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Dieses Werk ist eine Übersetzung aus dem Englischen.

Emacs vs. VI

(Zur Melodie von Ghost Riders in the Sky von den Outlaws)

A hacker went a-coding armed with coffee and his brain
Debating in himself whether to put it all in ’main’
When all at once his IRC was filled with hateful spite
A plethora of angry words about syntax highlight

Their hands were writing fire and they called each other n00b…
He’d never seen such sparking since the days of vacuum tubes
A bolt of fear went through him as he closed parentheses
Torn between the ’write and quit’ and ol’ C-x C-c

Yippy kai yay…
File I/O…
Emacs versus vi…

He’d long endured the arguments, he knew the story well…
So why condemn an editor and all its bytes to Hell?
From concepts of simplicity to a buffer-based OS…
You’d think they’d find a better way to work out daily stress!

So learn your lesson, hacker, and you’ll not regret one day…
The time you spent recovering, and throwing chars away…
What’s popular is never what you’ll get into your head…
So take a pointer from the pros… and choose the mighty ED!

Yippy kai yay…
File I/O…
Emacs versus vi…

Yippy kai yay…
File I/O…
Emacs versus vi…

Weitere Formate



Copyright (C) 2010 James Taylor.

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