For thirty years, the Free Software Foundation has been seen as a guiding light for the free software movement, fighting for user freedom.

Help keep our light burning brightly by donating to push us towards our goal of raising $450,000 by January 31st.

314k so far

Logotipo por Éder Saraiva Grigório

 [Logo do projeto GNU sobreposta à bandeira do Brasil] Esta obra está licenciada sob CC BY-SA 4.0. Direitos autorais de Éder Saraiva Grigório, 2015.

Primeiro Logotipo por Daniel Pimentel

 [Logo do projeto GNU entre <> e []] Esta obra está licenciada sob CC BY-SA 4.0. Direitos autorais de Daniel Pimentel, 2015.

Segundo Logotipo por Daniel Pimentel

 ['G chifrudo BR' em balão de fala] Esta obra está licenciada sob CC BY-SA 4.0. Direitos autorais de Daniel Pimentel, 2015.

Logotipo por Adonay Felipe Nogueira

 [Bandeira do Brasil limitada pelo contorno do logo do projeto GNU] Esta obra está licenciada sob CC BY-SA 4.0. Direitos autorais de Adonay Felipe Nogueira, 2015.

 [FSF logo] “Our mission is to preserve, protect and promote the freedom to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute computer software, and to defend the rights of Free Software users.”

The Free Software Foundation is the principal organizational sponsor of the GNU Operating System. Support GNU and the FSF by buying manuals and gear, joining the FSF as an associate member, or making a donation, either directly to the FSF or via Flattr.

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