpython2-pygobject 3.18.0Python bindings for GObject
Part of GNUpython2-pygobject 2.28.6Python bindings for GObject
python2-pygtk 2.24.0Python bindings for GTK+
python2-pyicu 1.8Python extension wrapping the ICU C++ API
python2-pyjwt 1.4.0JSON Web Token implementation in Python
python2-pyld 0.6.8Python implementation of the JSON-LD specification
python2-pyopenssl 0.15.1Python wrapper module around the OpenSSL library
python2-pyparsing 2.0.3Python parsing class library
python2-pyqt 4.11.4Python bindings for Qt
python2-pyqt 5.5Python bindings for Qt
python2-pyrfc3339 1.0Python timestamp library
python2-pysam 0.8.1Python bindings to the SAMtools C API
python2-pysnptools 0.2.13Library for reading and manipulating genetic data
python2-pysqlite 2.6.3aSQLite bindings for Python
python2-pystache 0.5.4Python logic-less template engine
python2-pytest 2.6.1Python testing library
python2-pytest-cov 2.2.0Pytest plugin for measuring coverage
python2-pytest-runner 2.6.2Invoke py.test as a distutils command
python2-pythondialog 3.3.0Python interface to the UNIX dialog utility
python2-pytz 2015.7Python timezone library
python2-pyxdg 0.25Implementations of standards in Python
python2-pyyaml 3.11YAML parser and emitter for Python
python2-pyzmq 15.1.0Python bindings for 0MQ
python2-rdflib 4.1.2Python RDF library
python2-redis 2.10.3Redis Python client
python2-requests 2.8.1Python HTTP library
python2-requests-mock 0.7.0Mock out responses from the requests package
python2-rpy2 2.7.6Python interface to the R language
python2-rq 0.5.2Simple job queues for Python
Part of GNUpython2-rsvg 2.32.0Python bindings to librsvg
python2-scikit-image 0.11.3Image processing in Python
python2-scikit-learn 0.16.1Machine Learning in Python
python2-scipy 0.16.0The Scipy library provides efficient numerical routines
python2-scripttest 1.3Python library to test command-line scripts
python2-seaborn 0.5.1Statistical data visualization
python2-setuptools 18.3.1Library designed to facilitate packaging Python projects
python2-setuptools-scm 1.9.0Manage Python package versions in SCM metadata
python2-simplegeneric 0.8.1Python module for simple generic functions
python2-simplejson 3.3.0Json library for Python
python2-singledispatch of singledispatch feature from Python 3.4
python2-sip 4.16.9Python binding creator for C and C++ libraries
python2-six 1.10.0Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
python2-sphinx 1.2.3Python documentation generator
python2-sphinx-rtd-theme theme for Sphinx
python2-sqlalchemy 0.9.7Database abstraction library
python2-statsmodels 0.6.1Statistical modeling and econometrics in Python
python2-stevedore 1.10.0Manage dynamic plugins for Python applications
python2-subunit 0.0.21Python implementation of the subunit protocol
python2-sympy 0.7.6Python library for symbolic mathematics
python2-tempest-lib 0.12.0OpenStack functional testing library
python2-terminado 0.5Terminals served to term.js using Tornado websockets
python2-testlib 0.6.5Python micro test suite harness
python2-testrepository 0.0.20Database for Python test results
python2-testresources 0.2.7Pyunit extension for managing test resources
python2-testscenarios 0.4Pyunit extension for dependency injection
python2-testtools 1.0.0Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework
python2-tlsh 3.4.4Fuzzy matching library for Python
python2-tornado 4.1Python web framework and asynchronous networking library
python2-traitlets 4.0.0Configuration system for Python applications
python2-unidecode 0.04.18ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
python2-unittest2 0.5.1Python unit testing library
python2-urwid 1.3.0Console user interface library for Python
python2-virtualenv 13.1.2Virtual Python environment builder
python2-waf 1.8.8Python-based build system
python2-warpedlmm 0.21Implementation of warped linear mixed models
python2-webob 1.5.1WSGI request and response object
python2-werkzeug 0.11.2Utilities for WSGI applications
python2-wheel 0.26.0Built-package format for Python
python2-wrapt 1.10.5Module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching
python2-xcffib 0.1.9XCB Python bindings
python2-xlib 0.14Python X11 client library
python2-xlrd 0.9.4Library for extracting data from Excel files
python2-zope-component 4.2.2Zope Component Architecture
python2-zope-configuration 4.0.3Zope Configuration Markup Language
python2-zope-event 4.1.0Event publishing system for Python
python2-zope-exceptions 4.0.8Zope exceptions
python2-zope-i18nmessageid 4.0.3Message identifiers for internationalization
python2-zope-interface 4.1.3Python implementation of the "design by contract" methodology
python2-zope-location 4.0.3Zope location library
python2-zope-proxy 4.1.6Generic, transparent proxies
python2-zope-schema 4.4.2Zope data schemas
python2-zope-security 4.0.3Zope security framework
python2-zope-testing 4.5.0Zope testing helpers
python2-zope-testrunner 4.4.9Zope testrunner script
qemu emulator and virtualizer
qemu-minimal emulator and virtualizer (without GUI)
qjson 0.8.1Qt-based library for handling JSON
qpdf 5.1.3Command-line tools and library for transforming PDF files
qrencode 3.4.3Encode data into a QR Code symbol
qsynth 0.4.0Graphical user interface for FluidSynth
qt 5.5.1Cross-platform GUI library
qt 4.8.7Cross-platform GUI library
qtkeychain 0.5.0Qt API to store passwords
quilt 0.61Script for managing patches to software
quvi 0.4.2Media stream URL parser
Part of GNUr 3.2.2Environment for statistical computing and graphics
r-acsnminer 0.15.11Gene enrichment analysis
r-adaptivesparsity 1.4Adaptive sparsity models
r-assertthat 0.1Easy pre and post assertions
r-bh 1.58.0-1R package providing subset of Boost headers
r-biocgenerics 0.16.1S4 generic functions for Bioconductor
r-bitops 1.0-6Bitwise operations
r-brew 1.0-6Templating framework for report generation
r-catools 1.17.1Various tools including functions for moving window statistics
r-chron 2.3-47Chronological R objects which can handle dates and times
r-codetools 0.2-14Code analysis tools for R
r-colorspace 1.2-6Color space manipulation
r-crayon 1.3.1Colored terminal output for R
r-curl 0.9.3HTTP client for R
r-data-table 1.9.6Enhanced version of data.frame R object
r-dbi 0.3.1R database interface
r-devtools 1.9.1Tools to make developing R packages easier
r-dichromat 2.0-0Color schemes for dichromats
r-digest 0.6.8Create cryptographic hash digests of R objects
r-dplyr 0.4.3Tools for working with data frames in R
r-evaluate 0.8Parsing and evaluation tools for R
r-formatr 1.2.1Format R code automatically
r-genomeinfodb 1.6.1Utilities for manipulating chromosome identifiers
r-genomicranges 1.22.2Representation and manipulation of genomic intervals
r-ggplot2 1.0.1An implementation of the grammar of graphics
r-git2r 0.11.0Access Git repositories with R
r-gridbase 0.4-7Integration of base and grid graphics
r-gridextra 2.0.0Miscellaneous functions for "Grid" graphics
r-gtable 0.1.2Arrange grobs in tables
r-highr 0.5.1Syntax highlighting for R source code
r-htmltools 0.2.6R tools for HTML
r-htmlwidgets 0.5HTML Widgets for R
r-httpuv 1.3.3HTTP and WebSocket server library for R
r-httr 1.0.0Tools for working with URLs and HTTP
r-iranges 2.4.6Infrastructure for manipulating intervals on sequences
r-jsonlite 0.9.17Robust, high performance JSON parser and generator for R
r-knitr 1.11General-purpose package for dynamic report generation in R
r-labeling 0.3Axis labeling algorithms
r-lattice 0.20-33High-level data visualization system
r-lazyeval 0.1.10Lazy (non-standard) evaluation in R
r-magrittr 1.5A forward-pipe operator for R
r-markdown 0.7.7Markdown rendering for R
r-memoise 0.2.1Memoise functions for R
r-microbenchmark 1.4-2Accurate timing functions for R
r-mime 0.4R package to map filenames to MIME types
r-munsell 0.4.2Munsell colour system
r-plotrix 3.6Various plotting functions
r-plyr 1.8.3Tools for Splitting, Applying and Combining Data
r-proto 0.3-10Prototype object-based programming
r-pryr 0.1.2Tools for computing on the R language
r-qtl 1.37-11R package for analyzing QTL experiments in genetics
r-r6 2.1.1Classes with reference semantics in R
r-rcolorbrewer 1.1-2ColorBrewer palettes
r-rcpp 0.12.0Seamless R and C++ Integration
r-rcpparmadillo integration for the Armadillo linear algebra library
r-readr 0.2.2Read tabular data
r-reshape2 1.4.1Flexibly reshape data: a reboot of the "reshape" package
r-rmarkdown 0.8.1Convert R Markdown documents into a variety of formats
r-roxygen2 5.0.0In-source documentation system for R
r-rstudioapi 0.3.1Safely access the RStudio API
r-rversions 1.0.2Query R versions, including 'r-release' and 'r-oldrel'
r-s4vectors 0.8.5S4 implementation of vectors and lists
r-scales 0.3.0Scale functions for visualization
r-servr 0.2Simple HTTP server to serve static files or dynamic documents
r-stringi 0.5-5Character string processing facilities
r-stringr 1.0.0Simple, consistent wrappers for common string operations
r-testthat 0.10.0Unit testing for R
r-whisker 0.3-2Logicless mustache templating for R
r-xml2 0.1.2Parse XML with R
r-xvector 0.10.0Representation and manpulation of external sequences
r-yaml 2.1.13Methods to convert R data to YAML and back
racket 6.2.1Implementation of Scheme and related languages
rage 0.1.4Video and audio player based on EFL
ragel 6.9State machine compiler
raincat game with a cat in lead role
rakarrack 0.6.1Audio effects processor
randomjungle 2.1.0Implementation of the Random Forests machine learning method
randrproto 1.4.0Xorg RandRProto protocol headers
rapidjson 1.0.2JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API
raptor2 2.0.15RDF syntax library
rasqal 0.9.33RDF query library
ratpoison 1.4.8Simple mouse-free tiling window manager
raul 0.8.0Real-time audio utility library
rc 1.7.4Alternative implementation of the rc shell by Byron Rakitzis
Part of GNUrcs 5.9.4Per-file local revision control system
rdesktop 1.8.3Client for Windows Terminal Services
rdiff-backup 1.2.8Local/remote mirroring+incremental backup
rdup 1.1.14Provide a list of files to backup
patches: snippet
Part of GNUreadline 6.3Edit command lines while typing, with history support
Part of GNUreadline 6.2Edit command lines while typing, with history support
recode encoding converter
recordproto 1.14.2Xorg RecordProto protocol headers
Part of GNUrecutils 1.7Manipulate plain text files as databases
redis 3.0.4Key-value cache and store
redland 1.0.17RDF library
redshift 1.10Adjust the color temperature of your screen
renderproto 0.11.1Xorg RenderProto protocol headers
rep-gtk binding for librep
resourceproto 1.2.0Xorg ResourceProto protocol headers
Part of GNUrest 0.7.93RESTful web api query library
retroarch 1.2.2Reference frontend for the libretro API
rfkill 0.5Tool for enabling and disabling wireless devices
Part of GNUrhythmbox 3.2.1Music player for GNOME
ripperx 2.8.0GTK program to rip and encode CD audio tracks
patches: 1
Part of GNUrottlog 0.72.2Log rotation and management
rpm 4.12.0The RPM Package Manager
rrdtool 1.4.8Time-series data storage and display system
rsem 1.2.20Estimate gene expression levels from RNA-Seq data
rseqc 2.6.1RNA-seq quality control package
rsound 1.1Networked audio system
rsync 3.1.0Remote (and local) file copying tool
rtmidi 2.1.0Cross-platform MIDI library for C++
rtorrent 0.9.6BitTorrent client with ncurses interface
rubber 1.1Wrapper for LaTeX and friends
rubberband 1.8.1Audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting library
ruby 2.2.4Programming language interpreter
ruby 1.8.7-p374Programming language interpreter
ruby 2.1.6Programming language interpreter
ruby-activesupport 4.2.4Ruby on Rails utility library
ruby-arel 6.0.3SQL AST manager for Ruby
ruby-atoulme-antwrap 0.7.5Ruby wrapper for the Ant build tool
ruby-atoulme-saikuro 1.2.1Cyclomatic complexity analyzer
ruby-bacon 1.2.0Small RSpec clone
ruby-bio-logger 1.0.1Log4r wrapper for Ruby
ruby-blankslate 3.1.3Abstract base class with no predefined methods
ruby-builder 3.2.2Ruby library to create structured data
ruby-byebug 6.0.2Debugger for Ruby 2
ruby-ci-reporter 2.0.0Generate XML reports of runs test
ruby-clap 1.0.0Command line argument parsing for simple applications
ruby-coderay 1.1.0Ruby syntax highlighting library
ruby-connection-pool 2.2.0Generic connection pool for Ruby
ruby-crass 1.0.2Pure Ruby CSS parser
ruby-cucumber-core 1.3.0Core library for the Cucumber BDD app
ruby-cutest 1.2.2Run tests in separate processes
ruby-daemons 1.2.2Daemonize Ruby programs
ruby-diff-lcs 1.2.5Compute the difference between two Enumerable sequences
ruby-docile 1.1.5Ruby EDSL helper library
ruby-eventmachine 1.0.8Single-threaded network event framework for Ruby
ruby-ffi 1.9.10Ruby foreign function interface library
ruby-formatador 0.2.5Ruby library to format text on stdout
ruby-gem-hadar 1.3.1Library for the development of Ruby gems
ruby-gettext 3.1.7GNU gettext-like program for Ruby
ruby-gherkin3 3.1.1Gherkin parser for Ruby
ruby-git wrappers for Git
ruby-guard 2.13.0Tool to handle events on file system modifications
ruby-hoe 3.13.1Ruby project management helper
ruby-i18n 0.7.0Internationalization library for Ruby
ruby-instantiator 0.0.6Instantiate an arbitrary Ruby class
ruby-introspection 0.0.3Dynamic inspection of the method hierarchy on a Ruby object
ruby-json 1.8.3JSON library for Ruby
ruby-json-pure 1.8.3JSON implementation in pure Ruby
ruby-libxml 2.8.0Ruby bindings for GNOME Libxml2
ruby-listen 3.0.3Listen to file modifications
ruby-locale 2.1.2Ruby library providing basic localization APIs
ruby-log4r 1.1.10Flexible logging library for Ruby
ruby-lumberjack 1.0.9Logging utility library for Ruby
ruby-metaclass 0.0.4Ruby library adding metaclass method to all objects
ruby-method-source 0.8.2Retrieve the source code for Ruby methods
ruby-mini-portile 2.0.0Ports system for Ruby developers
ruby-mini-portile 0.6.2Ports system for Ruby developers
ruby-minitar 0.5.4Ruby library and utility for handling tar archives
ruby-minitest 4.7.5Small test suite library for Ruby
ruby-minitest 5.7.0Small test suite library for Ruby
ruby-minitest-bacon 1.0.2Bacon compatibility library for minitest
ruby-minitest-sprint 1.1.0Fast test suite runner for minitest
ruby-minitest-tu-shim 1.3.3Adapter library between minitest and test/unit
ruby-mocha 1.1.0Mocking and stubbing library for Ruby
ruby-multipart-post 2.0.0Multipart POST library for Ruby
ruby-nenv 0.2.0Ruby interface for modifying the environment
ruby-net-http-persistent 2.9.4Persistent HTTP connection manager
ruby-net-ssh 3.0.1Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client protocol
ruby-netrc 0.11.0Library to read and update netrc files
ruby-nokogiri, XML, SAX, and Reader parser for Ruby
ruby-nokogiri-diff 0.2.0Calculate the differences between two XML/HTML documents
ruby-nokogumbo 1.4.6Ruby bindings to the Gumbo HTML5 parser
ruby-notiffany 0.0.7Wrapper libray for notification libraries
ruby-orderedhash 0.0.6Ruby library providing an order-preserving hash
ruby-ox 2.2.1Optimized XML library for Ruby
ruby-packnga 1.0.1Utility library to package internationalized libraries
ruby-permutation 0.1.8Library to perform operations with sequence permutations
ruby-pg 0.18.2Ruby interface to PostgreSQL
ruby-power-assert 0.2.6Assert library with descriptive assertion messages
ruby-pry 0.10.1Ruby REPL
ruby-pry-editline 1.1.2Open the current REPL line in an editor
ruby-pstree 0.1.0Create a process tree data structure
ruby-pygmentize 0.0.3Thin Ruby wrapper around pygmentize
ruby-rack 1.6.4Unified web application interface for Ruby
ruby-rake-compiler 0.9.5Building and packaging helper for Ruby native extensions
ruby-rb-fsevent 0.9.6FSEvents API with signals catching
ruby-rb-inotify 0.9.5Ruby wrapper for Linux's inotify
ruby-redcarpet 3.3.3Extensible Markdown to (X)HTML converter
ruby-redcloth 4.2.9Textile markup language parser for Ruby
ruby-rjb 1.5.3Ruby-to-Java bridge using the Java Native Interface
ruby-rspec 3.2.0Behavior-driven development framework for Ruby
ruby-rspec 2.14.1Behavior-driven development framework for Ruby
ruby-rspec-core 2.14.8RSpec core library
ruby-rspec-core 3.2.3RSpec core library
ruby-rspec-expectations 3.2.1RSpec expectations library
ruby-rspec-expectations 2.14.5RSpec expectations library
ruby-rspec-mocks 3.2.1RSpec stubbing and mocking library
ruby-rspec-mocks 2.14.6RSpec stubbing and mocking library
ruby-rubygems-tasks 0.2.4Rake tasks for managing and releasing Ruby Gems
ruby-saikuro-treemap 0.2.0Generate complexity treemap based on saikuro analysis
ruby-sanitize 4.0.0Whitelist-based HTML and CSS sanitizer
ruby-sdoc 0.4.1Generate searchable RDoc documentation
ruby-shellany 0.0.1Capture command output
ruby-shindo 0.3.8Simple depth first Ruby testing
ruby-simplecov 0.10.0Code coverage framework for Ruby
ruby-simplecov-html 0.10.0Default HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool
ruby-slop 4.1.0Ruby command line option parser
ruby-slop 3.6.0Ruby command line option parser
ruby-tdiff 0.3.3Calculate the differences between two tree-like structures
ruby-term-ansicolor 1.3.2Ruby library to control the attributes of terminal output
ruby-test-unit 3.1.5Unit testing framework for Ruby
ruby-text 1.3.1Collection of text algorithms for Ruby
ruby-thor 0.19.1Ruby toolkit for building command-line interfaces
ruby-thread-safe 0.3.5Thread-safe utilities for Ruby
ruby-tins 1.7.0Assorted tools for Ruby
ruby-tzinfo 1.2.2Time zone library for Ruby
ruby-unf-ext normalization form support library
ruby-useragent 0.13.3HTTP user agent parser for Ruby
ruby-utils 0.2.4Command line tools for working with Ruby
ruby-xml-simple 1.1.5Simple Ruby library for XML processing
ruby-yard generation tool for Ruby
Part of GNUrush 1.7Restricted user (login) shell
rxvt-unicode 9.21Rxvt clone with XFT and unicode support
s2tc 1.0S3 Texture Compression implementation
samba 4.3.3The standard Windows interoperability suite of programs for GNU and Unix
samtools 1.2Utilities to efficiently manipulate nucleotide sequence alignments
samtools 0.1.19Utilities to efficiently manipulate nucleotide sequence alignments
sane-backends 1.0.24Raster image scanner library and drivers
sassc 3.2.5CSS pre-processor
sawfish 1.11Configurable window manager
sbcl 1.2.8Common Lisp implementation
scalapack 2.0.2Library for scalable numerical linear algebra
scheme48 1.9Scheme implementation using a bytecode interpreter
scmutils 20140302Scmutils library for MIT Scheme
scons 2.3.4Software construction tool written in Python
scotch 6.0.4Programs and libraries for graph algorithms
Part of GNUscreen 4.3.1Full-screen window manager providing multiple terminals
scribus 1.5.0Desktop publishing and page layout program
scrnsaverproto 1.2.2Xorg ScrnSaverProto protocol headers
scrot 0.8Command-line screen capture utility for X Window System
sdl 1.2.15Cross platform game development library
sdl-gfx 2.0.24SDL graphics primitives library
sdl-image 1.2.12SDL image loading library
sdl-mixer 1.2.12SDL multi-channel audio mixer library
sdl-net 1.2.8SDL networking library
sdl-ttf 2.0.11SDL TrueType font library
sdl2 2.0.3Cross platform game development library
sdl2-image 2.0.0SDL image loading library
sdl2-mixer 2.0.0SDL multi-channel audio mixer library
sdl2-ttf 2.0.12SDL TrueType font library
Part of GNUseahorse 3.18.0Manage encryption keys and passwords in the GNOME keyring
Part of GNUsed 4.2.2Stream editor
seqan 1.4.2Library for nucleotide sequence analysis
seqmagick 0.6.1Tools for converting and modifying sequence files
serd 0.20.0Library for RDF syntax supporting Turtle and NTriples
serf 1.3.8High-performance asynchronous HTTP client library
Part of GNUserveez 0.2.2Framework for implementing IP-based servers
sessreg 1.0.8Register X sessions in system utmp/utmpx databases
setbfree 0.8.0Tonewheel organ
setxkbmap 1.3.0Set the keyboard using the X Keyboard Extension
sfarklib 2.24Library for SoundFont decompression
sfarkxtc b5e0a2ba39Basic sfArk decompressor
sfml 2.3.2Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
sfxr 1.2.1Simple sound effect generator
shadow 4.2.1Authentication-related tools such as passwd, su, and login
shared-mime-info 1.2Database of common MIME types
Part of GNUsharutils 4.15.2Archives in shell scripts, uuencode/uudecode
shflags 1.0.3Command-line flags library for shell scripts
Part of GNUshishi 1.0.2Implementation of the Kerberos 5 network security system
shntool 3.0.10WAVE audio data processing tool
shogun 4.0.0Machine learning toolbox
Part of GNUshotwell 0.22.0Photo manager for GNOME 3
shroud 0.1.1GnuPG-based secret manager
signing-party 1.1.4Collection of scripts for simplifying gnupg key signing
simple-scan 3.17.4Document and image scanner
Part of GNUsipwitch 1.9.15Secure peer-to-peer VoIP server for the SIP protocol
skalibs abstraction libraries for software
skribilo 0.9.2Document production tool written in Guile Scheme
slang 2.3.0Library for interactive applications and extensibility
slepc 3.6.2Scalable library for eigenproblems
slepc-complex 3.6.2Scalable library for eigenproblems (with complex scalars)
slepc-complex-openmpi 3.6.2Scalable library for eigenproblems (with complex scalars and MPI support)
slepc-openmpi 3.6.2Scalable library for eigenproblems (with MPI support)
slim 1.3.6Desktop-independent graphical login manager for X11
sloccount 2.26Count physical source lines of code (SLOC)
slock 1.2Simple X session lock
Part of GNUsmalltalk 3.2.5Smalltalk environment
smartmontools 6.3S.M.A.R.T. harddisk control and monitoring tools
smithlab-cpp 0.1.728a097C++ helper library for functions used in Smith lab projects
smproxy 1.0.5Session Manager Proxy
snakemake 3.2.1Python-based execution environment for make-like workflows
snap-aligner 1.0beta.18Short read DNA sequence aligner
socat bidirectional communication channels from the command line
soil 1.0.7OpenGL texture loading library
Part of GNUsolfege 3.22.2Ear training
soprano 2.9.4RDF data library for Qt
sord 0.12.2C library for storing RDF data in memory
sound-theme-freedesktop 0.8Audio samples for use as a desktop sound theme
soundtouch 1.8.0Audio processing library for changing tempo, pitch and playback rate
Part of GNUsource-highlight 3.1.8Produce a document with syntax highlighting from a source file
sox 14.4.2Sound processing utility
soxr 0.1.1One-dimensional sample-rate conversion library
sparsehash 2.0.3Memory-efficient hashtable implementations
Part of GNUspeex 1.2rc1Library for patent-free audio compression format
sqlite SQLite database management system
squashfs-tools 4.3Tools to create and extract squashfs filesystems
sra-tools 2.5.4Tools and libraries for reading and writing sequencing data
sratom 0.4.6Library for serialising LV2 atoms to/from RDF
srt2vtt 0.1SubRip to WebVTT subtitle converter
sshfs-fuse 2.5Mount remote file systems over SSH
st 0.5Simple terminal emulator
stalonetray 0.8.1Standalone and KDE systray implementation
star 2.4.2aUniversal RNA-seq aligner
starman 0.4011PSGI/Plack web server
startup-notification 0.12Application startup notification and feedback library
static-binaries-tarball 0Statically-linked bootstrap binaries
Part of GNUstow 2.2.2Managing installed software packages
strace 4.7System call tracer for Linux
stress 1.0.1Impose load on and stress test a computer system
strigi 0.7.8Desktop search daemon
subread 1.4.6-p2Tool kit for processing next-gen sequencing data
subversion 1.8.15Revision control system
sudo 1.8.15Run commands as root
suil 0.8.2Library for loading and wrapping LV2 plugin UIs
suitesparse 4.4.3Suite of sparse matrix software
superlu 4.3Supernodal direct solver for sparse linear systems
superlu-dist 3.3Parallel supernodal direct solver
swig 3.0.5Interface compiler that connects C/C++ code to higher-level languages
swt 4.4.2Widget toolkit for Java
sxhkd 0.5.5Simple X hotkey daemon
sxiv 1.3.1Simple X Image Viewer
synergy 1.7.4Mouse and keyboard sharing utility
synfig 1.0.2Vector-based 2D animation renderer
synfigstudio 1.0.2Vector-based 2D animation package (GUI)
sysfsutils 2.1.0System utilities based on Linux sysfs
sysfsutils 1.3.0System utilities based on Linux sysfs (version 1.x)
t1lib 5.1.2Library for generating bitmaps from Type 1 fonts
taglib 1.9.1Library to access audio file meta-data
Part of GNUtalkfilters 2.3.8Convert English text to humorous dialects
talloc 2.1.5Hierarchical, reference counted memory pool system
Part of GNUtar 1.28Managing tar archives
taskwarrior 2.4.3Command line task manager
tbb 4.3.2C++ library for parallel programming
tcl 8.6.4The Tcl scripting language
tcpdump 4.7.4Network packet analyzer
tcsh 6.18.01Unix shell based on csh
tdb 1.3.8Trivial database
teckit 2.5.4Toolkit for encoding conversions
telepathy-glib 0.24.1GLib Real-time communications framework over D-Bus
telepathy-logger 0.8.2Telepathy logger library
terminology 0.9.1Powerful terminal emulator based on EFL
tesseract-ocr 3.02.02Optical character recognition engine
testdisk 6.14Data recovery tool
tevent 0.9.26Event system library
texi2html 5.0Convert Texinfo to HTML
Part of GNUtexinfo 5.2The GNU documentation format
Part of GNUtexinfo 4.13aThe GNU documentation format
Part of GNUtexinfo 6.0The GNU documentation format
texlive 2015TeX Live, a package of the TeX typesetting system
texlive-bin 2015TeX Live, a package of the TeX typesetting system
texlive-texmf 2015TeX Live, a package of the TeX typesetting system
the-silver-searcher 0.29.1Fast code searching tool
thunar 1.6.6Xfce file manager
thunar-volman 0.8.1Removable media manager for Thunar
tidy 20091223HTML validator and tidier
tig 2.1.1Ncurses-based text user interface for Git
tilda 1.3.1GTK+-based drop-down terminal
tiled 0.13.1Tile map editor
Part of GNUtime 1.7Run a command, then display its resource usage
timidity++ 2.14.0Software synthesizer for playing MIDI files
tinc 1.0.26Virtual Private Network (VPN) daemon
tinyproxy 1.8.3Light-weight HTTP/HTTPS proxy daemon
tinyxml 2.6.2Small XML parser for C++
patches: 1
tk 8.6.4Graphical user interface toolkit for Tcl
tlsdate 0.0.13Extract remote time from TLS handshakes
tmux 2.1Terminal multiplexer
tocc 1.0.1Command-line interface to libtocc
tor network router to improve privacy on the Internet
torsocks 2.0.0Use socks-friendly applications with Tor
Part of GNUtotem 3.18.1Simple media player for GNOME based on GStreamer
Part of GNUtotem-pl-parser 3.10.5Library to parse and save media playlists for GNOME
transfig 3.2.5eCreate portable LaTeX figures
transmission 2.84Fast and easy BitTorrent client
tre 0.8.0Approximate regex matching library and agrep utility
tree 1.7.0Recursively list the contents of a directory
Part of GNUtrueprint 5.4Pretty-print C sources and other plain text to PostScript
tumbler 0.1.31D-Bus service for applications to request thumbnails
tuxguitar 1.2Multitrack tablature editor and player
tvtime 1.0.2Television viewer
patches: 1, 2, 3, 4
twolame 0.3.13MPEG Audio Layer 2 (MP2) encoder
txt2man 1.5.6Convert text to man page
tzdata 2015cDatabase of current and historical time zones
Part of GNUucommon 7.0.0Common C++ framework for threaded applications
udisks 2.1.6Disk manager service
unclutter 8Hide idle mouse cursor
unionfs-fuse 0.26User-space union file system
unionfs-fuse-static 0.26User-space union file system (statically linked)
unison 2.48.3File synchronizer
Part of GNUunits 2.12Conversion between thousands of scales
unixodbc 2.3.2Data source abstraction library
unqlite 1.1.6In-memory key/value and document store
Part of GNUunrtf 0.21.9Convert Rich Text Format documents to other formats
unzip 6.0Decompression and file extraction utility
upower 0.99.3System daemon for managing power devices
usbutils 006Tools for working with USB devices, such as lsusb
utf8proc 1.3.1C library for processing UTF-8 Unicode data
util-linux 2.27Collection of utilities for the Linux kernel
util-macros 1.19.0Xorg autoconf macros
Part of GNUuucp 1.07UUCP protocol implementation
Part of GNUvala 0.30.0Compiler for the GObject type system
valgrind 3.11.0Debugging and profiling tool suite
vamp 2.6Modular and extensible audio processing system
vapoursynth 28Video processing framework
Part of GNUvc-dwim 1.7Version-control-agnostic ChangeLog diff and commit tool
vcftools 0.1.12bTools for working with VCF files
Part of GNUvera 1.22List of acronyms
videoproto 2.3.2Xorg VideoProto protocol headers
vigra 1.10.0Computer vision library
vim 7.4Text editor based on vi
vlc 2.2.1Audio and video framework
vmpk 0.6.1Virtual MIDI piano keyboard
vorbis-tools 1.4.0Ogg vorbis tools
vpnc 0.5.3Client for Cisco VPN concentrators
vsearch 1.4.1Sequence search tools for metagenomics
Part of GNUvte 0.42.1Virtual Terminal Emulator
Part of GNUvte 0.28.2Virtual Terminal Emulator
Part of GNUvte 0.36.5Virtual Terminal Emulator
vtk 6.1.0Libraries for 3D computer graphics
w3m 0.5.3Text-mode web browser
wakelan 1.1Send a wake-on-LAN packet
wavpack 4.70.0Hybrid lossless audio codec
wayland 1.9.0Display server protocol
wcalc 2.5Flexible command-line scientific calculator
Part of GNUwdiff 1.2.2Word difference finder
webkitgtk 2.4.9Web content engine for GTK+
webkitgtk 2.8.5Web content engine for GTK+
webkitgtk-gtk2 2.4.9Web content engine for GTK+
patches: 1
weechat 1.3Extensible chat client
weex client for FTP synchronization
wesnoth 1.12.4Turn-based strategy game
Part of GNUwget 1.17.1Non-interactive command-line utility for downloading files
Part of GNUwhich 2.21Find full path of shell commands
wicd 1.7.3Network connection manager
windowmaker 0.95.6NeXTSTEP-like window manager
windowswmproto 1.0.4Xorg WindowsWMProto protocol headers
wine 1.7.52Implementation of the Windows API
wireless-regdb 2015.04.06Wireless regulatory database
wireless-tools 30.pre9Tools for manipulating Linux Wireless Extensions
withershins 0.1C++11 library for generating stack traces
wmctrl 1.07Command-line tool to control X window managers
wordnet 3.0Lexical database for the English language
wpa-supplicant 2.5Connecting to WPA and WPA2-protected wireless networks
wpa-supplicant-minimal 2.5Connecting to WPA and WPA2-protected wireless networks
patches: 1, 2, 3, 4
wv 1.2.4Microsoft Word conversion library and utilities
wxmaxima 15.04.0Graphical user interface for the Maxima computer algebra system
wxwidgets 3.0.2Widget toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces
wxwidgets 2.8.12Widget toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces
x11perf 1.5.4X server performance benchmarker
Part of GNUxaos 3.6Real-time fractal zoomer
xapian 1.2.21Search Engine Library
xauth 1.0.9X authority file utility
xbacklight 1.2.1Control display backlight
xbindkeys 1.8.6Associate a combination of keys with a shell command
xbitmaps 1.1.1X bitmaps
Part of GNUxboard 4.8.0Graphical user interface for chess programs
xboing 2.4Ball and paddle game
xcape 1.1Use a modifier key in as another key
xcb-proto 1.11XML-XCB protocol descriptions
xcb-util 0.4.0Core XCB utility functions
xcb-util-cursor 0.1.2Port of libxcursor
xcb-util-image 0.4.0XCB port of Xlib's XImage and XShmImage
xcb-util-keysyms 0.4.0Standard X constants and conversion to/from keycodes
xcb-util-renderutil 0.3.9Convenience functions for the Render extension
xcb-util-wm 0.4.1Client and window-manager helpers for ICCCM and EWMH
xclip 0.12Command line interface to X11 clipboard
xcmiscproto 1.2.2Xorg XCMiscProto protocol headers
xcmsdb 1.0.4Device Color Characterization utility
xcompmgr 1.1.7X Compositing manager using RENDER
xcursor-themes 1.0.4Default Xorg cursors
xcursorgen 1.0.6Create an X cursor file from PNG images
xdg-utils scripts for desktop integration
xdotool 2.20110530.1Fake keyboard/mouse input, window management, and more
xdpyinfo 1.3.1Xorg display information utility
xdriinfo 1.0.4Query DRI configuration information
xev 1.2.1Print contents of X events
xextproto 7.3.0Xorg XExtProto protocol headers
xeyes 1.0.1Follow-the-mouse X demo
xf86-input-evdev 2.8.4Generic input driver for X server
xf86-input-joystick 1.6.2Joystick input driver for X server
xf86-input-keyboard 1.8.0Keyboard input driver for X server
xf86-input-libinput 0.8.0Input driver for X server based on libinput
xf86-input-mouse 1.9.1Mouse input driver for X server
xf86-input-synaptics 1.8.1Touchpad input driver for X server
xf86-input-void 1.4.0Void (null) input driver for X server
xf86-input-wacom 0.29.0Wacom input driver for X
xf86-video-ark 0.7.5Ark Logic video driver for X server
xf86-video-ati 7.5.0ATI Radeon video driver for X server
xf86-video-cirrus 1.5.2Cirrus Logic video driver for X server
xf86-video-fbdev 0.4.4Framebuffer device video driver for X server
xf86-video-geode 2.11.16AMD Geode GX/LX video driver for X server
xf86-video-glint 1.2.8GLINT/Permedia video driver for X server
patches: 1
xf86-video-i128 1.3.6I128 video driver for X server
xf86-video-intel 2.21.15Intel video driver for X server
xf86-video-mach64 6.9.4Mach64 video driver for X server
xf86-video-mga 1.6.3Matrox video driver for X server
xf86-video-modesetting 0.9.0"Modesetting" video driver for X server
xf86-video-neomagic 1.2.8NeoMagic video driver for X server
xf86-video-nouveau 1.0.11NVIDIA video driver for X server
xf86-video-nv 2.1.20NVIDIA video driver for X server
xf86-video-openchrome 0.3.3Openchrome video driver for X server
xf86-video-r128 6.9.2ATI Rage 128 video driver for X server
xf86-video-savage 2.3.7Savage video driver for X server
xf86-video-siliconmotion 1.7.7Silicon Motion video driver for X server
xf86-video-sis 0.10.7Sis video driver for X server
xf86-video-suncg6 1.1.2GX/TurboGX video driver for X server
xf86-video-sunffb 1.2.2SUNFFB video driver for X server
xf86-video-tdfx 1.4.53Dfx video driver for X server
patches: 1
xf86-video-tga 1.2.2TGA video driver for X server
xf86-video-trident 1.3.6Trident video driver for X server
xf86-video-vesa 2.3.3VESA video driver for X server
xf86-video-vmware 13.0.2VMware SVGA video driver for X server
xf86-video-voodoo 1.2.5Voodoo/Voodoo2 video driver for X server
xf86bigfontproto 1.2.0Xorg XF86BigFontProto protocol headers
xf86dgaproto 2.1Xorg XF86DGAProto protocol headers
xf86driproto 2.1.1Xorg XF86DRIProto protocol headers
xf86vidmodeproto 2.3.1Xorg XF86VidModeProto protocol headers
xfce 4.12.0Desktop environment (meta-package)
xfce4-appfinder 4.12.0Xfce application finder
xfce4-battery-plugin 1.0.5Battery monitor panel plugin for Xfce4
xfce4-clipman-plugin 1.2.6Clipboard manager for Xfce
xfce4-panel 4.12.0Xfce desktop panel
xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin 0.2.3PulseAudio panel plugin for Xfce
xfce4-session 4.12.0Xfce session manager
patches: 1, snippet
xfce4-settings 4.12.0Xfce settings manager
xfce4-terminal 0.6.3Xfce terminal emulator
xfconf 4.12.0Configuration storage and query system for Xfce
xfdesktop 4.12.0Xfce desktop manager
xfig 3.2.5cInteractive drawing tool
xfwm4 4.12.0Xfce window manager
xgamma 1.0.5Alter a monitor's gamma correction
xhost 1.0.6Xorg server access control utility
xineramaproto 1.2.1Xorg XineramaProto protocol headers
xinit 1.3.4Commands to start the X Window server
xinput 1.6.1Configure input devices for X server
xjackfreak 1.0JACK audio frequency analyzer and display
xkbcomp 1.3.0Compile XKB keyboard description
xkbevd 1.1.3XKB event daemon demo
xkbutils 1.0.4XKB utilities
xkeyboard-config 2.13Xorg XKB configuration files
xkill 1.0.4Kill a client by its X resource
xlockmore 5.46Screen locker for the X Window System
xlsatoms 1.1.1List interned X server atoms
xlsclients 1.1.3List client applications running on a display
xlsfonts 1.0.5List fonts available from an X server
xmlsec 1.2.20XML Security Library
xmlto 0.0.28Front-end to an XSL toolchain
xmodmap 1.0.8Modify keymaps and button mappings on X server
xmonad 0.11.1Tiling window manager
xmp 4.0.10Extended module player
Part of GNUxnee 3.19Record, replay and distribute user actions under X11
xorg-server 1.16.4Xorg implementation of the X Window System
xorg-sgml-doctools 1.11Xorg SGML documentation tools
Part of GNUxorriso 1.4.2Create, manipulate, burn ISO-9660 filesystems
xosd 2.2.14X On Screen Display
xournal 0.4.8Notetaking using a stylus
xpdf 3.04Viewer for PDF files based on the Motif toolkit
xpr 1.0.4Print an X window dump from xwd
xprop 1.2.2Display X server properties
xproto 7.0.26Xorg X11Proto protocol headers
xrandr 1.4.3Command line interface to X RandR extension
xrdb 1.1.0X server resource database utility
xrefresh 1.0.5Refresh all or part of an X screen
xsensors 0.70Hardware health information viewer
xset 1.2.3User preference utility for X server
xsetroot 1.1.1Root window parameter setting utility for X server
xterm 320Terminal emulator for the X Window System
xtrans 1.3.5Xorg Network Transport layer library
xvid 1.3.3MPEG-4 Part 2 Advanced Simple Profile video codec
xvinfo 1.1.2Print out X-Video extension adaptor information
xwd 1.0.6Dump current contents of X window or screen to file
xwininfo 1.1.3Window information utility for X server
xwud 1.0.4Display an X window dump from xwd
xz 5.0.4General-purpose data compression
yapet 1.0Yet Another Password Encryption Tool
yasm 1.2.0Rewrite of the NASM assembler
Part of GNUyelp 3.16.1GNOME help browser
Part of GNUyelp-tools 3.18.0Yelp documentation tools
Part of GNUyelp-xsl 3.18.1XSL stylesheets for Yelp
ykclient 2.13C library to validate one-time-password YubiKeys
yoshimi software synthesizer
youtube-dl 2015.12.29Download videos from and other sites
zathura 0.3.3Lightweight keyboard-driven PDF viewer
zathura-cb 0.1.4Comic book support for zathura (libarchive backend)
zathura-djvu 0.2.4DjVu support for zathura (DjVuLibre backend)
zathura-pdf-poppler 0.2.5PDF support for zathura (poppler backend)
zathura-ps 0.2.2PS support for zathura (libspectre backend)
Part of GNUzenity graphical dialog boxes from shell scripts
zerofree 1.0.3Zero non-allocated regions in ext2/ext3/ext4 file systems
zeromq 4.0.5Library for message-based applications
Part of GNUzile 2.4.11Lightweight Emacs clone
zip 3.0Compression and file packing utility
zita-alsa-pcmi 0.2.0C++ wrapper around the ALSA API
zita-convolver 3.1.0Fast, partitioned convolution engine library
zita-resampler 1.3.0C++ library for resampling audio signals
zlib 1.2.7Compression library
znc 1.6.2IRC network bouncer
zsh 5.1.1Powerful shell for interactive use and scripting
zynaddsubfx 2.5.2Software synthesizer
zziplib 0.13.62Library for accessing zip files

Updated January 5, 2016.