


       sw -- POSIX Software Packaging


       Software Packaging Layout
       Software Definitions
       Software Selections
       Extended Definitions
       Distributor Keywords
       Package Security
       Software Definition Files: INFO, INDEX, PSF
       Example Package


       A package may exist in two forms: as a directory in a file system, or a
       serial access tar or cpio archive file.  A package consists of two main
       sections: 1) the exported catalog structure, and, 2) the software file
       storage structure.  Each section may contain path name components which
       serve to segregate distribution, product and fileset objects.

       Shown below is an example with one (1) product and one (1) fileset.


       The exported catalog structure consists of the files with pathnames
       that begin <path>/catalog.  Note that catalog is not a legal prod_dir
       name. Also, "dfiles", and "pfiles" should not be used as control
       directory names, they are the default names for the Distribution and
       Product files directories.  The dfiles and pfiles defaults are commonly

       The order of files in a serial access archive is specified and shown
       above.  The order of products and filesets within a product is not
       specified, although they must be grouped together.  Notably, the INDEX
       file is the first regular file in the package, followed by the <dfiles>
       directory.  For each product, the <prod_dir> is followed immediately by
       the <prod_dir>/<pfiles> directory.

   Minimal Package Layout
       To support extant usage of tar archives, this implementation supports a
       minimal package layout.  The layout is non-intrusive to the current
       practice of extracting a 'binary' package in the '/' directory where
       <path>/ is nil and, likewise to 'source' packages where <path> is
       typically the package name and version.  The use of nil control
       directories is not attested to in the POSIX standard.


       In this layout a single product and fileset have control_directory
       attributes specified as an empty string.

   Distribution Files

       <dfiles> is the value of the dfiles attribute and the default value is
       "dfiles".  This directory can store an INDEX file or INFO file
       pertaining to the distribution.  It can also store an attribute of the
       distribution as a separate file where file name is the name of the
       attribute and the file contents the value.

   Product Files

       <pfiles> is the value of the pfiles attribute and the default value is
       "pfiles".  This directory can store an INFO file pertaining to the
       product control_files,  control scripts defined in the INFO file, and
       all other distributor-defined control_files.  It can also store an
       attribute of the product as a separate file.

   Fileset Files

       This directory contains information in the same form as does the
       Product Files although pertaining to the fileset.

   Control Directory Names
       The <prod_dir>/<fileset_dir> names are the values of the
       control_directory attribute for the product and fileset respectively.
       The default value is the value of the tag attribute.  <prod_dir> must
       be unique within a distribution and <fileset_dir> must be unique within
       a product.

   File Storage

       The listing of control directories in the exported catalog structure is
       repeated and files of the distribution appear under these directories
       in a location determined by the metadata.

       The standard does not require that files that are not regular files
       appear in the storage section.


       The Software Definitions are metadata representations of the objects
       and attributes recognized by the standard.  The right hand column in
       each definition shows the default attribute value.  The defining
       standard for each attribute is indicated as a comment (leading '#'
       sign) if it is not IEEE-1387.2,  other defining standards are XDSA C701
       (C701), and, this implementation (impl.).

   Host Definition
          hostname     hostname       None
          os_name      os_name        None
          os_release   os_release     None
          os_version   os_version     None
          machine_type machine_type   None

       The host definition was attested to only in the informative annex of
       the standard.  An implementation may chose to define this class.

       A host object can contain a distribution, or installed_software object.

   Distribution Definition
          layout_version layout_version  1.0
          path           path            Implementation Defined
          dfiles         dfiles          dfiles
          pfiles         pfiles          pfiles
          uuid           uuid            Empty string

       The path attribute is not in a PSF nor INDEX files.  A PSF does not
       contain a uuid attribute.  An INDEX file will contain a layout_version
       attribute as the first attribute.

       A distribution object can contain bundles, products, and, media in the
       form of software definitions.

       The following attributes are recognized as valuable by the Informative
       Annex of POSIX.7.2.

          tag                tag                Empty string
          title              title              Empty string
          description        description        Empty string
          revision           revision           Empty string
          media_type         media_type         Empty string
          copyright          copyright          Empty string
          create_time        create_time        Empty string
          number             number             Empty string
          architecture       architecture       Empty string

       The following attributes are recognized by this implementation.

          signature          < pathname  None   # impl.
          sig_header   < pathname  None   # impl.
          sha1sum            < pathname  None   # impl.
          sha512sum           < pathname  None   # impl.
          md5sum             < pathname  None   # impl.
          adjunct_md5sum     < pathname  None   # impl.
          files              < pathname    None  # impl.
          control_directory  control_directory      Empty string   # impl.
          owner              name                           root   # impl.
          group              name                           root   # impl.
          mode               mode                           0755    # impl.
          signer_pgm         utility_name                   GPG    # impl.
          signer_pgm_version version                        1    # impl.
          tar_format_emulation_options program_options          # impl.
          tar_format_emulation_utility software spec            # impl.

       The url attribute is the universal record locator of the packager
       qualified vendor.  The control_directory attribute in the distribution
       object appears as the <path> leading directory path in the a serial
       archive package.  The owner, group, and mode attributes control the
       file attributes of the single path name prefix.  The signature,
       sig_header, md5sum, and adjunct_md5sum attributes are described below
       and are stored as separate files in the dfiles directory. The
       tar_format_emulation_* options define the GNU tar version and format
       options that the archive file mimics, these attributes are used by the
       'checkdigest' script.

   Installed_software Definition
          layout_version layout_version  1.0
          path           path            Implementation Defined
          dfiles         dfiles          dfiles
          pfiles         pfiles          dfiles
          catalog        catalog         Undefined
          install_time   install_time    Undefined       # impl.

       A software object can be listed (written to stdout) in the form of an
       INDEX file by the swlist utility.

   Media Definition
          sequence_number sequence_number  1

       An INDEX file must contain the sequence_number attribute if the
       distribution spans multiple media.

   Vendor Definition
          the_term_vendor_is_misleading  true                  True or False  #impl
          tag         tag           Empty string
          title       title         Empty string
          description description   Empty string
          qualifier   qualifier     Empty string  # impl.
          url         url           Empty string  # impl.
          vendor_tag  tag           Empty string  # impl.

       The tag attribute is required.  The the_term_vendor_is_misleading is
       required in a PSF file to avert a (harmless) warning, please use it.
       It exists to allow persons, for example, who are distributors (of
       existing free software) to qualify themselves away from the
       connotations of a "vendor" which has specific meaning not applicable to
       a free software distributor.  A INDEX and PSF files can contain vendor
       definitions.  The vendor_tag attribute contains the vendor.tag of the
       upstream distributor.  The qualifier attribute value may be one of:
       seller, author, packager, maintainer.  A distribution may have more
       than one vendor definition.  They may form a chain of references from
       the product.vendor_tag to the last vendor referred to by the
       vendor.vendor_tag attributes.

   Bundle Definition
          tag          tag    architecture architecture    Empty string
          location     location        <bundle.directory>
          qualifier    qualifier       Empty string
          revision     revision        Empty string
          vendor_tag   vendor_tag      Empty string
          create_time  create_time     None
          description  description     Empty string
          contents     contents        Empty string
          copyright    copyright       Empty string
          directory    directory       Empty string
          instance_id  instance_id     1
          is_locatable is_locatable    true
          layout_version layoyt_version  1.0
          machine_type machine_type    Empty string
          mod_time     mod_time        Empty string
          number       number          Empty string
          os_name      os_name         Empty string
          os_release   os_release      Empty string
          os_version   os_version      Empty string
          size         size            Empty string
          title        title           Empty string
          category_tag category_tag    Empty list or patch  # C701
          is_patch     is_patch        false                # C701

       The tag and contents attributes are required in INDEX and PSF files.
       The size attribute is not allowed in either file. The value of size is
       generated dynamically.  An INDEX file will contain a instance_id
       attribute.  Bundle definitions for distributions will not contain
       either the location or qualifier, installed_software objects may
       contain these attributes.

   Product Definition
          tag               tag               None
          architecture      architecture      Empty string
          location          location          <product.directory>
          qualifier         qualifier         Empty string
          revision          revision          Empty string
          vendor_tag        vendor_tag        Empty string
          all_filesets      all_filesets      Empty list
          control_directory control_directory <product.tag>
          copyright         copyright         Empty string
          create_time       create_time       None
          directory         directory         /
          description       description       Empty string
          instance_id       instance_id       1
          is_locatable      is_locatable      true
          postkernel        postkernel        Implemen. defined
          layout_version    layout_version    1.0
          machine_type      machine_type      Empty string
          number            number            Empty string
          os_name           os_name           Empty string
          os_release        os_release        Empty string
          os_version        os_version        Empty string
          mod_time          mod_time          None
          size              size              None
          title             title             title
          category_tag      category_tag      Empty list # C701
          is_patch          is_patch          false      # C701
          copyrighters      copyrighters      None       # impl.
          build_root        build_root        None       # impl.
          build_host        build_host        None       # impl.
          source_package    source_package    None       # impl.
          source_rpm        source_rpm        None       # impl.
          all_patches       all_patches       None       # impl.
          url               url               None       # impl.
          rpm_provides      rpm_provides      None       # impl.
          change_log        change_log        None       # impl.

       The tag and control_directory attributes are required.  The size
       attribute is not allowed in either file. The value of size is generated
       dynamically.  An INDEX file will contain a instance_id attribute.  A
       product object can contain control_files, files, and, subproducts in
       the form of software definitions.

       The product.vendor_tag refers to the downstream distributor.  This
       value is be the analogous to the RPMTAG_RELEASE or debian_release
       attributes.  The original upstream author's package, for example, would
       not use this attribute because that package would not have a release
       part in its name, but could (or should) provide a vendor object in the

       The architecture attribute contains an implementation defined name
       describing the architecture.  This attribute may be a pattern.  The
       swbis implementation uses the output of GNU config.guess
       (timestamp=2007-01-15) as the string to be matched by this pattern.

   Category Definition
          tag           tag            None             # C701
          title         title          Empty string     # C701
          description   description    Empty string     # C701
          revision      revision       Empty string     # C701

       The Category definition describes attributes of products and bundles
       related to its category. If is_patch is "true" then category.tag must
       equal "patch".

   Subroduct Definition
          tag           tag            None
          create_time   create_time    None
          description   description    Empty string
          mod_time      mod_time       None
          size          size           None
          title         title          Empty string
          contents      contents       Empty list
          category_tag  category_tag   Empty list   # C701
          is_patch      is_patch       false        # C701

       The tag and contents attributes are required.

   Fileset Definition
          tag               tag               None
          create_time       create_time       None
          mod_time          mod_time          None
          control_directory control_directory <fileset.tag>
          corequisites      corequisites      Empty list
          description       description       Empty string
          exrequisites      exrequisites      Empty list
          is_kernel         is_kernel         false
          is_locatable      is_locatable      true
          is_reboot         is_reboot         false
          location          location          <product.directory>
          media_sequence_number media_sequence_number 1
          prerequisites     prerequisites     Empty list
          revision          revision          None
          size              size              None
          state             state             None
          title             title             Empty string
          is_sparse         is_sparse        "false"        # C701
          is_patch          is_patch         "false"        # C701
          category_tag      category_tag      empty list    # C701
          ancestor          ancestor          <product.tag>,ver_id # C701
          applied_patches   applied_patches   empty list    # C701
          patch_state       patch_state       applied or,   # C701
                                                  committed or,
                                                    superseded, (no default).
          saved_files_directory  saved_files_directory None # C701
          supersedes       supersedes          None         # C701
          superseded_by    superseded_by       None         # C701

       The tag and control_directory attributes are required.  A PSF should
       not contain the location, media_sequence_number, size, or state
       attributes.  A fileset object can contain control_files, files, in the
       form of software definitions.

   File Definition
          path               path               None
          cksum             cksum             None
          compressed_cksum  compressed_cksum  None
          compressed_size    compressed_size    None
          compression_state  compression_state  uncompressed
          compression_type   compression_type   Empty string
          revision           revision           Empty string
          size               size               None
          source             source             None
          gid                gid                Undefined
          group              group              Empty string
          is_volatile        is_volatile        false
          link_source        link_source        None
          major              major              None
          minor              minor              None
          mode               mode               None
          mtime              mtime              None
          owner              owner              Empty string
          type               type               f
          uid                uid                undefined
          archive_path    archive_path    empty string    # C701
          md5sum          md5sum      empty string    # impl.
          sha1sum         sha1sum      empty string    # impl.
          sha512sum       sha512sum      empty string    # impl.
          rdev            rdev            empty string    # impl.
          rpm_fileflags   rpm_fileflags   empty string    # impl.

       A PSF must contain source attribute.  A source  attribute in an INFO
       will be ignored.  A PSF should not contain the cksum, compressed_cksum,
       compressed_size, compression_state, compression_type, or size

   Control File Definition
          tag                tag                None
          cksum             cksum             None
          compressed_cksum  compressed_cksum  None
          compressed_size    compressed_size    None
          compression_state  compression_state  uncompressed
          compression_type   compression_type   Empty string
          revision           revision           Empty string
          size               size               None
          source             source             None
          path               path               None
          interpreter        interpreter        sh
          result             result             none

       A control_file defines a control script such as those listed below (see
       Extended Control File Definitions) or an attribute stored as a file.


       The Software Selections provide a means to specify and select (possibly
       with a shell matching pattern) specific Software objects.  A selection
       is made using a software spec.  A software spec may not contain white
       space (a list of multiple selections is white space delimited).  A
       software spec consists of tag values and  version_ids.  Multiple tags
       are '.' (dot) delimited with the leftmost specifying the broadest (most
       general) software object such as a bundle or product and the rightmost
       being most specific (The swbis implementation does not support fileset
       tags in a software spec). The tags may be followed by nothing, or a
       comma and one or more Version Identifiers which are ',' comma

       Dependency Specs are software specs.

   Version Identifiers
       Version Identifiers specify specific attributes of a software object.
       There are five (5) specified. They are signified by a single letter:
       r,a,v,l,q.  An implementation may support additional ones and may
       support qualification to a specific object type by prefixing a 'p' or
       'b' or 'f' for bundle, product, or fileset respectively.  The value of
       the attribute follows an equals sign '=', or in the case of a revision
       id, a relational operator.

        Letter     Attribute
          r    revision   r<relop>revsion
                                    # A relop may be ==,<,>,<=,>=
          v    vendor_tag    v=vendor_tag
          q    qualifier     q=qualifier
          l    location      l=location
          a    architecture  a=arch

       Implementation Extension Version Ids are the following:

        Letter     Attribute
          i    catalog_instance_id   i=number

        The catalog instance_id is a directory in the installed software
       catalog that distinguishes installed instances of packages with the
       same name and revision but at different locations.

   Example Software Specs
           kde.kdegames # This assumes that 'kde' was specified as the bundle
                        # in the kdegames package
           somepackage,r>1.0,r<=1.3  # revision is the product revision by default
           somepackage,pr>1.0,pr<=1.3  # explicitly specify revision is the product revision


       A dependency spec is a software spec.  There are three types:
       prerequisites, exrequisites, corequisites.  These attributes apply to
       the fileset and are placed in the fileset object in a PSF file.  A
       prerequisites is something that must be installed, and a exrequisites
       is something that must not be installed.  A corequisites is something
       that must be installed with, corequisites are not supported at this
       time.  prerequisites map to RPMTAG_REQUIRENAME, RPMTAG_REQUIREVERSION,
       and RPMTAG_REQUIREFLAGS attributes.

   Dependency Spec Examples
          # Alternation  Require a package named foo1 or foo2
          prerequisite   foo1|foo2

          # Require a package named foo1 and foo2
          prerequisite   foo1 foo2

          # multiple prerequisite keywords can be used
          prerequisite  foo1
          prerequisite  foo2

          # Require a revision range and a certain vendor_tag
          prerequisite  foo1,r>2,r<3,v=mydist*


       A Product Specification File (PSF) can contain Extended Definitions in
       the fileset, product or bundle software definitions.  They would have
       the same level or containment relationship as a file or control_file
       definition in the same contaning object.

       Extended Definitions represent a minimal, expressive form for
       specifying files and file attributes.  Their use in a PSF is optional
       in that an equivalent PSF can be constructed without using them,
       however, their use is encouraged for the sake of brevity and

       The swbis implementation requires that no [ordinary] attributes appear
       after Extended Definitions in the containing object, and, requires that
       Extended Definitions appear before logically contained objects.  That
       is, the parser uses the next object keyword to syntacticly and
       logically terminate the current object even if the current object has
       logically contained objects.

   o  Extended Control File Definitions
            checkinstall  source  [path]
            preinstall    source  [path]
            postinstall   source  [path]
            verify        source  [path]
            fix           source  [path]
            checkremove   source  [path]
            preremove     source  [path]
            postremove    source  [path]
            configure     source  [path]
            unconfigure   source  [path]
            request       source  [path]
            unpreinstall  source  [path]
            unpostinstall source  [path]
            space         source  [path]
            control_file  source  [path]

       The source attribute defines the location in distributors's development
       system where the swpackage utility will find the script.  The keyword
       is the value of the tag attribute and tells the utilities when to
       execute the script.  The path attribute is optional and specifies the
       file name in the packages distribution relative to the
       control_directory for software containing the script. If not given the
       tag value is used as the filename.

   o  Directory Mapping
          directory  source  [destination]

       Applies the source attribute as the directory under which the
       subsequently listed files are located.  If destination is defined it
       will be used as a prefix to the path (implied) file definition.  source
       is typically a temporary or build location and dest is its unrealized
       absolute pathname destination.

   o  Recursive File Definition
         file *

       Specifies every file in current source directory.  The directory
       extended definition must be used before the recursive specification.

   o  Explicit File Definition
         file [-t type] [-m mode] [-o owner[,uid]] [-g group[,gid]] [-n] [-v] source [path]


              source defines the pathname of the file to be used as the source
              of file data and/or attributes.  If it is a relative path, then
              swpackage searches for this file relative to the the source
              argument of the directory keyword, if set.  If directory keyword
              is not set then the search is relative to the current working
              directory of the swpackage utility's invocation.

              All attributes for the destination file are taken from the
              source file, unless a file_permissions keyword is active, or the
              -m, -o, or -g options are also included in the file


              path defines the destination path where the file will be created
              or installed.  If it is a relative path, then the destination
              path of the of the directory keyword must be active and will be
              used as the path prefix.  If path is not specified then source
              is used as the value of path and directory mapping applied (if

       -t type

              type may one of 'd' (directory), or  'h' (hard link), or 's'
              (symbolic link).

              -t d  Create a directory.
              If path is not specified source is used as the path attribute.

              -t h  Create a hard link.
              path and source are specified.  source is used as the value of
              the link_source attribute, and path is the value of the path

              -t s  Create a symbolic link.
              path and source are specified.  source is used as the value of
              the link_source attribute, and path is the value of the path

       -m mode

              mode defines the octal mode for the file.

   o  Default Permission Definition
         file_permissions [-m mode] [-u umask] [-o [owner[,]][uid]] [-g [group[,]][gid]]

       Applies to subsequently listed file definitions in a fileset.  These
       attributes will apply where the file attributes were not specified
       explicitly in a file definition.  Subsequent file_permissions
       definitions simply replace previous definitions (resetting all the

       To reset the file_permission state (i.e. turn it off) use one of the
           file_permissions ""
            or the preferred way is
           file_permissions -u 000

   o  Excluding Files
          exclude source

       Excludes a previously included file or an entire directory.

   o  Including Files
          include <filename

       The contents of filename may be more definitions for files.  The syntax
       of the included file is PSF syntax.


       A software definition file (INFO, INDEX or psf) may contain keywords
       not recognized by the standard.  Such keywords will be parsed as an
       attribute keyword, that is as an attribute of the containing object
       (keyword) software definition.


       The Package Security Attributes are distribution attributes stored as
       separate files.  They are implementation extensions.  They consist of
       archive digests, catalog signature, catalog signature header, and
       individual file md5, sha1, and sha512 digests.

   Archive Digests
       md5sum, sha1sum, and sha512sum are the md5 and sha1 and sha512 digests
       (ascii representations) of the leading package directories that do not
       have the catalog pathname component followed by the software file
       storage structure portion of the uncompressed serial access package
       file including all archive format trailer blocks.


   Adjunct Md5 Digest
       adjunct_md5sum is the same as the md5sum excluding symbolic links.  If
       a package does not contain symbolic links the md5sum and adjunct_md5sum
       will be identical.


       Explanation: This attribute is called 'adjunct' because it is a digest
       of a subset of the files in the package.  It exists to facilitate
       verifying file integrity of the directory form of a package in an
       environment where the modification time of symbolic link files are not
       preserved from the serial archive by the tar utility or operating
       system.  The ability to verify even the adjunct_md5sum from the
       directory form of the package is dependent on the tar creating utility
       and other attributes of a POSIX.2 environment.

   Catalog Signature Header
       The sig_header file is a ustar header that is identical bit-for-bit to
       the ustar header of the signature file.  It always precedes the
       signature file archive members.


       The sig_header protects the tar header of the signature files from
       tampering.  This is required because neither the signature file bytes
       nor the signature tar header are included in the signed data.

   Catalog Signature
       The signature protects the metadata section of the archive.  The
       contents of payload section are only included in the form of a
       crytographic digest.  The sha1 digest is preferred over the md5 digest
       for technical reasons.  If the metadata section does not contain the
       payload section digests then there is no way to verify the payload from
       the signature.


       The signed data is the exported catalog structure of the uncompressed
       serial archive package file up to but not including the first byte of
       the software file storage structure followed by two (2) 512 byte null
       blocks if tar format, and no trailer bytes if not tar format.  The
       signature file archive member itself is not included in the signed
       stream, it is intended that the <path>/catalog/<dfiles>/md5sum file is
       included in the signed stream.

       The signature file is ASCII armored.  The last printable character of
       the signature is followed by one or more newline characters (0x0A).
       The total length of the file must match the file size specified in the
       size field of the sig_header file.  The ustar header of every signature
       archive member shall be identical to the sig_header file.  The padded
       size is predetermined [by swpackage] and currently set to be 1024
       octets.  This means the armored sig file has a length limitation of
       1023 octets.

       If multiple signature archive members exist they must follow one
       another in the archive with no other intervening files; and, the same
       sig_header file is the ustar header for all the signature archive
       members.  A signature archive member, whether alone or one of many, is
       never part of the signed data stream.

   File Digests
       File digests are attributes of the file software definition. They
       appear in the INFO file.

       Each file can have none or all of these digests.


       The metadata files, INDEX, INFO and PSF, contain information about the
       software in the form of software definitions.  The INDEX and INFO files
       appear in a package directory structure.  They are automatically
       generated by the 'swpackage' command.  The location in the directory
       structure indicates the higher level object to which their data
       pertains.  The PSF file does not appear in the package.  It is created
       by a person or program and it directs the action of the swpackage
       utility.  It is internal data unless released by the distributor.

       The files contain keywords (and values) to represent the attributes
       defined in the standard.  There are three (3) different keyword types:
       object, attribute, and, extended. The object keyword type has no value
       and there are eleven (11) of these corresponding to the Software
       Definitions defined above: installed_software, distribution, media,
       bundle, vendor, category, product, subproduct, fileset, control_file,

       Each object keyword is followed by and newline and attributes in the
       form of keyword/value pairs.  Whitespace separates the keyword and
       value.  Whitespace outside of a quoted value is not significant.  A
       quoted value can span multiple lines.  An object keyword with its list
       of attribute keywords (and values) forms a Software Definition.  A
       Software Definition is terminated by the start of the next Software
       Definition.  Extended keywords (meaning Extended Definitions) only
       appear in a PSF file.

       The order  of objects (i.e Software Definitions) is significant and a
       containment  hierarchy is determined according to parser's grammar.

   Additional Syntax Rules
          o  A '#' (pound) character designates a comment.  A comment may
             begin a line or appear at the end of a single line containing the
             keyword/value pair.

          o  A value may be quoted by the '"' (double quote) character; and,
             multi-line values must be quoted.  Trailing white space from an
             unquoted value will be removed.

          o  The order of attributes is not significant although the INDEX
             file grammar requires the layout_version attribute appear first
             in distribution or installed software object.

          o  The ", #, and, \ characters must be escaped with a backslash (\)
             in a quoted value.

          o  If a value begins with a < (less than), the value is interpreted
             as a filename whose contents will be treated as a quoted value
             although the storage of the attribute will be in the form of a
             control file (i.e. a separate file in the control directory).
             For INDEX files, the filename is relative to the control
             directory in which this attribute is contained.  For PSF files,
             the filename is a path on the host.

   Software Definition File Grammar
       A PSF may contain all Software Definitions.  An INDEX file does not
       contain control_file, or file definitions. An INFO file contains only
       control_file, and file definitions.

            software_definition_file : INDEX
                                     | INFO
                                     | PSF

            PSF :  distribution_definition

            INDEX : swo_definition

            INFO : fileset_contents

            swo_definition : distribution_definition
                           | installed_software

            distribution_definition : distribution

            swo_contents : vendor(s)
                          | category(s)
                          | products
                          | bundles

            products : product

            bundles : bundle

            product_contents :  control_files
              /* control_files not valid in INDEX file */
                            | subproducts
                            |  filesets

            filesets : fileset
             /* fileset_contents not valid in INDEX file */

            fileset_contents :  control_files
                             | files



   Hypothetical PSF file
          control_directory swm-1.0  #Implementation Extension.
            the_term_vendor_is_misleading  false # True or False
            tag greatsoft
            title Greatersoft Corporation
            description "Greatersoft Corporation, Inc."
            tag swm
            title POSIX 1387 package builder
            revision 1.0
            control_directory gsoft_swm
            vendor_tag greatsoft
            description A package building Utility.
            machine_type i386
                 path remove
               source /var/tmp/sw/remove.source
            configure /var/tmp/sw/configure.source
               tag bin
               control_directory bin
               title Executable Files
               state available
                 postinstall /var/tmp/sw/bin/postinstall
               configure /var/tmp/sw/bin/configure
               file -m 0755 -o root -g root /var/tmp/sw/build/bin/swpackage  \
               file -m 0755 -o root -g root /var/tmp/sw/build/bin/sw_build  \
             tag doc
             control_directory doc
             title Manual Pages
             state available
             postinstall /var/tmp/sw/bin/postinstall
             file -m 0644 -o root -g root /var/tmp/sw/build/man/swpackage.1 \
                mode 0644
                owner root
                group  root
                source /var/tmp/sw/build/man/sw_build.1
                path /usr/man/man1/sw_build.1

   INDEX File swm-1.0/catalog/INDEX
          layout_version 1.0
          tag swm-1.0
          uuid 880ccf8b-de2c-4422-bff0-fd686279da73
          md5sum < md5sum
          adjunct_md5sum < adjunct_md5sum
          sig_header < sig_header
          signature < signature
            sequence_number 1
            the_term_vendor_is_misleading  false # True or False
            tag greatsoft
            title Greatersoft Corporation
            description "Greatersoft Corporation, Inc."
            tag swm
            title POSIX 1387 package builder
            revision 1.0
            instance_id 1
            control_directory gsoft_swm
            vendor_tag greatsoft
            description A package building Utility.
            machine_type i386
               tag bin
               control_directory bin
               size 196643
               title Executable Files
               state available
               tag doc
               control_directory doc
               size 19643
               title Manual Pages
               state available

   INFO File swm-1.0/catalog/dfiles/INFO
          path INFO
          tag INFO
          size 92
          path md5sum
          tag md5sum
          size 36
          path adjunct_md5sum
          tag adjunct_md5sum
          size 36
          path sig_header
          tag sig_header
          size 512
          path signature
          tag signature
          size 512

   INFO File swm-1.0/catalog/gsoft_swm/bin/INFO
          path INFO
          tag INFO
          size 337

          path postinstall
          type f
          size 803
          cksum 3928827394
          mode 550
          uid 0
          gid 0
          owner root
          group root
          mtime 739080341

          path configure
          type f
          size 432
          cksum 3934546394
          mode 550
          uid 0
          gid 0
          owner root
          group root
          mtime 739340771

          path /usr/bin/swpackage
          type f
          size 80860
          cksum 3929827394
          mode 755
          uid 0
          gid 0
          owner root
          group root
          mtime 739080771

          path /usr/bin/sw_build
          type f
          size 120860
          cksum 9894925524
          mode 755
          uid 0
          gid 0
          owner root
          group root
          mtime 7393808731


       This section describes attribute usage and conventions imposed by the
       swbis implementation.  Not all attributes are listed here.  Those that
       are have important effects or particular interest.

   o Distribution Attributes
       The standard defines a limited set of attributes for the distribution
       object.  An expanded set is suggested by the informative annex however
       a conforming implementation is not required act on them.  The reason
       for this is a distribution may be acted upon by a conforming utility in
       such a way that attributes of the distribution become invalid.  For
       this reason, some attributes that refer to an entire "package" [in
       other package managers] are referred from the product object and attain
       their broadened scope by the distributor's convention that their
       distribution contains just one product.

       For example, the package NAME and VERSION are referred from the product
       tag and revision, not the distribution's.  This convention supports
       multiple products in a distribution and is consistent with the


              tag is the short, file system friendly, name of the
              distribution.  Providing a distribution tag is optional.  The
              swbis implementation will use this as the [single] path name
              prefix if there is no distribution.control_directory attribute.
              A distribution tag attribute and swpackage's response to it is
              an implementation extension.  The leading package path can also
              be controlled with the ''-W dir'' option.


              control_directory, in a distribution object, is the constant
              leading package path.  Providing this attribute is optional.  A
              distribution control_directory attribute and swpackage's
              response to it is an implementation extension.  The leading
              package path can also be controlled with the ''-W dir'' option.
              This attribute will be generated by swpackage if not set in a

   o Bundle Attributes
       A bundle defines a collection of products whether or not the
       distribution has all the products present.


              tag is the short, file system friendly, name of the bundle.
              This value is used by the swbis implementation as a path name
              component in the installed software catalog.  If it is not
              present the product tag is used.

   o Product Attributes
       A product defines the software product.


              tag is the short, file system friendly, name of the product.
              This value is used by the swbis implementation as a path name
              component in the installed software catalog.  It is required.
              The swbis implementation uses it in a way that is analogous to
              the RPMTAG_NAME attribute, namely as the public recognizable
              name of the package.


              Is the directory name in the distribution under which the
              product contents are located.  This value has no affect on the
              installed software catalog.  If it is not given in a PSF then
              the tag is used.


              Is the product revision.  It should not contain a "RELEASE"
              attribute part or other version suffix modifiers.  This value is
              used by the swbis implementation as a path name component in the
              installed software catalog.  It is required by swinstall.


              This is a short identifying name of the distributor that
              supplied the product and may associate (refer to) a vendor
              object from the INDEX file that has a matching tag attribute.
              This attribute is optional.  This attribute value should strive
              to be unique among all distributors. The swbis implementation
              modifies the intended usage slightly as a string that strives to
              be globally unique for a given product.tag and product.revision.
              In this capacity it serves to distinguish products with the same
              revision and tag from the same or different distributor.  It
              most closely maps to the RPMTAG_RELEASE or "debian_revision"
              attributes.  It is one of the version distinguishing attributes
              of a product specified by the standard.  It is transfered into
              the installed_software catalog (not as a path name component) by
              swinstall.  If this attribute exists there should also be a
              vendor object in the PSF in the distribution object that has
              this tag.  This attribute is assigned the value of
              RPMTAG_RELEASE by swpackage when translating an RPM.


              This string is one of the version attributes.  It is used to
              disambiguate products that have the same tag, revision and
              vendor_tag.  It is not used for determining a products
              compatibility with a host.  The form is implementation defined.
              swbis uses the output of GNU config.guess as the value of this
              string.  A wildcard pattern should not be used.  The canonical
              swbis architecture string can be listed with swlist. For example

              swlist -a architecture @ localhost

               Here are some example outputs from real systems.

                  System      `uname -srm`              architecture
              Red Hat 8.0:  Linux 2.4.18 i686        i686-pc-linux-gnu
              OpenSolaris:  SunOS 5.11 i86pc         i386-pc-solaris2.11
              NetBSD 3.1:   NetBSD 3.1 i386          i386-unknown-netbsdelf3.1
              Red Hat 4.1:  Linux 2.0.36 i586        i586-pc-linux-gnulibc1
              Debian 3.1:   Linux 2.6.8-2-386 i686   i686-pc-linux-gnu

       os_name os_release os_version machine_type

              These attributes are used to determine compatibility with a
              host.  They correspond to the uname attributes defined by
              POSIX.1.  If an value is nil or non-existent it is assumed to
              match the host.  All attributes must match for there to be
              compatibility.  Distributors may wish to make these values a
              shell pattern in their PSF's so to match the intended collection
              of hosts.  swbis uses fnmatch (with FLAGS=0) to determine a

   o Fileset Attributes
       A fileset defines the fileset.


              tag is the short, file system friendly, name of the fileset.  It
              is required although selection of filesets is  not yet supported
              therefore the end user will have little to do with the fileset


              Is the directory name in the product under which the fileset
              contents are located.  This value has no affect on the installed
              software catalog.  If it is not given in a PSF then the tag is

   o Example Source Package PSF
       This PSF packages every file is current directory. It uses nil control
       directories so the package structure does not change relative to a
       vanilla tarball.

          description "fooit - a program from fooware
       that does everything."
          title "fooit - a really cool program"
          COPYING < /usr/local/fooware/legalstuff/COPYING
          the_term_vendor_is_misleading false
          tag fooware
          title fooware Consultancy Services, Inc.
          description ""
          the_term_vendor_is_misleading true
          tag myfixes1
          title Bug fixes, Set 1
          description "a place for more detailed description"
          tag fooit
          control_directory ""
          revision 1.0
          vendor_tag myfixes1  # Matches the vendor object above
           tag fooit-SOURCE
           control_directory ""
           directory .
           file *
           exclude catalog

   o Example Runtime (Binary) Package PSF
       This is a sample PSF for a runtime package.  It implies multiple
       products (e.g. sub-packages) using the bundle.contents attribute.
       Since the bundle and product tags exist in a un-regulated namespace and
       are seen by end users they should be carefully chosen.   Note that the
       bundle and product have the same tag which may force downstream users
       to disambiguate using software selection syntax such as fooit,bv=* or
       fooit,pv=* .

          description "fooit - a program from fooware
       that does everything."
          title "fooit - a really cool program"
          COPYING < /usr/local/fooware/legalstuff/COPYING

               the_term_vendor_is_misleading false
               tag fooware
               title fooware Consultancy Services, Inc.
               description "Provider of the programs
        that do everything"

               the_term_vendor_is_misleading true
                tag fw0
                title fooware fixes
                description "More fixes from the fooware users"

       #  Bundle definition:  Use a bundle
                tag fooit
                vendor_tag fooware
                contents fooit,v=fw0 fooit-devel fooit-doc

       #  Product definition:
                tag fooit   # This is the package name
                revision 1.0 # This is the package version
                vendor_tag fw0 # This is a release name e.g. RPMTAG_RELEASE
                postinstall scripts/postinstall
                 tag fooit-RUN
                 file doc/man/man1/fooit.1 /usr/man/man1/fooit.1
                 file src/fooit /usr/bin/fooit


       IEEE Std 1387.2-1995 (Identical to ISO 15068-2:1999), Open Group CAE


        XDSA C701 http://www.opengroup.org/publications/catalog/c701.htm
        swbisparse(1) -- An implementation extension parser utility.


        Copyright (C) 2005 Jim Lowe
        Version: 1.12
        Last Updated: 2006-01
        Copying Terms: GNU Free Documentation License


