Mailing lists

There are several mailing lists for information and discussion about AUCTeX. Besides the common way of a list subscription for accessing the lists, you can get hold of them and their archives as newsgroups, RSS feeds or web pages through Gmane as well. Gmane allows for reading, posting, and searching.

Below you can find information on list addresses, short descriptions of the type of content they are carrying, links to more detailed information (for example subscription) and information on how to access the lists via Gmane.

Note: Before posting to the lists please make yourself acquainted with basic rules of netiquette, as described e.g. in RFC 1855.
General discussion about AUCTeX
List information
Gmane: gmane.emacs.auctex.general
Discussion about AUCTeX development
List information
Gmane: gmane.emacs.auctex.devel
Bug reporting list for AUCTeX
List information
Gmane: gmane.emacs.auctex.bugs
Announcements about AUCTeX
List information
Gmane: gmane.emacs.auctex.announce

In case you are searching for former discussions about AUCTeX, you might want to refer to the archive of the old mailing list. There are also archives of the old preview-latex development list and bug reporting list.