GNU Astronomy Utilities manual

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7.3 MakeCatalog

Detecting and segmenting signal over an image results in labeled images where each pixel is labeled with the ID (an integer) that is specified by the detector program. But this labeled image by its self can hardly be of any scientific use. The job of MakeCatalog is to combine the input image, the noise properties and the labels of pixels into a catalog (a text file table) which can easily be used for high-level scientific interpretations.

NoiseChisel (Gnuastro’s signal detection tool, see NoiseChisel) does not produce any catalog of the detected objects by its self. Only a labeled FITS image is output, see NoiseChisel output. The output of NoiseChisel can be directly fed into MakeCatalog to generate the catalog. Some of the reasons for making the catalog in a separate program80 are listed below:



Most existing software that do object detection also output a catalog, so this is not a common practice.

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GNU Astronomy Utilities manual, November 2015.