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For thirty years, the Free Software Foundation has been seen as a guiding light for the free software movement, fighting for user freedom.

Help keep our light burning brightly by donating to push us towards our goal of raising $450,000 by January 31st.

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Submission guidelines for pages in /proprietary

When writing (or reviewing) an item that should be posted in a file in the /proprietary section, please respect the following guidelines:

  1. Read the article in its entirety.
  2. Try to focus on the key point of the article, and how it relates to the category it belongs.
  3. If an entry belongs to multiple categories, consider writing a slightly changed version for each category so that it highlights the aspect that relates to that particular category.
  4. Try to word the text in a way that respects the core values of free software (such as using certain expressions with care).
  5. Try to clarify any serious misconceptions spread by the article, if there are any.
  6. Be clear and concise.
  7. Ask the GNU webmasters <webmasters@gnu.org> if there are any doubts.

 [FSF logo] “Our mission is to preserve, protect and promote the freedom to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute computer software, and to defend the rights of Free Software users.”

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