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GNU social

GNU social logo

On June 8th, 2013 the developers of GNU social are pleased to announce a merger with both the Free Social project and the StatusNet project. Free Social developer and founder, Mikael Nordfeldth and GNU social founder, Matt Lee will co-manage the project. StatusNet founder and Federated Web pioneer Evan Prodromou, will remain active on the project as an advisor and occasional contributor.

This merge represents an ongoing commitment to the GNU social project.

Effective immediately, GNU social now has a highly tested and production-quality codebase, serving millions of social interactions across the federated social web. We plan to continue to develop the software, add new features and plan greater interoperability with existing and future free software social platforms, including

A release (version 1.1.1) of GNU social is planned very shortly, which will be the first release under the new project structure.

Press contact

Matt Lee
Founder and co-maintainer, GNU social

Merge FAQ

What codebase/repo will be used?
It is expected that we'll be using the StatusNet repo, and then merging any changes into that.

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