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GNU datamash - alternative one-liners

GNU datamash is designed for ease of use, strict input validation, and robust operation.
If datamash is not available, some operations could be performed using existing software (such as awk, Perl, R).
Using Datamash has the following advantages over simple one-liners:

When analysis requires more than basic operations provided by GNU Datamash, users will benefit from switching to GNU R, GNU PSPP, GNU Octave, or other programming languages.
If you have suggestions and/or improvement to the one-liner examples below, please send them to bug-datamash@gnu.org.

sum, min, max, mean (single field, without grouping)

Calculating the sum, minimum value, maximum value and mean can be achieved with awk:
$ seq 10 | datamash sum 1
$ seq 10 | awk '{sum+=$1} END {print sum}'

$ seq -5 1 7 | datamash min 1
$ seq -5 1 7 | awk 'NR==1 {min=$1} NR>1 && $1<min { min=$1 } END {print min}'

$ seq -5 -1 | datamash max 1
$ seq -5 -1 | awk 'NR==1 {max=$1} NR>1 && $1>max { max=$1 } END {print max}'

$ seq 10 | datamash mean 1
$ seq 10 | awk '{sum+=$1} END {print sum/NR}'
However, using AWK without additional input validation and error checking code will silently ignore incorrent input and produce incorrect output:
$ printf "%s\n" 10 20 25 | awk '{sum+=$1} END {print sum/NR}'
$ printf "%s\n" 10 20 25 | datamash mean 1

# Without additional code, invalid numeric input is silently ignored by awk one-liner
$ printf "%s\n" 10 20 a 25 | awk '{sum+=$1} END {print sum/NR}'

# Datamash detects invalid input, and prints an informative error message
$ printf "%s\n" 10 20 a 25 | datamash mean 1
datamash: invalid numeric input in line 3 field 1: 'a'

first, last, count, rand, unique, collapse (with grouping)

awk and Perl can be used to perform equivalent Datamash operations, such as calculating the sum, minimum value, maximum value, unique values of groupped input data.
The following input will be used for the examples below. It simulates input data with two groups (a, b) and multiple values in each group:
$ printf "%s\t%d\n" a 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 a 3 a 6
a       1
b       2
a       3
b       4
a       3
a       6

$ DATA=$(printf "%s\t%d\n" a 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 a 3 a 6)
First value of each group:
$ echo "$DATA" | datamash -s -g 1 first 2
a       1
b       2
$ echo "$DATA" | awk '!($1 in a){a[$1]=$2} END {for(i in a) { print i, a[i] }}'
a 1
b 2
Last value of each group:
$ echo "$DATA" | datamash -s -g 1 last 2
a       6
b       4
$ echo "$DATA" | awk '{a[$1]=$2} END {for(i in a) { print i, a[i] }}'
a 6
b 4
Number of values in each group:
$ echo "$DATA" | datamash -s -g 1 count 2
a       4
b       2
$ echo "$DATA" | awk '{a[$1]++} END {for(i in a) { print i, a[i] }}'
a 4
b 2
Collapse all values in each group:
$ echo "$DATA" | datamash -s -g1 collapse 2
a        1,3,3,6
b        2,4
$ echo "$DATA" | perl -lane '{push @{$a{$F[0]}},$F[1]} END{print join("\n",map{"$_ ".join(",",@{$a{$_}})} sort keys %a);}'
a 1,3,3,6
b 2,4
Collapse unique values in each group:
$ echo "$DATA" | datamash -s -g1 unique 2
a       1,3,6
b       2,4
$ echo "$DATA" | perl -lane '{$a{$F[0]}{$F[1]}=1} END{print join("\n",map{"$_ ".join(",",sort keys %{$a{$_}})} sort keys %a);}'
a 1,3,6
b 2,4
Print a random value from each group:
$ echo "$DATA" | datamash -s -g 1 rand 2
a       3
b       2
$ echo "$DATA" | perl -lane '{ push @{$a{$F[0]}},$F[1] } END{ print join("\n",map{"$_ ".$a{$_}->[rand(@{$a{$_}})] } sort keys %a ) ;}'
a 6
b 4
The awk and Perl versions has the advantage of not need to sort the input, at the expense of using more memory.
However, using Perl one-liners without additional code does not handle I/O errors, such as:
$ echo "$DATA" | perl -lane '{$sum+=$F[1]} END { print $sum }'
$ echo "$DATA" | perl -lane '{$sum+=$F[1]} END { print $sum }' > /dev/full
# (disk-full error not detected, data is lost without warning)

$ echo "$DATA" | datamash sum 2
$ echo "$DATA" | datamash sum 2  > /dev/full
datamash: write error: No space left on device
When combining multiple operations, and optional output header line, Datamash's succinct syntax is advantageous:
$ echo "$DATA" | datamash -s -g1 --header-out count 2 collapse 2 sum 2 mean 2 | expand -t 18
GroupBy(field-1)  count(field-2)    collapse(field-2) sum(field-2)      mean(field-2)
a                 4                 1,3,3,6           13                3.25
b                 2                 2,4               6                 3

Statistical Operations

Rscript (part of GNU R package) can be used to perform calculations directly from the command line.

A simple summary of the data, without grouping:
$ echo "$DATA" | datamash min 2 q1 2 median 2 mean 2 q3 2 max 2
1       2.25    3       3.1666666666667 3.75    6

$ echo "$DATA" | Rscript -e 'summary(read.table("stdin"))
V1          V2
a:4   Min.   :1.000
b:2   1st Qu.:2.250
      Median :3.000
      Mean   :3.167
      3rd Qu.:3.750
      Max.   :6.000
A simple summary of the data, with grouping:
$ echo "$DATA" | datamash -s --header-out -g 1 min 2 q1 2 median 2 mean 2 q3 2 max 2 | expand -t 18
GroupBy(field-1)  min(field-2)      q1(field-2)       median(field-2)   mean(field-2)     q3(field-2)       max(field-2)
a                 1                 2.5               3                 3.25              3.75              6
b                 2                 2.5               3                 3                 3.5               4

$ echo "$DATA" | Rscript -e 'a=read.table("stdin")' -e 'aggregate(a$V2,by=list(a$V1),summary)'
  Group.1 x.Min. x.1st Qu. x.Median x.Mean x.3rd Qu. x.Max.
1       a   1.00      2.50     3.00   3.25      3.75   6.00
2       b   2.00      2.50     3.00   3.00      3.50   4.00
Calculating mean and standard-deviation for each group:
$ echo "$DATA" | datamash -s -g1 mean 2 sstdev 2
a       3.25    2.0615528128088
b       3       1.4142135623731
$ echo "$DATA" | Rscript -e 'a=read.table("stdin")' -e 'f=function(x){c(mean(x),sd(x))}' -e 'aggregate(a$V2,by=list(a$V1),f)'
  Group.1      x.1      x.2
1       a 3.250000 2.061553
2       b 3.000000 1.414214
GNU R's output formatting is preferable for interactive exploration of data. Datamash's output is preferable for scripting and automation.
Similar to Perl one-liners, GNU R will not detect I/O errors without additional code. For scripting and automation, Datamash's error reporting is more informative:
$ printf "%s\n" 1 2 3 a 5 | datamash sstdev 1
datamash: invalid numeric input in line 4 field 1: 'a'

$ printf "%s\n" 1 2 3 a 5 | Rscript -e 'sd(read.table("stdin"))'
Error in is.data.frame(x) :
  (list) object cannot be coerced to type 'double'
  Calls: sd -> var -> is.data.frame
  Execution halted

Reverse, Transpose

Perl can be used to reverse fields:
$ echo "$DATA" | datamash reverse
1       a
2       b
3       a
4       b
3       a
6       a
$ echo "$DATA" | perl -lane 'print join(" ", reverse @F)'
1 a
2 b
3 a
4 b
3 a
6 a
The following Rscript code can be used to transpose a file (swap rows and columns):
$ echo "$DATA" | datamash transpose
a       b       a       b       a       a
1       2       3       4       3       6

$ echo "$DATA" | Rscript -e 'write.table(t(read.table("stdin")),quote=F,col.names=F,row.names=F)'
a b a b a a
1 2 3 4 3 6
Other languages (such as Perl,awk,shell) also offer one-liners to transpose a file, but their solution usually do not detect invalid input:
$ DATAX=$(printf "1\t2\t3\n4\t5\n6\t7\t8\n")
$ echo "$DATAX"
1       2       3
4       5
6       7       8

$ echo "$DATAX" | datamash transpose
datamash: transpose input error: line 2 has 2 fields (previous lines had 3);
see --help to disable strict mode

# Datamash also offers an option to fill-in missing values:
$ echo "$DATAX" | datamash --no-strict transpose
1       4       6
2       5       7
3       N/A     8

$ echo "$DATAX" | Rscript -e 'write.table(t(read.table("stdin")),quote=F,col.names=F,row.names=F)'
Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings,  : 
  line 2 did not have 3 elements
  Calls: write.table -> is.data.frame -> t -> read.table -> scan
  Execution halted

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