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5.1.2 origin Reference

This section summarizes all the options available in origin declarations (see Defining Packages).

Data Type: origin

This is the data type representing a source code origin.


An object containing the URI of the source. The object type depends on the method (see below). For example, when using the url-fetch method of (guix download), the valid uri values are: a URL represented as a string, or a list thereof.


A procedure that will handle the URI.

Examples include:

url-fetch from (guix download)

download a file the HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP URL specified in the uri field;

git-fetch from (guix git-download)

clone the Git version control repository, and check out the revision specified in the uri field as a git-reference object; a git-reference looks like this:

  (url "git://")
  (commit "v4.1.5.1"))

A bytevector containing the SHA-256 hash of the source. Typically the base32 form is used here to generate the bytevector from a base-32 string.

file-name (default: #f)

The file name under which the source code should be saved. When this is #f, a sensible default value will be used in most cases. In case the source is fetched from a URL, the file name from the URL will be used. For version control checkouts, it’s recommended to provide the file name explicitly because the default is not very descriptive.

patches (default: '())

A list of file names containing patches to be applied to the source.

snippet (default: #f)

A quoted piece of code that will be run in the source directory to make any modifications, which is sometimes more convenient than a patch.

patch-flags (default: '("-p1"))

A list of command-line flags that should be passed to the patch command.

patch-inputs (default: #f)

Input packages or derivations to the patching process. When this is #f, the usual set of inputs necessary for patching are provided, such as GNU Patch.

modules (default: '())

A list of Guile modules that should be loaded during the patching process and while running the code in the snippet field.

imported-modules (default: '())

The list of Guile modules to import in the patch derivation, for use by the snippet.

patch-guile (default: #f)

The Guile package that should be used in the patching process. When this is #f, a sensible default is used.

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