GNU Astronomy Utilities manual

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Appendix A GNU Astronomy Utilities list

GNU Astronomy Utilities 0.1, contains the following programs. They are sorted in alphabetical order and followed by their version number. A short description is provided for each program which starts with the executable names in parenthesis, see Naming convention. Throughout this manual, they are ordered based on their context, please see the manual contents for contextual ordering.

ConvertType 0.1

(astconvertt) Convert astronomical data files (FITS or IMH) to and from several other standard image and data formats, for example JPEG, EPS or PDF (ConvertType).

Convolve 0.1

(astconvolve) Convolve (blur or smooth) data with a given kernel (Convolve).

Header 0.1

(astheader) Print and manipulate the header data of a FITS file (see Header).

ImageCrop 0.1

(astimgcrop) Crop region(s) from an image and stitch several images if necessary. Inputs can be in pixel coordinates or world coordinates (ImageCrop).

ImageStatistics 0.1

(astimgstat) Get pixel statistics and save histogram and cumulative frequency plots (ImageStatistics).

ImageWarp 0.1

(astimgwarp) Warp image to new pixel grid (ImageWarp).

MakeCatalog 0.1

(astmkcatalog) Make catalog of labeled image (MakeCatalog).

MakeNoise 0.1

(astmknoise) Make (add) noise to an image (MakeNoise).

MakeProfiles 0.1

(astmkprof) Make mock profiles in image (MakeProfiles).

NoiseChisel 0.1

(astnoisechisel) Detect and segment signal in noise (NoiseChisel).

SubtractSky 0.1

(astsubtractsky) Find and subtract sky value by comparing the mode and median on a mesh grid (SubtractSky).

Read in other formats.
GNU Astronomy Utilities manual, November 2015.