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4.4 Guix Prettify Mode

GNU Guix also comes with “guix-prettify.el”. It provides a minor mode for abbreviating store file names by replacing hash sequences of symbols with “…”:

⇒ /gnu/store/…-foo-0.1

Once you set up “guix.el” (see Emacs Initial Setup), the following commands become available:

M-x guix-prettify-mode

Enable/disable prettifying for the current buffer.

M-x global-guix-prettify-mode

Enable/disable prettifying globally.

To automatically enable guix-prettify-mode globally on Emacs start, add the following line to your init file:


If you want to enable it only for specific major modes, add it to the mode hooks (see Hooks in The GNU Emacs Manual), for example:

(add-hook 'shell-mode-hook 'guix-prettify-mode)
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'guix-prettify-mode)