Building the Mach Interface Generator from Source

If you want to build the Mach Interface Generator yourself instead of just using a pre-built package, follow these instructions.

Getting the Source Code

You can chose between getting the sources from the developers' RCS:

$ git clone

... or (if you are working on a Debian system) get the sources that are used for the current Debian mig package:

$ apt-get source mig

The unpacked source tree is around 1 MiB, and the build tree also is around 1 MiB.

On Debian Systems:

Preparing for the Build

Building MIG requires the build-essential and fakeroot packages, and some additional dependencies specified by the mig source package:

# apt-get install build-essential fakeroot
# apt-get build-dep mig

Building and Installing ... a .deb file

Change into the directory with the downloaded / unpacked MIG sources:

$ cd mig-X.X.X.XX

Start the build process:

$ dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -b -rfakeroot

This will create a .deb package in the parent directory, which you can then install on your system.

On non-Debian Systems:

Preparing for the Build

Building the Mach Interface Generator requires a C compiler, a standard 32 bit C library (with corresponding header files), your favourite flavor of awk (gawk), yacc (bison), lex (flex) and make.

Additionally, you need to have GNU Mach's header files installed. See building GNU Mach about how to do that, then come back here.

Building and Installing

First, generate the configuration files:

$ cd mig
$ autoreconf --install

The Mach Interface Generator has to be built in a separate build directory:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build

Find the base directory where you installed GNU Mach's header files and where you now intend to install the Mach Interface Generator (e.g. ~/gnu), and run configure:

$ GNU=~/gnu
$ TARGET_CPPFLAGS=-I"$GNU"/include ../configure --prefix="$GNU"

If you are building on a 64 bit machine, you need to add a --host option:

$ GNU=~/gnu
$ TARGET_CPPFLAGS=-I"$GNU"/include ../configure --prefix="$GNU" --host=i686-unknown-linux-gnu 

Build and install the Mach Interface Generator into $GNU (i.e. ~/gnu/ in our example):

$ make all install

To make your mig binary easily available, you should append something like the following to e.g. your ~/.bash_profile:

export PATH

If you already have e.g. ~/bin in your $PATH, you could also create a symbolic link:

$ ln -s ~/gnu/bin/mig ~/bin/