The (sdl *) Modules 1 Introduction 1.1 Quick Start 1.2 Naming Conventions 1.2.1 Renaming C Functions 1.2.2 Enums and Constants 1.2.3 Create and Make 1.3 Uniform Vectors 1.4 Limitations 2 General SDL 3 Video 3.1 Rectangles 3.2 Colors 3.3 Windowing System Interaction 3.4 Surface 3.5 Misc Surface Operations 4 Events 4.1 Activity 4.2 Keys 4.3 Motions 4.4 Buttons 4.5 Joysticks 4.6 Resizes 4.7 Misc 5 Joystick 6 CDROM 7 OpenGL 8 TrueType 9 Audio 10 SDL_gfx by Andreas Schiffler 10.1 Graphics Primitives 10.2 Rotation / Zooming 10.3 Managing Frame Rate 10.4 RGBA Extras 10.5 Image Filtering 11 Miscellaneous Utilities 12 Simple Closures 13 Excuses 13.1 Categories 13.2 Specific Notes Appendix A Stashes Appendix B GNU Free Documentation License Index The (sdl *) Modules ******************* This manual documents Guile-SDL 0.5.2, a package which provides the modules ‘(sdl sdl)’, ‘(sdl gfx)’, ‘(sdl ttf)’ and ‘(sdl mixer)’ for use in Guile Scheme programs. These modules wrap the Simple Direct Media Layer(1) libraries on your system. Additionally, experimental abstractions and convenience procedures are provided in the modules ‘(sdl misc-utils)’ and ‘(sdl simple)’. This manual is Copyright © 2003–2015 Thien-Thi Nguyen Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the appendix entitled “GNU Free Documentation License”. ---------- Footnotes ---------- (1) The SDL homepage is . 1 Introduction ************** The (sdl *) modules are an interface to the SDL (Simple Direct Media Layer) library. The goal is to provide both a clean and direct interface to the lowest level SDL, while extending with higher level concepts where useful, such as default arguments and functional-style application of graphics routines. Several SDL add-on libraries have been wrapped and included with Guile-SDL, including SDL_image (for loading multiple image formats), SDL_ttf (for rendering true type fonts), SDL_mixer (for playing/mixing different audio formats), and SDL_rotozoom (for rotating and scaling images). In addition, some low-level 2D graphics primitives have been provided. 1.1 Quick Start =============== To whet your appetite, and hopefully get you excited about the ease and flexibility of programming with Guile-SDL, we begin with a simple example. The following program is a simple image browser. You can cycle through images by using space, n or right to go forward, backspace, p or left to go backwards, and escape or q to quit. ;; load the SDL module and some useful srfi's (use-modules ((sdl sdl) #:prefix SDL:) (srfi srfi-1) (srfi srfi-2)) ;; initialize the video subsystem (SDL:init 'video) ;; directory to search for images in (define image-dir "/usr/share/pixmaps/") ;; utility to test if a path is a directory (define (file? f) (let* ((stats (stat f)) (type (stat:type stats))) (eq? type 'regular))) ;; build a ring of image file names (define image-ring (let ((dir (opendir image-dir))) (letrec ((D (lambda (ls) (let ((file (readdir dir))) (if (eof-object? file) (begin (closedir dir) ls) (D (cons (string-append image-dir file) ls))))))) (apply circular-list (reverse (filter file? (D '()))))))) ;; functions to cycle through the ring (define (next-image) (let ((next (car image-ring))) (set! image-ring (cdr image-ring)) next)) (define (prev-image) (let ((orig image-ring)) (while (not (eq? (cddr image-ring) orig)) (set! image-ring (cdr image-ring))) (let ((image (car image-ring))) (set! image-ring (cdr image-ring)) image))) ;; display an image given a filename (define (show file) (and-let* ((image (SDL:load-image file))) (SDL:set-video-mode (SDL:surface:w image) (SDL:surface:h image) 24) (SDL:blit-surface image) (SDL:flip))) ;; show the first image (show (next-image)) ;; event handler (let handle ((e (SDL:make-event))) (if (SDL:wait-event e) (case (SDL:event:type e) ((key-down) (case (SDL:event:key:keysym:sym e) ((left backspace) (show (prev-image))) ((right space) (show (next-image))) ((escape q) (SDL:quit) (quit)))))) (handle e)) 1.2 Naming Conventions ====================== The most important thing to learning a wrapped library for a programming language, assuming you know the language and the library, is to know the naming conventions. Then you can begin programming without having to look up the exact function reference (available in the rest of this document). 1.2.1 Renaming C Functions -------------------------- As with standard guile naming conventions, all names are converted to lower-case, and underscores are replaced with hyphens. Functions that modify one or more arguments have an exclamation point (‘!’) appended, and functions which ask a question and return a boolean value have a question mark (‘?’) appended. 1.2.2 Enums and Constants ------------------------- SDL enumerated types and constants are passed and returned as symbols, thus enforcing their "constant" nature and for ease of use in ‘case’ statements. Flags, such as the SDL initialization flags and video surface flags, are treated as lists of symbols, each constant in the flag group that you would ‘or’ together in C code becoming a symbol in the list. Some of these symbols retain their exact C names, while others are adapted to better fit Scheme (mostly by removing the ‘SDL_’ prefix, changing underscores to hyphens, downcasing, and inserting a hyphen between “words”). A particular set of enums is called an "enumstash". Likewise "flagstash" for flags. You can use ‘kotk’ to examine the enums and flags encapsulated by these respectively typed objects. You can also use integers where enums/flags are expected, and can convert between the symbol and numeric value with ‘enum->number’, ‘number->enum’, ‘flags->number’ and ‘number->flags’. The conversion procs all take STASH as the first argument, a symbol that identifies the particular set of enums/flags. For backward compatibility, STASH may also be such an object, but this support *will be removed* after 2013-12-31, when those objects are to be fully internalized. -- Procedure: kotk [name] Return the contents of stash NAME (a symbol), as an alist with symbolic keys, integer values. If NAME is omitted, the keys are the names of the all the enum- and flagstashes, and the values have the form: (N TYPE) where N is the count of symbols in that stash, and TYPE is a symbol: ‘enums’ or ‘flags’. -- Procedure: enum->number stash symbol Return the number in STASH associated with SYMBOL. -- Procedure: number->enum stash number Return the symbol associated with NUMBER, or ‘#f’ if it does not belong to STASH. -- Procedure: flags->number stash flags Use STASH to convert FLAGS to a number. FLAGS is a list of symbols; or ‘#f’, which is taken as the empty list; or ‘#t’, which is taken as the list of all possible symbols in STASH. -- Procedure: number->flags stash number Use STASH to convert NUMBER to a list of symbols. If the flags in STASH are not sufficient to decode NUMBER, the first element of the list is the numeric remainder. Conversion from symbols to numbers (including ‘enum->number’ and ‘flags->number’) throws an error with key ‘non-member-symbol’ if the specified symbol is not a member of the respective enumstash or flagstash. 1.2.3 Create and Make --------------------- The standard SDL prefix for creating a new instance of a type is ‘create’. The standard Guile prefix is ‘make’. Wherever an SDL function uses the ‘create’ prefix we will keep it. Object creation functions unique to Guile, such as ‘make-rect’, will use ‘make’ as a prefix. In addition, we will sometimes introduce higher-level creation functions, such as ‘make-surface’, which is a wrapper to ‘create-rgb-surface’ which provides useful default values from the current screen information. 1.3 Uniform Vectors =================== Some procedures take one or more "uniform vector" arguments, as specified in SRFI 4 (*note Video::, *note SDL_gfx::). The specific type of vector is one of ‘u8’, ‘u16’, ‘s16’, where ‘u’ or ‘s’ stands for “unsigned” or “signed”, respectively, and the rest the number of bits. 1.4 Limitations =============== There are some known problems with Guile-SDL modules. This section attempts to make them well-known, if not well-liked... • API in flux Since Guile-SDL is in alpha stage, its interfaces are not stable. Specifically, module names, the contents of modules, procedure names, procedure behavior: all these can change at any time up until the 1.0 release. C’est la vie. • no logo How can any self-respecting package of bindings for libsdl not have a flashy, animated logo? Bonus points for suitable accompanying sound blurb. • threading picture unclear Where do threads fit in if at all? Why doesn’t the Guile-SDL maintainer learn all about threads, fix guile-1.4.x to support that and then arrange for Guile-SDL to DTRT? Questions questions... • [your gripes here] 2 General SDL ************* -- Procedure: init sel Initialize SDL and the subsystems/configuration represented by SEL (*note init flags::). -- Procedure: init-subsystem sel Initialize the SDL subsystems represented by SEL. SEL is a list of flags (symbols) from the same set useful for ‘init’. -- Procedure: quit Shut down all SDL subsystems. Return ‘#t’. -- Procedure: quit-subsystem sel Shut down the SDL subsystems represented by SEL. SEL is a list of flags (symbols) from the same set useful for ‘init’. Return ‘#t’. -- Procedure: was-init sel Check if the SDL subsystems represented by SEL have been initialized. SEL is a list of flags (symbols) from the same set useful for ‘init’. Return a list likewise composed. -- Procedure: get-ticks Return the number of milliseconds since the SDL library initialization. -- Procedure: delay ms Wait MS milliseconds. -- Procedure: get-error Return the current SDL error string. 3 Video ******* -- Procedure: create-cursor data mask w h x y Return a new cursor from DATA and MASK (both u8 uniform vectors), sized W by H and with hot pixel located at X,Y. -- Procedure: create-yuv-overlay width height format [display] Create a new YUV overlay, sized WIDTH by HEIGHT with overlay FORMAT (a symbol or an exact number). Optional arg DISPLAY specifies a surface to use instead of creating a new one. -- Procedure: get-video-surface Return the current display surface. -- Procedure: video-cmf Return information about the video hardware as three values: ‘capabilities’ (list of symbols), ‘memory’ (integer), and ‘format’ (pixel format object). The ‘capabilities’ are: hw-available wm-available blit-hw blit-hw-CC blit-hw-A blit-sw blit-sw-CC blit-sw-A blit-fill -- Procedure: video-driver-name Return the name of the video driver. -- Procedure: list-modes [format [flags]] Return a list of available screen dimensions for pixel FORMAT and FLAGS (*note video flags::). Format defaults to that for the current screen. Flags default to none. Return ‘#f’ if no modes are available, ‘#t’ if all are available. -- Procedure: video-mode-ok width height bpp [flags] Check to see if a particular video mode is supported. Args are WIDTH, HEIGHT, BPP (numbers), and FLAGS (*note video flags::). Return ‘#f’ if the mode is not supported, or a number indicating the bits-per-pixel of the closest available mode supporting WIDTH and HEIGHT. -- Procedure: set-video-mode width height bpp [flags] Set the SDL video mode with WIDTH, HEIGHT and bits-per-pixel BPP. Optional arg FLAGS (*note video flags::) is supported. Return a new surface. 3.1 Rectangles ============== -- Procedure: rect? obj Return ‘#t’ iff OBJ is an SDL-rectangle object. -- Procedure: make-rect x y width height Return a rectangle object with location X,Y and dimensions WIDTH by HEIGHT. -- Procedure: rect:x rect Get ‘x’ from RECT. -- Procedure: rect:y rect Get ‘y’ from RECT. -- Procedure: rect:w rect Get ‘w’ from RECT. -- Procedure: rect:h rect Get ‘h’ from RECT. -- Procedure: rect:set-x! rect value Set ‘x’ in RECT to VALUE. -- Procedure: rect:set-y! rect value Set ‘y’ in RECT to VALUE. -- Procedure: rect:set-w! rect value Set ‘w’ in RECT to VALUE. -- Procedure: rect:set-h! rect value Set ‘h’ in RECT to VALUE. -- Procedure: update-rect surface x [y [w [h]]] Update SURFACE within a specified rectangle. The second arg can either be an SDL-Rect object, or the second through fifth args are numbers specifying the x, y, width and height of a rectangular area. -- Procedure: update-rects surface ls On SURFACE, update the rectangles in LS, a list of rectangles. -- Procedure: flip [surface] Swap double buffers of the default surface, or of SURFACE if specified. 3.2 Colors ========== -- Procedure: color? obj Return ‘#t’ iff OBJ is an SDL-Color object. -- Procedure: make-color r g b Return a color object with R, G, and B components. -- Procedure: color:r color Get ‘r’ from COLOR. -- Procedure: color:g color Get ‘g’ from COLOR. -- Procedure: color:b color Get ‘b’ from COLOR. -- Procedure: color:set-r! color value Set ‘r’ in COLOR to VALUE. -- Procedure: color:set-g! color value Set ‘g’ in COLOR to VALUE. -- Procedure: color:set-b! color value Set ‘b’ in COLOR to VALUE. -- Procedure: set-colors! surface colors [start] Set a portion of the colormap for the 8-bit SURFACE using COLORS, a vector of SDL-Colors. Optional arg START (an integer in the range [0,255]) specifies the portion to be modified. It defaults to 0. -- Procedure: set-palette surface flags colors [start] Set the palette of an 8-bit SURFACE using FLAGS (*note palette flags::) and COLORS, a vector of SDL-Colors. Optional arg START (an integer in the range [0,255]) specifies the portion to be modified. It defaults to 0. -- Procedure: set-gamma redgamma greengamma bluegamma Set the color gamma function for the display using real numbers REDGAMMA, GREENGAMMA and BLUEGAMMA. -- Procedure: get-gamma-ramp Return the gamma translation lookup tables currently used by the display as a list of three tables, for red, green and blue. Each table is a u16 uniform vector of length 256. Return ‘#f’ if unsuccessful. -- Procedure: set-gamma-ramp r g b Set the gamma translation lookup tables currently used by the display to tables R, G and B, each a u16 uniform vector of length 256, or ‘#f’, in which case that particular component is unchanged. Return ‘#t’ if successful. -- Procedure: map-rgb format r [g [b]] Map a RGB color value to the pixel FORMAT. The second arg can be an SDL-Color, otherwise the second through fourth args are red, green and blue values (numbers). Return the mapped components as an unsigned integer. -- Procedure: map-rgba format r g [b [a]] Map a RGB color value to the pixel FORMAT. If the second arg is an SDL-Color, the third is an alpha value (number). Otherwise, the second through fifth args are red, green, blue and alpha values (numbers). Return the mapped components as an unsigned integer. -- Procedure: pixel-rgb pixel format Return RGB info from PIXEL in the specified pixel FORMAT as three values: ‘r’, ‘g’ and ‘b’ (all integers). -- Procedure: pixel-rgba pixel format Return RGBA info from PIXEL in the specified pixel FORMAT as four values: ‘r’, ‘g’, ‘b’ and ‘a’ (all integers). -- Procedure: fill-rect surface rect color Fill SURFACE RECT with COLOR (a number). If RECT is ‘#f’, fill the entire surface. Return ‘#t’ if successful. -- Procedure: display-format surface Return a new surface made by converting SURFACE to the display format. Return ‘#f’ if not successful. -- Procedure: display-format-alpha surface Return a new surface made by converting SURFACE to the display format, with an alpha channel. Return ‘#f’ if not successful. -- Procedure: warp-mouse x y Set the position of the mouse cursor to X,Y. -- Procedure: set-cursor cursor Set the current mouse cursor to CURSOR. -- Procedure: get-cursor Get the current mouse cursor. -- Procedure: show-cursor [setting] Return the current visibility of the pointer (aka “mouse cursor”) as a boolean. If arg SETTING (a boolean) is specified, set the visibility to SETTING (the returned visibility corresponds to that before the call, regardless). -- Procedure: gl-get-attribute attribute Return the value of a special SDL/OpenGL ATTRIBUTE. -- Procedure: gl-set-attribute attribute value Set the special SDL/OpenGL ATTRIBUTE to VALUE. Both args are numbers. -- Procedure: gl-swap-buffers Swap OpenGL framebuffers/Update Display. -- Procedure: lock-yuv-overlay overlay Lock the given YUV OVERLAY. Return ‘#f’ if successful. -- Procedure: unlock-yuv-overlay overlay Unlock the previously locked YUV OVERLAY. -- Procedure: display-yuv-overlay overlay dstrect Blit the YUV OVERLAY to the display DSTRECT over which it was created. Return ‘#t’ if successful. 3.3 Windowing System Interaction ================================ -- Procedure: get-wm-info Return information on the window manager, as a list of the form: (VERSION SUBSYSTEM DISPLAY WINDOW FSWINDOW WMWINDOW). VERSION is a sub-list of form: (MAJOR MINOR PATCH), where element is an integer. SUBSYSTEM is either the symbol ‘x11’, or ‘#f’. DISPLAY is a pointer (machine address) of the X11 Display structure, converted to an integer. WINDOW, FSWINDOW and WMWINDOW are Window identifiers (also integers). -- Procedure: set-caption title [icon] Set the title-bar and icon name of the display window to TITLE and ICON (both strings), respectively. If ICON is not specified, use TITLE by default. -- Procedure: caption-ti Return display-window caption as two values: ‘title’ and ‘icon’ (both strings, or ‘#f’ if not set). -- Procedure: set-icon icon Set ICON for the display window. -- Procedure: iconify-window Iconify/Minimize the window. Return ‘#t’ if successful. -- Procedure: toggle-full-screen [surface] Toggle the default video surface between windowed and fullscreen mode, if supported. Optional arg SURFACE specifies another surface to toggle. Return ‘#t’ if successful. -- Procedure: grab-input [mode] Grab mouse and keyboard input. Return new grab state. Optional arg MODE (a symbol) specifies the kind of grab, one of ‘query’ (the default), ‘off’ or ‘on’. -- Procedure: get-app-state Return the current state of the application, a list of symbols. The list may include: ‘mousefocus’, ‘inputfocus’, ‘active’. 3.4 Surface =========== -- Procedure: make-surface width height [flags] Return a new surface of dimensions WIDTH by HEIGHT. Optional third arg FLAGS (*note video flags::) further specifies the surface. Color depth and masks are those for the current video surface. -- Procedure: create-rgb-surface flags width height depth rmask gmask bmask amask Return an empty surface. The eight arguments, directly analagous to those for SDL_CreateRGBSurface, are: FLAGS (list of symbols, *note video flags::), WIDTH, HEIGHT, DEPTH, RMASK, GMASK, BMASK, AMASK (all numbers). -- Procedure: surface:w surface Get ‘w’ from SURFACE. -- Procedure: surface:h surface Get ‘h’ from SURFACE. -- Procedure: surface:depth surface Get ‘format->BitsPerPixel’ from SURFACE. -- Procedure: surface:flags surface Return ‘flags’ from SURFACE as a (possibly empty) list of symbols. -- Procedure: surface-get-format surface Return a new pixel format, the same used by SURFACE. -- Procedure: surface? obj Return true iff OBJ is a surface. -- Procedure: lock-surface surface Lock SURFACE for direct access. Return ‘#t’ if successful. -- Procedure: unlock-surface surface Unlock previously locked SURFACE. -- Procedure: load-bmp filename Load bitmap data from FILENAME. Return a new surface if successful, otherwise ‘#f’. -- Procedure: load-image filename Load image data from FILENAME. Return a new surface if successful, otherwise ‘#f’. -- Procedure: save-bmp surface filename Save SURFACE to FILENAME in Windows BMP format. Return ‘#t’ if successful. -- Procedure: surface-color-key! surface pixel [rle] Set the color key for SURFACE to PIXEL. If PIXEL is ‘#f’, clear the current color key. Otherwise, it should be an integer of the appropriate depth for SURFACE (e.g., in the range [0,65535] for 16 bpp). If color key processing is enabled, optional arg RLE is a boolean that enables (true) or disables (false, the default) RLE acceleration. Return ‘#t’ if successful. -- Procedure: surface-alpha! surface alpha [rle] Set alpha blending for the entire SURFACE to ALPHA. If ALPHA is ‘#f’, disable alpha blending. Otherwise it should be an integer in the range [0,255] or one of the symbols ‘transparent’ or ‘opaque’. If alpha blending is enabled, optional arg RLE is a boolean that enables (true) or disables (false, the default) RLE acceleration. Return ‘#t’ if successful. -- Procedure: set-clip-rect! surface [rect] Set SURFACE clipping rectangle to the whole surface. Optional arg RECT, if non-‘#f’, specifies a particular rectangle instead of using the whole surface. -- Procedure: get-clip-rect surface Return the clipping rectangle for SURFACE. -- Procedure: convert-surface surface format [flags] Convert SURFACE to the same FORMAT as another surface. Optional third arg FLAGS is a list of flags (*note video flags::). -- Procedure: blit-surface src [srcrect [dst [dstrect]]] Perform a fast blit from the SRC surface SRCRECT to the DST surface DSTRECT. SRCRECT defaults to x=0, y=0, SRC surface dimensions. If unspecified DST is taken as the default video surface. DSTRECT likewise defaults to x=0, y=0, DST surface dimensions. 3.5 Misc Surface Operations =========================== -- Procedure: vertical-flip-surface surface Return a new surface created by flipping SURFACE vertically. -- Procedure: horizontal-flip-surface surface Return a new surface created by flipping SURFACE horizontally. -- Procedure: vh-flip-surface surface Return a new surface created by flipping SURFACE both vertically and horizontally. -- Procedure: surface-pixels surface [squash] Return pixel data of SURFACE as a new uniform vector. The uvec has type ‘u8’, ‘u16’ or ‘u32’, corresponding to the SURFACE depth, with HEIGHT x WIDTH elements. A 24bpp surface — DEPTH-IN-BYTES of 3 — is expanded (per pixel) to ‘u32’, leaving the high nybble clear. Optional arg SQUASH non-‘#f’ means to return a u8vector regardless of SURFACE depth, with HEIGHT x WIDTH x DEPTH-IN-BYTES elements. 4 Events ******** -- Procedure: make-event [type] Return a new SDL event. Optional arg TYPE is a symbol (*note event-type enums::). If omitted, the default is ‘SDL_NOEVENT’. -- Procedure: event:type event Return the symbolic ‘type’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:set-type! event value Set ‘type’ in EVENT to VALUE, a symbol or integer. 4.1 Activity ============ The value for ‘event:active:gain’ and ‘event:active:set-gain!’ is a symbol, one of: ‘gained’ or ‘lost’. The value for ‘event:active:state’ and ‘event:active:set-state!’ is a (possibly empty) list of symbols from the same set used by ‘get-app-state’. -- Procedure: event:active:gain event Return the symbolic ‘active.gain’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:active:state event Return ‘active.state’ from EVENT as a (possibly empty) list of symbols. -- Procedure: event:active:set-gain! event value Set ‘active.gain’ in EVENT to VALUE, a symbol or integer. -- Procedure: event:active:set-state! event value Set ‘active.state’ in EVENT to VALUE, a (possibly empty) list of symbols. 4.2 Keys ======== The value for ‘event:key:state’ and ‘event:key:set-state!’ is a symbol, one of: ‘released’ or ‘pressed’. -- Procedure: event:key:keysym:sym event Return the symbolic ‘key.keysym.sym’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:key:keysym:set-sym! event value Set ‘key.keysym.sym’ in EVENT to VALUE, a symbol or integer. -- Procedure: event:key:keysym:mod event Return ‘key.keysym.mod’ from EVENT as a (possibly empty) list of symbols. -- Procedure: event:key:keysym:set-mod! event value Set ‘key.keysym.mod’ in EVENT to VALUE, a (possibly empty) list of symbols. -- Procedure: event:key:state event Return the symbolic ‘key.state’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:key:keysym:scancode event Get ‘key.keysym.scancode’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:key:keysym:unicode event Get ‘key.keysym.unicode’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:key:set-state! event value Set ‘key.state’ in EVENT to VALUE, a symbol or integer. -- Procedure: event:key:keysym:set-scancode! event value Set ‘key.keysym.scancode’ in EVENT to VALUE. -- Procedure: event:key:keysym:set-unicode! event value Set ‘key.keysym.unicode’ in EVENT to VALUE. 4.3 Motions =========== -- Procedure: event:motion:state event Return ‘motion.state’ from EVENT as a (possibly empty) list of symbols. -- Procedure: event:motion:x event Get ‘motion.x’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:motion:y event Get ‘motion.y’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:motion:xrel event Get ‘motion.xrel’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:motion:yrel event Get ‘motion.yrel’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:motion:set-state! event value Set ‘motion.state’ in EVENT to VALUE, a (possibly empty) list of symbols. -- Procedure: event:motion:set-x! event value Set ‘motion.x’ in EVENT to VALUE. -- Procedure: event:motion:set-y! event value Set ‘motion.y’ in EVENT to VALUE. -- Procedure: event:motion:set-xrel! event value Set ‘motion.xrel’ in EVENT to VALUE. -- Procedure: event:motion:set-yrel! event value Set ‘motion.yrel’ in EVENT to VALUE. 4.4 Buttons =========== The value for ‘event:button:button’ and ‘event:button:set-button!’ is a (possibly empty) list of symbols from the set: left middle right wheel-up wheel-down x1 x2 The value for ‘event:button:state’ and ‘event:button:set-state!’ is a symbol, one of: ‘released’ or ‘pressed’. -- Procedure: event:button:button event Return the symbolic ‘button.button’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:button:state event Return the symbolic ‘button.state’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:button:x event Get ‘button.x’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:button:y event Get ‘button.y’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:button:set-button! event value Set ‘button.button’ in EVENT to VALUE, a symbol or integer. -- Procedure: event:button:set-state! event value Set ‘button.state’ in EVENT to VALUE, a symbol or integer. -- Procedure: event:button:set-x! event value Set ‘button.x’ in EVENT to VALUE. -- Procedure: event:button:set-y! event value Set ‘button.y’ in EVENT to VALUE. 4.5 Joysticks ============= The value for ‘event:jbutton:state’ and ‘event:jbutton:set-state!’ is a symbol, one of: ‘released’ or ‘pressed’. The value for ‘event:jhat:value’ and ‘event:jhat:set-value!’ is a list of or more symbols from the set: centered up down left right Specifying the empty list for ‘event:jhat:set-value!’ is effectively the same as specifying ‘centered’. -- Procedure: event:jaxis:which event Get ‘jaxis.which’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:jaxis:axis event Get ‘jaxis.axis’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:jaxis:value event Get ‘jaxis.value’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:jaxis:set-which! event value Set ‘jaxis.which’ in EVENT to VALUE. -- Procedure: event:jaxis:set-axis! event value Set ‘jaxis.axis’ in EVENT to VALUE. -- Procedure: event:jaxis:set-value! event value Set ‘jaxis.value’ in EVENT to VALUE. -- Procedure: event:jbutton:which event Get ‘jbutton.which’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:jbutton:button event Get ‘jbutton.button’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:jbutton:state event Return the symbolic ‘jbutton.state’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:jbutton:set-which! event value Set ‘jbutton.which’ in EVENT to VALUE. -- Procedure: event:jbutton:set-button! event value Set ‘jbutton.button’ in EVENT to VALUE. -- Procedure: event:jbutton:set-state! event value Set ‘jbutton.state’ in EVENT to VALUE, a symbol or integer. -- Procedure: event:jball:which event Get ‘jball.which’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:jball:ball event Get ‘jball.ball’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:jball:xrel event Get ‘jball.xrel’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:jball:yrel event Get ‘jball.yrel’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:jball:set-which! event value Set ‘jball.which’ in EVENT to VALUE. -- Procedure: event:jball:set-ball! event value Set ‘jball.ball’ in EVENT to VALUE. -- Procedure: event:jball:set-xrel! event value Set ‘jball.xrel’ in EVENT to VALUE. -- Procedure: event:jball:set-yrel! event value Set ‘jball.yrel’ in EVENT to VALUE. -- Procedure: event:jhat:which event Get ‘jhat.which’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:jhat:hat event Get ‘jhat.hat’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:jhat:value event Return ‘jhat.value’ from EVENT as a (possibly empty) list of symbols. -- Procedure: event:jhat:set-which! event value Set ‘jhat.which’ in EVENT to VALUE. -- Procedure: event:jhat:set-hat! event value Set ‘jhat.hat’ in EVENT to VALUE. -- Procedure: event:jhat:set-value! event value Set ‘jhat.value’ in EVENT to VALUE, a (possibly empty) list of symbols. 4.6 Resizes =========== -- Procedure: event:resize:w event Get ‘resize.w’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:resize:h event Get ‘resize.h’ from EVENT. -- Procedure: event:resize:set-w! event value Set ‘resize.w’ in EVENT to VALUE. -- Procedure: event:resize:set-h! event value Set ‘resize.h’ in EVENT to VALUE. 4.7 Misc ======== -- Procedure: pump-events Gather events from input devices and update the event queue. -- Procedure: evqueue-add [events…] Add ‘events’ to the back of the event queue. Return the count of succesfully added events. -- Procedure: evqueue-peek n mask [accumulate] Return a count (less than or equal to N) of events at the front of the event queue that match MASK, without changing the queue. Optional arg ACCUMULATE if non-‘#f’ means to return the list of matched events, instead. If there are errors, return ‘#f’. *Note event-mask flags::. -- Procedure: evqueue-get n mask Return a list (of length at most N) of events at the front of the event queue that match MASK, removing them from the queue. If there are errors, return ‘#f’. *Note event-mask flags::. -- Procedure: poll-event [event] Poll for events and return ‘#t’ if there are any pending. Optional arg EVENT specifies an event object (from ‘make-event’) to be filled in with the next event from the queue (if available). -- Procedure: wait-event [event] Wait indefinitely for and return ‘#f’ only if there were errors. Optional arg EVENT specifies an event object (from ‘make-event’) to be filled in with the next event from the queue. -- Procedure: push-event event Push EVENT onto the queue. Return ‘#t’ on success. -- Procedure: set-event-filter filter full? Set the event filter to FILTER, or clear it if FILTER is ‘#f’. This is a procedure called with one arg, and whose return value, if non-‘#f’, means to keep the event, otherwise discard it. If FULL? is ‘#f’, the arg the event type (a symbol), otherwise it is an event object. -- Procedure: get-event-filter Return information on the current event filter, or ‘#f’ if none is set. If there is a filter, the value is a pair with car the filter proc, and cdr ‘#f’ if the proc takes an event type, or ‘#t’ if the proc takes an event object. -- Procedure: event-type-handling type [setting] Return ‘#t’ if event TYPE (*note event-type enums::) is recognized and queued, or ‘#f’ if it is ignored. If SETTING is specified, set the handling of TYPE to the truth value of SETTING first. -- Procedure: enable-unicode [enable-p] Return ‘#t’ iff UNICODE keyboard translation is enabled. Optional arg ENABLE? if non-‘#f’, enables UNICODE keyboard translation, or disables it if ‘#f’. -- Procedure: enable-key-repeat delay interval Enable or disable keyboard repeat. DELAY is the initial delay in ms between the time when a key is pressed, and keyboard repeat begins. INTERVAL is the time in ms between keyboard repeat events. If DELAY is 0, keyboard repeat is disabled. Return ‘#t’ on success. -- Procedure: get-key-state Return a list of pressed keys (*note keysym enums::). -- Procedure: get-mod-state Return the current key modifier state as a list of symbols. -- Procedure: set-mod-state modstate Set the current key modifier state to MODSTATE, a list of symbols. This does not change the keyboard state, only the key modifier flags. -- Procedure: button? mask Return ‘#t’ if buttons specified in MASK are pressed, otherwise ‘#f’. MASK is a symbol or a list of symbols from the set returned by ‘get-mouse-state’. For backward compatibility, MASK can also be the (integer) logior of the buttons, using mapping: 1 left 2 middle 4 right 8 wheel-up 16 wheel-down 32 x1 64 x2 For example, a value of 5 specifies both left and right buttons, equivalent to ‘(left right)’. -- Procedure: mouse-bxy [relative] Return three values: a (possibly empty) list of symbols representing pressed mouse buttons (like ‘event:button:button’), and two integer coordinates X and Y. Optional arg ‘relative’ non-‘#f’ means the coordinates are relative to the last time the underlying ‘SDL_GetRelativeMouseState’ was called. 5 Joystick ********** -- Procedure: num-joysticks Return the number of joysticks. -- Procedure: joystick? obj Return ‘#t’ iff OBJ is a joystick object. -- Procedure: joystick-name [n] Return the (string) name of the default joystick, or ‘#f’. Optional arg N specifies which joystick to check. -- Procedure: joystick-open [n] Return a handle to the default joystick opened for use. Optional arg N specifies which joystick to open. -- Procedure: joystick-opened? [n] Return ‘#t’ iff the default joystick is opened. Optional arg N specifies which joystick to check. -- Procedure: joystick-index joystick Return the index of JOYSTICK. -- Procedure: joystick-num-axes joystick Return the number of axes for JOYSTICK. -- Procedure: joystick-num-balls joystick Return the number trackballs for JOYSTICK. -- Procedure: joystick-num-hats joystick Return the number of hats for JOYSTICK. -- Procedure: joystick-num-buttons joystick Return number of buttons for JOYSTICK. -- Procedure: joystick-update Update the state of all Joysticks. -- Procedure: joystick-polling [setting] Return ‘#t’ if joystick events are polled and queued (such that it is unnecessary to “manually” call ‘joystick-update’), otherwise ‘#f’. If SETTING is specified, set joystick events polling to the truth value of SETTING first. -- Procedure: joystick-get-axis joystick axis For JOYSTICK, return state of AXIS. -- Procedure: joystick-ball-xy joystick n Return relative motion of JOYSTICK trackball N as two values: ‘dx’ and ‘dy’ (both integers). -- Procedure: joystick-get-hat joystick n For JOYSTICK, return state of hat N. -- Procedure: joystick-get-button joystick n For JOYSTICK, return state of button N, a symbol, one of: ‘released’ or ‘pressed’. -- Procedure: joystick-close joystick Close a previously opened JOYSTICK. 6 CDROM ******* -- Procedure: cd? obj Return ‘#t’ iff OBJ is a CDROM drive object. -- Procedure: cd-num-drives Return the number of CDROM drives. -- Procedure: cd-name [drive] Return a human-readable, system-dependent identifier (a string) for the CDROM, or ‘#f’. Optional arg DRIVE is a number specifying which drive. -- Procedure: cd-open [drive] Open the CDROM drive for access and return its handle. If the drive is unavailable, return ‘#f’. Optional arg DRIVE is a number specifying which drive. -- Procedure: cd-status cdrom Return the current status of the drive CDROM as a symbol (*note cdrom-state enums::). -- Procedure: cd-in-drive? cdrom Return ‘#t’ iff there is a CD in drive CDROM. -- Procedure: cd-get-num-tracks cdrom Return the number of tracks on the CD in drive CDROM. -- Procedure: cd-get-cur-track cdrom Return the current track on the CD in drive CDROM. -- Procedure: cd-get-cur-frame cdrom Return the current frame of the CD in drive CDROM. -- Procedure: cd-nth-track-itlo cdrom [n] For CD in drive CDROM, return four values describing track N (zero if unspecified): ‘id’, ‘type’, ‘length’ and ‘offset’, all integers except for ‘type’, which is a symbol, either ‘audio’ or ‘data’. -- Procedure: cd-play-tracks cdrom [start-track [start-frame [n-tracks [n-frames]]]] Play the given CD tracks in drive CDROM. Play the CD starting at START-TRACK and START-FRAME for NTRACKS tracks and NFRAMES frames. If both NTRACK and NFRAME are 0, play until the end of the CD. This procedure will skip data tracks, and should only be called after calling ‘cd-status’ to get track information about the CD. Return ‘#t’ if successful. -- Procedure: cd-play cdrom start length Play CD in drive CDROM from START frame for LENGTH frames. Return ‘#t’ if successful. -- Procedure: cd-pause cdrom Pause the CD in drive CDROM. Return ‘#t’ if successful. -- Procedure: cd-resume cdrom Resume (unpause) the CD in drive CDROM. Return ‘#t’ if successful. -- Procedure: cd-stop cdrom Stop the CD in drive CDROM. Return ‘#t’ if successful. -- Procedure: cd-eject cdrom Eject the CD from drive CDROM. Return ‘#t’ if successful. -- Procedure: cd-close cdrom Close the drive CDROM. -- Procedure: cd-msf->frames m [s [f]] Return frames (an integer) computed fr M, second S and frame F. S and F are optional. -- Procedure: frames-msf frames Break down FRAMES (an integer) and return three values: ‘minute’, ‘second’ and ‘frames’ (all integers). 7 OpenGL ******** [todo] 8 TrueType ********** -- Procedure: ttf-init Initialize the SDL_ttf subsystem. -- Procedure: load-font file ptsize Load a font from FILE with point size PTSIZE. Return a handle. -- Procedure: font:style font Return the style of FONT (*note font-style flags::). This font style is implemented by modifying the font glyphs, and doesn’t reflect any inherent properties of the truetype font file. -- Procedure: font:set-style! font style Set FONT style to STYLE (*note font-style flags::). This font style is implemented by modifying the font glyphs, and doesn’t reflect any inherent properties of the truetype font file. -- Procedure: font:height font Return the total height of FONT, usually equal to point size. -- Procedure: font:ascent font Return the offset from the baseline to the top of FONT. This is a positive number. -- Procedure: font:descent font Return the offset from the baseline to the bottom of FONT. This is a negative number. -- Procedure: font:line-skip font Return the recommended spacing between lines of text for FONT. -- Procedure: font:glyph-xXyYa font ch Return the metrics (dimensions) of a glyph as five values. The glyph is a FONT-specific rendering of char CH. Values are: ‘minx’, ‘maxx’, ‘miny’, ‘maxy’ and ‘advance’ (all integers). -- Procedure: text-wh font text Return two values: ‘width’ and ‘height’ (both integers) representing the dimensions of the FONT-specific rendering of the string TEXT. -- Procedure: utf8-wh font text Return two values: ‘width’ and ‘height’ (both integers) representing the dimensions of the FONT-specific rendering of the UTF-8 string TEXT. -- Procedure: render-text font text fg [bg] Return a new surface containing the FONT-specific rendering of the TEXT string. Third argument is the foreground color; optional fourth argument is the background color, or ‘#t’ if the text is to be blended. -- Procedure: render-utf8 font text fg [bg] Return a new surface containing a FONT-specific rendering of the utf8 string TEXT. Third argument is the foreground color; optional fourth argument is the background color, or ‘#t’ if the text is to be blended. -- Procedure: render-glyph font ch fg [bg] Return a new surface containing a FONT-specific rendering of the character CH. Third argument is the foreground color; optional fourth argument is the background color, or ‘#t’ if the text is to be blended. -- Procedure: ttf-quit Quit the SDL_ttf subsystem. 9 Audio ******* -- Procedure: open-audio [freq [format [stereo [chunksize]]]] Open the mixer with a certain audio format. Optional args FREQ (number), FORMAT (number), STEREO (boolean) and CHUNKSIZE (number) specify those aspects of the device. Return ‘#t’ if successful. -- Procedure: allocated-channels numchans Dynamically change the number of channels managed by the mixer to NUMCHANS. If decreasing the number of channels, the upper channels are stopped. Return the new number of allocated channels. -- Procedure: device-ffc Return audio device parameters as three values: ‘frequency’ (Hz), ‘format’ (number of bits) and ‘channels’ (number of allocated channels). -- Procedure: load-music filename Load music data (.mod .s3m .it .xm) from FILENAME. Return a new music object if successful, otherwise ‘#f’. -- Procedure: load-wave filename Load wave data from FILENAME. Return a new audio object if succesful, otherwise ‘#f’. -- Procedure: reserve-channels num Reserve the first NUM channels (0 through NUM-1) for the application. In other words don’t allocate them dynamically to the next sample if requested with a -1 value below. Return the number of reserved channels. -- Procedure: group-channel channel [tag] Attach to CHANNEL a TAG. A tag can be assigned to several mixer channels, to form groups of channels. If TAG is not specified, or is -1, the tag is removed (actually -1 is the tag used to represent the group of all the channels). Return ‘#t’ if successful. -- Procedure: group-channels from to [tag] Assign channels in the range FROM through TO to the default group. Optional arg TAG specifies the group to use. Return ‘#t’ if successful. -- Procedure: group-available [tag] Return the first available channel in the default group of channels. Optional arg TAG specifies the group to check. -- Procedure: group-count [tag] Return the number of channels in the default group. Optional arg TAG specifies the group to check. -- Procedure: group-oldest [tag] Return the "oldest" sample playing in the default group of channels. Optional arg TAG specifies the group to check. -- Procedure: group-newer [tag] Return the "most recent" (i.e. last) sample playing in the default group of channels. Optional arg TAG specifies the group to check. -- Procedure: play-channel chunk [channel [loops [ticks [fade]]]] Play an audio CHUNK on a specific CHANNEL. If the channel is unspecified or is -1, play on the first free channel. If LOOPS is specified and greater than zero, loop the sound that many times. If LOOPS is -1, loop infinitely (~65000 times). If TICKS is specified, stop after that number of ticks. If FADE is specified, fade in over that number of milliseconds. Return which channel was used to play the sound. -- Procedure: play-music music [loops [fade]] Play a MUSIC track. Optional args LOOPS and FADE are as in ‘play-channel’. -- Procedure: volume [volume [which]] Return the current volume on the default channel. Optional arg VOLUME (a number in the range 0-128) means set the volume to VOLUME and return the original volume. Optional second arg WHICH specifies a chunk or channel to check (or modify) instead of the default. If VOLUME is non-‘#f’ and WHICH is ‘#f’, modify all channels. [Here is the original (perhaps clearer) docstring. —ttn] Set the volume in the range of 0-128 of a specific channel or chunk. If the channel is unspecified or is -1, set volume for all channels. Return the original volume. If the volume is unspecified or is -1, just return the current volume. -- Procedure: music-volume [volume] Return the current volume. Optional arg VOLUME (a number in the range 0-128) means set the volume to VOLUME. -- Procedure: halt-channel [channel] Halt playing of the default channel. Optional arg CHANNEL specifies a channel to halt. -- Procedure: halt-group [tag] Halt playing of the default group. Optional arg TAG specifies the group to halt. -- Procedure: halt-music Halt playing of the music. -- Procedure: expire-channel [channel [ticks]] Turn off expiration for the default channel. Optional arg CHANNEL specifies a channel to change. Optional arg TICKS (a number) means set the expiration delay to that many milliseconds, rather than turning it off. -- Procedure: fade-out-channel [which [ms]] Halt a channel, fading it out progressively until silent. Optional arg WHICH specifies a channel to halt. Second optional arg MS specifies the number of milliseconds the fading will take (default 0). -- Procedure: fade-out-group [tag [ms]] Halt a group, fading it out progressively until silent. Optional arg TAG specifies a group to halt. Second optional arg MS specifies the number of milliseconds the fading will take (default 0). -- Procedure: fade-out-music [ms] Halt the music, fading it out progressively until silent. Optional arg MS specifies the number of milliseconds the fading will take (default 0). -- Procedure: fading-music Return the fading status of the music, one of the symbols: ‘no’, ‘out’, ‘in’. -- Procedure: fading-channel [which] Return the fading status (a symbol, see ‘fading-music’) of the default channel. Optional arg WHICH selects which channel to check. -- Procedure: pause [channel] Pause the default channel. Optional arg CHANNEL selects which channel to pause. -- Procedure: resume [channel] Resume (unpause) the default channel. Optional arg CHANNEL selects which channel to resume. -- Procedure: paused? [channel] Return ‘#t’ if the default channel is paused. Optional arg CHANNEL selects a which channel to check. -- Procedure: pause-music Pause the music. -- Procedure: resume-music Resume (unpause) the music. -- Procedure: rewind-music Rewind the music. -- Procedure: paused-music? Return ‘#t’ if the music is currently paused. -- Procedure: playing? [channel] Return ‘#t’ iff the default channel is playing. Optional arg CHANNEL selects which channel to check. -- Procedure: playing-music? Return ‘#t’ iff the music is currently playing. -- Procedure: set-music-command command Stop music and set external music playback command to COMMAND, a string. As a special case, if COMMAND is ‘#f’, arrange to use internal playback, instead. FWIW, the C header file for the following panning, distance and position procs says: Setting (channel) to MIX_CHANNEL_POST registers this as a posteffect, and the panning will be done to the final mixed stream before passing it on to the audio device. -- Procedure: set-panning channel l r Set panning for (stereo) CHANNEL with L and R. Both L and R are integers 0–255, inclusive, where 0 is quietest and 255 is loudest. To get “true” panning, use ‘(set-panning CH N (- 255 N))’. -- Procedure: set-distance channel distance Set the “distance” of CHANNEL to DISTANCE (integer, 0–255). This controls the location of the sound with respect to the listener. Distance 0 is overlapping the listener, and 255 is as far away as possible. A distance of 255 does not guarantee silence; in such a case, you might want to try changing the chunk’s volume, or just cull the sample from the mixing process with ‘halt-channel’. For efficiency, the precision of this effect may be limited (distances 1 through 7 might all produce the same effect, 8 through 15 are equal, etc). Setting (distance) to 0 unregisters this effect, since the data would be unchanged. -- Procedure: set-position channel angle distance Set the “position” of CHANNEL to ANGLE, DISTANCE. In this polar coordinate, ANGLE is in degrees (integer modulo 360), and DISTANCE is an integer 0–255 (and is treated as in proc ‘set-distance’ – see notes there). Angle 0 is due north, and rotates clockwise as the value increases. For efficiency, the precision of this effect may be limited (angles 1 through 7 might all produce the same effect, 8 through 15 are equal, etc). Setting ANGLE and DISTANCE to 0 unregisters this effect, since the data would be unchanged. Additionally, the C header says: If the audio device is configured for mono output, then you won’t get any effectiveness from the angle; however, distance attenuation on the channel will still occur. While this effect will function with stereo voices, it makes more sense to use voices with only one channel of sound, so when they are mixed through this effect, the positioning will sound correct. You can convert them to mono through SDL before giving them to the mixer in the first place if you like. -- Procedure: close-audio Close the mixer, halting all playing audio. 10 SDL_gfx by Andreas Schiffler ******************************* 10.1 Graphics Primitives ======================== -- Procedure: draw-point surface x y color On SURFACE, draw a point at location X,Y with color COLOR. -- Procedure: draw-hline surface x1 x2 y color On SURFACE, draw a horizontal line segment from X1,Y to X2,Y, with color COLOR. -- Procedure: draw-vline surface x y1 y2 color On SURFACE, draw a vertical line segment from X,Y1 to X,Y2, with color COLOR. -- Procedure: draw-rectangle surface x1 y1 x2 y2 color [fill] On SURFACE, draw a rectangle with opposite points X1,Y1 and X2,Y2, with color COLOR. Optional arg FILL means to fill the rectangle as well. -- Procedure: draw-rounded-rectangle surface x1 y1 x2 y2 rad color [fill] On SURFACE, draw a rectangle with opposite points X1,Y1 and X2,Y2, with rounded corners radius RAD in color COLOR. Optional arg FILL means to fill the rectangle as well. -- Procedure: draw-line surface x1 y1 x2 y2 color On SURFACE, draw a line segment from X1,Y1 to X2,Y2, with color COLOR. -- Procedure: draw-aa-line surface x1 y1 x2 y2 color On SURFACE, draw an anti-aliased line segment from X1,Y1 to X2,Y2, with color COLOR. -- Procedure: draw-thick-line surface x1 y1 x2 y2 width color On SURFACE, draw a line segment from X1,Y1 to X2,Y2, with thickness WIDTH in color COLOR. -- Procedure: draw-arc surface x y r start end color On SURFACE, draw arc with center X,Y and radius R, going from START to END (degrees), with color COLOR. If START is greater than END, the effective range of the arc is taken to be END to START (that is, these arguments are internally reversed). -- Procedure: draw-circle surface x y r color [fill] On SURFACE, draw a circle with center X,Y and radius R, with color COLOR. Optional arg FILL means to fill the circle as well. -- Procedure: draw-aa-circle surface x y r color On SURFACE, draw an anti-aliased circle with center X,Y and radius R, with color COLOR. -- Procedure: draw-ellipse surface x y rx ry color [fill] On SURFACE, draw an ellipse with center X,Y x-radius RX, y-radius RY, with color COLOR. Optional arg FILL means to fill the ellipse as well. -- Procedure: draw-aa-ellipse surface x y rx ry color On SURFACE, draw an anti-aliased ellipse with center X,Y, x-radius RX, y-radius RY, with color COLOR. -- Procedure: draw-pie-slice surface x y rad start end color [fill] On SURFACE, draw a pie slice with center X,Y and radius RAD, going from START to END (degrees), with color COLOR. Optional arg FILL means to fill the slice as well. -- Procedure: draw-trigon surface x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 color [fill] On SURFACE, draw a triangle with vertices at X1,Y1, X2,Y2 and X3,Y3, with color COLOR. Optional arg FILL means to fill the triangle as well. -- Procedure: draw-aa-trigon surface x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 color On SURFACE, draw an anti-aliased triangle with vertices at X1,Y1, X2,Y2 and X3,Y3, with color COLOR. -- Procedure: draw-polygon surface vx vy color [fill] On SURFACE, draw a polygon whose points are specified by corresponding pairs from the s16 uniform vectors VX and VY, in color COLOR. Optional arg FILL means to fill the polygon as well. -- Procedure: draw-aa-polygon surface vx vy color On SURFACE, draw an anti-aliased polygon whose points are specified by corresponding pairs from the s16 uniform vectors VX and VY, in color COLOR. -- Procedure: draw-textured-polygon surface vx vy texture tdx tdy On SURFACE, draw a polygon whose points are specified by corresponding pairs from the s16 uniform vectors VX and VY, filling from TEXTURE (a surface) with offset TDX, TDY. -- Procedure: draw-bezier surface vx vy s color On SURFACE, draw a bezier curve whose points are specified by corresponding pairs from the s16 uniform vectors VX and VY, with S steps in color COLOR. -- Procedure: draw-character surface x y c color On SURFACE at position X,Y, draw char C with COLOR (a number). -- Procedure: draw-string surface x y text color On SURFACE at position X,Y, draw string TEXT with COLOR (a number). -- Procedure: font-rotation! rotation Set the rotation for glyphs drawn by ‘draw-character’ and ‘draw-string’ to ROTATION (an integer or symbol), one of: 0 none 1 clockwise 2 upside-down 3 counter-clockwise 10.2 Rotation / Zooming ======================= -- Procedure: roto-zoom-surface surface angle [zoom [smooth]] Return a new surface made from rotating SURFACE by ANGLE degrees. Optional third arg ZOOM (default value 1.0) changes the size as well. Optional fourth arg SMOOTH turns on anti-aliasing. -- Procedure: roto-zoom-surface-xy surface angle [zoomx [zoomy [smooth]]] Return a new surface made from rotating SURFACE by ANGLE degrees. Optional third and fourth args ZOOMX and ZOOMY (default value 1.0 for both) changes the size as well. Optional fifth arg SMOOTH turns on anti-aliasing. -- Procedure: zoom-surface surface zoomx [zoomy [smooth]] Return a new scaled copy of SURFACE. ZOOMX and ZOOMY specify the scaling factor. If omitted, ZOOMY defaults to ZOOMX. Optional fourth arg SMOOTH turns on anti-aliasing. -- Procedure: shrink-surface surface factorx factory Return a new shrunken copy of SURFACE. FACTORX and FACTORY are positive integers specifying the inverse scaling factor. For example, 2 means half size, 3 means one-third size, etc. The returned surface is antialiased by “averaging the source box RGBA or Y information” and is in 32-bit RGBA format. 10.3 Managing Frame Rate ======================== -- Procedure: make-fps-manager [n] Return a FPS manager object to be passed as the first arg to ‘fps-manager-set!’, ‘fps-manager-get’ and ‘fps-manager-delay!’. Optional arg N specifies the value in Hz to initialize the object (default 30 if not specified). -- Procedure: fps-manager-set! mgr n Arrange for FPS manager MGR to try to maintain a frame rate of N Hz. Return ‘#f’ if not successful. -- Procedure: fps-manager-get mgr Return the frame rate of FPS manager MGR in Hz, or ‘#f’ if unsuccessful. -- Procedure: fps-manager-delay! mgr Request an appropriate delay from FPS manager MGR. 10.4 RGBA Extras ================ -- Procedure: set-pixel-alpha! surface alpha If SURFACE is 32-bit, set each pixel’s alpha value to ALPHA, an integer 0-255, inclusive, and return ‘#t’. Otherwise, do nothing and return ‘#f’. -- Procedure: blit-rgba src srect dst drect Blit from 32-bit surface SRC rectangle SRECT to 32-bit surface DST rectangle DRECT. Return ‘#t’ if there are no problems. Note that unlike ‘blit-surface’ (*note Video::), all arguments must be fully specified. This restriction may be relaxed in the future. 10.5 Image Filtering ==================== -- Procedure: imfi-mmx? [setting] If SETTING is ‘#t’, enable MMX instructions for the image filter procs (if possible); if ‘#f’, disable; otherwise do nothing. Return the (boolean) value of the setting afterwards. -- Procedure: imfi-add src1 src2 dst D = saturation255 (S1 + S2). -- Procedure: imfi-mean src1 src2 dst D = S1/2 + S2/2. -- Procedure: imfi-sub src1 src2 dst D = saturation0 (S1 - S2). -- Procedure: imfi-abs-diff src1 src2 dst D = | S1 - S2 |. -- Procedure: imfi-mult src1 src2 dst D = saturation (S1 * S2). -- Procedure: imfi-mulnor src1 src2 dst D = S1 * S2 (non-MMX). -- Procedure: imfi-muldiv2 src1 src2 dst D = saturation255 (S1/2 * S2). -- Procedure: imfi-muldiv4 src1 src2 dst D = saturation255 (S1/2 * S2/2). -- Procedure: imfi-logand src1 src2 dst D = S1 & S2. -- Procedure: imfi-logior src1 src2 dst D = S1 | S2. -- Procedure: imfi-div src1 src2 dst D = S1 / S2 (non-MMX). -- Procedure: imfi-not src dst D = !S. -- Procedure: imfi-add-c src dst c D = saturation255 (S + C). -- Procedure: imfi-add-c-to-half src dst c D = saturation255 (S/2 + C). -- Procedure: imfi-sub-c src dst c D = saturation0 (S - C). -- Procedure: imfi-ashr src dst n D = saturation0 (S >> N). -- Procedure: imfi-lshr src dst n D = saturation0 ((uint) S >> N). -- Procedure: imfi-mul-c src dst c D = saturation255 (S * C). -- Procedure: imfi-ashr-mul-c src dst n c D = saturation255 ((S >> N) * C). -- Procedure: imfi-bshl src dst n D = (S << N). -- Procedure: imfi-lshl src dst n D = ((uint) S << N). -- Procedure: imfi-ashl src dst n D = saturation255 (S << N). -- Procedure: imfi-binarize src dst t D = (S < T ? 0 : 255). -- Procedure: imfi-clip src dst tmin tmax D = (Tmin <= S <= Tmax) ? 255 : 0. -- Procedure: imfi-normalize-linear src dst cmin cmax nmin nmax D = saturation255 ((Nmax - Nmin) / (Cmax - Cmin) * (S - Cmin) + Nmin). 11 Miscellaneous Utilities ************************** These are available in module ‘(sdl misc-utils)’. -- Procedure: exact-truncate number Return the exact truncation (rounding to zero) of NUMBER. This is “safer” than simply ‘inexact->exact’ for some Guile versions. (define scale 0.180281690140845) (inexact->exact scale) ⇒ 3247666210160131/18014398509481984 ; Guile 1.8.7 ⇒ 0 ; Guile 1.4.x (exact-truncate scale) ⇒ 0 -- Procedure: call-with-clip-rect rect thunk Set default clip rect to RECT, call THUNK, and restore it. THUNK is a procedure that takes no arguments. -- Procedure: rotate-square square angle Return a new surface made by rotating SQUARE by ANGLE degrees. The square retains its original size. -- Procedure: rectangle-closure [rect] Return a closure that manages a single rectangle object. Calling the closure with no args returns the rectangle object. Otherwise, the messages ‘#:w’, ‘#:h’, ‘#:x’ and ‘#:y’ return the rectangle’s width, height, horizontal offset and vertical offset, respectively; and the messages ‘#:w!’, ‘#:h!’, ‘#:x!’ and ‘#:y!’, followed by an integer, update the rectangle’s width, height, horizontal offset and vertical offset, respectively. Optional arg RECT specifies a rectangle object to manage instead of allocating a new one. -- Procedure: rectangle<-geometry-string spec Return a rectangle made from parsing the "geometry string" SPEC, which typically has the form ‘WxH+X+Y’, where ‘+X+Y’ is optional (defaults to “+0+0”), and ‘W’, ‘H’, ‘X’ and ‘Y’ are integers. Actually, the ‘+’ can also be a ‘-’. If SPEC cannot be parsed, return ‘#f’. Examples: (rectangle<-geometry-string "42x43+44+45") ⇒ # (rectangle<-geometry-string "42x43-10-20") ⇒ # (rectangle<-geometry-string "42x43") ⇒ # (rectangle<-geometry-string "42") ⇒ #f Note that the print representation of a rectangle always has “+”. The term “geometry string” derives from the X Window System, where many programs take a ‘--geometry’ (or ‘-g’ for short) command-line option. -- Procedure: poll-with-push-on-timeout-proc timeout slice [get-timeout-events] Return a procedure ‘P’ that checks the event queue for TIMEOUT ms, polling every SLICE ms. If an event arrives during that time, return ‘#t’. Otherwise return ‘#f’. Optional arg GET-TIMEOUT-EVENTS is either a list of events to be pushed on the queue in the case of timeout, or a thunk to be called that produces such a list. If GET-TIMEOUT-EVENTS is specified, return the result of another event queue polling. (This may still be ‘#f’ if the pushed events are masked in some way.) ‘P’ is called with a single arg, a pre-constructed event object. This interface is congruent with that of ‘wait-event’ and ‘poll-event’. *Note Events::. -- Procedure: rect<-surface surface [x y] Return a new rectangle with the same width and height as SURFACE. Optional second and third arg (which must appear together or not at all) specifies the X and Y components, respectively, to use instead of the default of 0 (zero). -- Procedure: copy-rectangle rect [modify args...] Return a new rectangle copied from RECT. Optional second arg MODIFY specifies which portions, if any, to modify using the values in the rest ARGS. If MODIFY is ‘#:xy’, the two ARGS specify new ‘x’ and ‘y’ values. If MODIFY is ‘#:wh’, the two ARGS specify new ‘w’ and ‘h’ values. rect ⇒ # (copy-rectangle rect) ⇒ # (copy-rectangle rect #:xy 11 22) ⇒ # (copy-rectangle rect #:wh 33 44) ⇒ # -- Procedure: copy-surface surface [clip] Create a new surface and blit SURFACE onto it. The new surface has the same pixel format as SURFACE. Return the new surface. Optional second arg CLIP is a rectangle describing the portion of SURFACE to copy (default is the entire surface). -- Procedure: ignore-all-event-types-except [types…] Arrange to ignore all event types except those in TYPES (*note event-type enums::). As a special case, if TYPES is ‘#f’, arrange to not ignore any event types (all are enabled). In the following procs, those named ending with ‘/3p’ return three values, each a thunk (unless specified otherwise) handling the three-phase calling convention, namely "init", "next", and "done". (call-with-values (lambda () (foo/3p ...)) (lambda (init! foo! done!) (init!) (let loop ((continue? (foo!))) (and continue? (loop (foo!)))) (done!))) Note that ‘foo!’ returns non-‘#f’ to indicate that the looping is not yet complete. -- Procedure: fader/3p sec realized location image replacement Return three values, each a thunk, that can be used to loop for SEC seconds, blitting onto REALIZED at LOCATION (a rectangle or ‘#f’ to indicate the origin) the alpha-composition of IMAGE and its REPLACEMENT (both surfaces), to effect a "fade-in" of REPLACEMENT over IMAGE. The alpha value is directly proportional to the time between the “next!” phase call and the “init!” phase call. REALIZED may be either a surface, in which case at the end of each loop it is shown via ‘update-rect’; or a pair whose CAR is a surface and whose CDR is a thunk that should do the showing. Note that LOCATION is used for blitting, so its width and height should match those of IMAGE and REPLACEMENT. -- Procedure: toroidal-panner/3p surface dx dy [sub [batch?]] Return three values, the first a procedure of one arg, the other two thunks, that can be used to toroidally pan SURFACE by DX and DY pixels. This means that data disappearing from one side of the surface (left, right, top, bottom) is rotated to appear at the other side (right, left, bottom, top). The ‘init!’ procedure takes one arg COUNT, the number of pans to do. Positive DX moves surface data to the left (panning right), and likewise, positive DY, up (panning down). Optional third arg SUB is a rectangle object specifying a subset of the surface. The default is to pan the entire surface. Optional fourth arg BATCH? non-‘#f’ means to call ‘update-rect’ on the (sub)surface after all the panning is done. The default is to update the surface after each pan. Batch mode is useful for implementing variable-speed panning, for example: (define (pan dir) (call-with-values (lambda () (toroidal-panner/3p screen (* dir 21) (* dir 12) #f #t)) (lambda (init! next! done!) (lambda (count) (init! count) (let loop ((continue? (next!))) (and continue? (loop (next!)))) (done!))))) (define pan-away (pan 1)) (define pan-back (pan -1)) (define ramp (map 1+ (append (make-list 21 0) (identity (iota 12)) (reverse! (iota 12)) (make-list 21 0)))) (for-each pan-away ramp) (for-each pan-back ramp) 12 Simple Closures ****************** This chapter documents module ‘(sdl simple)’. This module provides some simple abstractions to introduce common Guile-SDL programming idioms. Although the interfaces are documented, they are "permanently alpha", that is, subject to change w/o notice. Instead of relying on the stability of the interface, you are encouraged to look at the implementation as a model for creating customized abstractions. -- Procedure: simple-canvas init? w h bpp [flags…] Return a "canvas closure" that accepts a few simple messages. If INIT? is non-‘#f’, initalize the SDL video subsystem first. W, H, and BPP specify the width, height, and bits-per-pixel, respectively. FLAGS are symbols to set the video mode. If omitted, the default is ‘hw-surface’ and ‘doublebuf’. The closure, if called without arguments, returns the video surface. Otherwise, the following messages are recognized: ‘#:rect’ Return a rectangle the width and height of the canvas. ‘#:set-bg! r g b’ Set the background color (used for clearing) to the color specified by R, G and B (integers 0-255), respectively. By default it is black (all values zero). ‘#:clear!’ Fill the canvas with the background color. ‘#:w’ ‘#:h’ ‘#:w/h’ Return width, height, or a cons of width and height, respectively. ‘#:resize! new-width new-height’ Request that the canvas dimension be changed to NEW-WIDTH by NEW-HEIGHT. Return a rect that reflects the actual dimension. -- Procedure: simple-stylus init? filename size r g b Return a "stylus closure" that accepts a few simple messages. If INIT? is non-‘#f’, initialize the SDL TTF support first. FILENAME specifes the .ttf file to load and ‘size’ the size. R, G and B are integers (0-255) specifying the color. The closure recognizes the following messages: ‘#:set-font! filename size’ ‘#:set-color! r g b’ Change the font or color, respectively. ‘#:set-canvas! surface’ Set the surface on which the ‘#:write!’ command renders. ‘#:render text [color [bg]]’ Return a surface of TEXT rendered using the default font, size, color and size. Optional second arg COLOR specifies another color to use. Optional third arg BG specifies a background mode: ‘#f’ (default) for “solid”; ‘#t’ for “blended”; a color to use that color. ‘#:write! where text [color [bg]]’ Similar to #:render, but also blit the surface onto the canvas at the rectangle position specified by WHERE. The width and height components of WHERE are updated by side effect. -- Procedure: simple-vpacked-image filename [canvas] Return a "vpacked image closure" that accepts a few simple messages. "Vpacked" means multiple vertically-abutted images of dimensions NxN (at the top) through Nx1 (at the bottom), stored in a single image file. FILENAME specifies the file and optional arg CANVAS specifies a surface for blitting. The closure recognizes the following messages: ‘#:set-canvas! surface’ Change the canvas. ‘#:rects’ Return the vector of rectangles of length N+1 (the element at index zero is ‘#f’) corresponding to areas on the image representing the smaller sub-images. The element at index I is a rectangle of dimension IxI. ‘#:blit! i rect’ Blit the sub-image I (an integer 1 <= I <= N), onto the canvas. RECT specifies a rectangle to blit to. 13 Excuses ********** Here are some notes on interface elements from ‘/usr/include/SDL/*.h’ that are not yet wrapped by Guile-SDL. As things progress elements will be removed until an irreducible set remains. Interface elements have zero or more "attributes", some of which indicate irreducibility (such as ‘probably-never’). Following the attribute groupings are specific notes on those elements that are particular in some way. The presentation order is not significant. 13.1 Categories =============== For brevity, we omit the ‘SDL_’ prefix in the groupings. There are two speical cases: ‘(N)’ stands for ‘SDLNet_’, and ‘(M)’ stands for ‘Mix_’. ‘internal’ These interface elements are exposed in the C header but should not be exposed to Scheme, for reasons of either safety or inutility. SoftStretch LowerBlit UpperBlit VideoInit VideoQuit AudioQuit AudioInit (M)GetChunk ‘probably-never’ Don’t expect to see these exposed to Scheme, ever! SoftStretch SaveBMP_RW LoadBMP_RW VideoInit VideoQuit InitQuickDraw RegisterApp SetModuleHandle getenv putenv ClearError SetError WriteBE64 WriteLE64 WriteBE32 WriteLE32 WriteBE16 WriteLE16 ReadBE64 ReadLE64 ReadBE32 ReadLE32 ReadBE16 ReadLE16 CloseAudio UnlockAudio LockAudio MixAudio ConvertAudio BuildAudioCVT FreeWAV LoadWAV_RW PauseAudio GetAudioStatus OpenAudio AudioDriverName AudioQuit AudioInit (M)GetMusicHookData (M)GetChunk ‘doze’ Windoze support, blech. SaveBMP_RW LoadBMP_RW RegisterApp SetModuleHandle ‘threading-implications’ Will (any :–) ttn ever be ready for parallelism? RemoveTimer AddTimer SetTimer KillThread WaitThread GetThreadID ThreadID CreateThread CondWaitTimeout CondWait CondBroadcast CondSignal DestroyCond CreateCond SemValue SemPost SemWaitTimeout SemTryWait SemWait DestroySemaphore CreateSemaphore DestroyMutex mutexV mutexP CreateMutex ‘todo’ To be completed by Guile-SDL 1.0 (that is, if All Goes Well). KillThread WaitThread GetThreadID ThreadID CreateThread CondWaitTimeout CondWait CondBroadcast CondSignal DestroyCond CreateCond SemValue SemPost SemWaitTimeout SemTryWait SemWait DestroySemaphore CreateSemaphore DestroyMutex mutexV mutexP CreateMutex (N)Init (N)Quit (N)ResolveHost (N)ResolveIP (N)TCP_Open (N)TCP_Accept (N)TCP_GetPeerAddress (N)TCP_Send (N)TCP_Recv (N)TCP_Close (N)AllocPacket (N)ResizePacket (N)FreePacket (N)AllocPacketV (N)FreePacketV (N)UDP_Open (N)UDP_Bind (N)UDP_Unbind (N)UDP_GetPeerAddress (N)UDP_SendV (N)UDP_Send (N)UDP_RecvV (N)UDP_Recv (N)UDP_Close (N)AllocSocketSet (N)AddSocket (N)DelSocket (N)CheckSockets (N)SocketReady (N)FreeSocketSet (N)Write16 (N)Write32 (N)Read16 (N)Read32 (M)SetPostMix (M)HookMusic (M)HookMusicFinished (M)ChannelFinished (M)RegisterEffect (M)UnregisterEffect (M)UnregisterAllEffects (M)SetReverb (M)SetReverseStereo (M)SetMusicPosition (M)SetSynchroValue (M)GetSynchroValue ‘rwops’ Read-write operations. FreeRW AllocRW RWFromMem RWFromConstMem RWFromFile ‘macos’ Macintosh support, meh. InitQuickDraw ‘endian’ These concern little- vs. big-endian i/o. Perhaps Guile already provides decent alternatives. WriteBE64 WriteLE64 WriteBE32 WriteLE32 WriteBE16 WriteLE16 ReadBE64 ReadLE64 ReadBE32 ReadLE32 ReadBE16 ReadLE16 ‘use-mixer-instead’ These elements are obsoleted by the module ‘(sdl mixer)’. CloseAudio UnlockAudio LockAudio MixAudio ConvertAudio BuildAudioCVT FreeWAV LoadWAV_RW PauseAudio GetAudioStatus OpenAudio AudioDriverName AudioQuit AudioInit ‘hook’ Callback from SDL to Scheme code. Can be tricky to get right... (M)SetPostMix (M)HookMusic (M)HookMusicFinished (M)ChannelFinished (M)RegisterEffect (M)UnregisterEffect (M)UnregisterAllEffects 13.2 Specific Notes =================== ‘SDL_SoftStretch’ SDL_video.h sez: /* Not in public API at the moment - do not use! */ ‘SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom’ not sure what this is useful for ‘SDL_GL_UpdateRects’ arglist: (int numrects, SDL_Rect* rects) we can either try to map uniform vectors (of smobs), or introduce a `RectVector' smob. ‘SDL_VideoInit’ actually, SDL_video.h sez: /* These functions are used internally, and should not be used unless you * have a specific need to specify the video driver you want to use. * You should normally use SDL_Init() or SDL_InitSubSystem(). * ... */ ‘SDL_VideoQuit’ see note for `SDL_VideoInit' ‘SDL_Linked_Version’ SDL_version.h sez: /* This function gets the version of the dynamically linked SDL library. it should NOT be used to fill a version structure, instead you should use the SDL_Version() macro. */ ‘SDL_GetWMInfo’ return value for proc `get-wm-info' does not presently include the `lock_func' and `unlock_func' hooks. support for those will be added after i figure out how to "thunkify" them. ‘SDL_GetKeyName’ why do we want to know the name of a key? ‘SDL_AudioQuit’ SDL_audio.h sez: /* These functions are used internally, and should not be used unless you * have a specific need to specify the audio driver you want to use. * You should normally use SDL_Init() or SDL_InitSubSystem(). */ ‘SDL_AudioInit’ see note for `SDL_AudioQuit' ‘SDLNet_AddSocket’ there are also: #define SDLNet_TCP_AddSocket #define SDLNet_UDP_AddSocket ‘SDLNet_DelSocket’ there are also: #define SDLNet_TCP_DelSocket #define SDLNet_UDP_DelSocket ‘Mix_GetMusicHookData’ If (when) `Mix_HookMusic' is added, it will not support "user data". It's better to use object properties for that. Appendix A Stashes ****************** There are 21 stashes (11 enums, 10 flags). Distribution of symbols count: 2 5 ========================= min: 2 3 3 =============== max: 231 4 1 ===== mean: 17.0 5 4 ==================== median: 5.0 7 2 ========== 8 1 ===== 11 1 ===== 15 1 ===== 17 1 ===== 18 1 ===== 231 1 ===== Distribution of symbol lengths: 1 26 ============= min: 1 2 19 ========== max: 17 3 23 ============ mean: 6.5126 4 38 =================== median: 7.0 5 28 ============== 6 31 ================ 7 28 ============== 8 103 ==================================================== 9 18 ========= 10 13 ======= 11 4 == 12 10 ===== 13 3 == 14 2 = 15 8 ==== 17 3 == -- 2 enums: activity-change lost gained -- 2 enums: alpha-limit transparent opaque -- 3 flags: application-state mousefocus inputfocus active -- 2 enums: cd-track-type audio data -- 5 enums: cdrom-state error stopped paused tray-empty playing -- 18 flags: event-mask Note that these are a proper superset of those in the ‘event-type’ enums, below. active mouse-button-up joy-button-up key-down mouse joy key-up joy-axis-motion quit key joy-ball-motion sys-wm mouse-motion joy-hat-motion video-resize mouse-button-down joy-button-down video-expose -- 15 enums: event-type Note that these are a proper subset of those in the ‘event-mask’ flags, above. active mouse-button-up joy-button-up key-down joy-axis-motion quit key-up joy-ball-motion sys-wm mouse-motion joy-hat-motion video-resize mouse-button-down joy-button-down video-expose -- 3 enums: fading-status no out in -- 4 enums: font-rotation none upside-down clockwise counter-clockwise -- 5 flags: font-style normal italic strikethrough bold underline -- 3 enums: grab-mode query off on -- 8 flags: init timer cdrom no-parachute audio joystick event-thread video everything -- 5 flags: joystick-hat-position centered right left up down -- 11 flags: keyboard-modifier L-shift L-alt num R-shift R-alt caps L-ctrl L-meta mode R-ctrl R-meta -- 2 enums: keyboard/button-state released pressed -- 231 enums: keysym Note that digits begin with ‘D-’ so that they are unambiguously (to ‘read’) symbols. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z D-0 … D-9 ampersand backquote capslock delete end asterisk backslash caret dollar equals at backspace clear escape break colon euro comma exclaim compose f1 … f15 hash insert help home kp-0 … kp-9 kp-plus kp-equals kp-minus kp-period kp-multiply kp-enter kp-divide left right up down L-alt L-ctrl L-meta L-shift L-super R-alt R-ctrl R-meta R-shift R-super L-bracket R-bracket L-paren R-paren less greater menu pagedown question scrollock tab minus pageup quote semicolon mode pause quotedbl slash underscore numlock period space undo plus return sysreq power print world-0 … world-95 -- 7 flags: mouse-button left wheel-up x1 middle wheel-down x2 right -- 7 enums: mouse-button left wheel-up x1 middle wheel-down x2 right -- 5 flags: overlay Although these should be enums, these are putative flags due to a limitation in the implementation(1). Procs that use them enforce enums-ish usage, anyway; a list of symbols results in an error. YV12 YVYU UYVY YUY2 IYUV -- 2 flags: palette logical physical -- 17 flags: video sw-surface no-frame prealloc hw-surface hw-accel any-format opengl src-colorkey hw-palette async-blit rle-accel-ok doublebuf opengl-blit rle-accel fullscreen resizable src-alpha ---------- Footnotes ---------- (1) For speed, we use immediate integers (aka "fixnums") for enums, but those are not wide enough on a 32-bit system to hold the overlay values. Probably this should be rectified prior to release as it represents a semi-regression. OTOH, it’s not like anyone is actually using ‘create-yuv-overlay’ anyway… Appendix B GNU Free Documentation License ***************************************** Version 1.3, 3 November 2008 Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. 0. PREAMBLE The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other functional and useful document "free" in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by others. This License is a kind of “copyleft”, which means that derivative works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license designed for free software. We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference. 1. APPLICABILITY AND DEFINITIONS This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium, that contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed under the terms of this License. Such a notice grants a world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration, to use that work under the conditions stated herein. The “Document”, below, refers to any such manual or work. Any member of the public is a licensee, and is addressed as “you”. You accept the license if you copy, modify or distribute the work in a way requiring permission under copyright law. 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If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent pages. If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy a computer-network location from which the general network-using public has access to download using public-standard network protocols a complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material. If you use the latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated location until at least one year after the last time you distribute an Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to the public. It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document. 4. MODIFICATIONS You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version: A. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous version if the original publisher of that version gives permission. B. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the Document (all of its principal authors, if it has fewer than five), unless they release you from this requirement. C. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the Modified Version, as the publisher. D. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document. E. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications adjacent to the other copyright notices. F. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below. G. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document’s license notice. H. Include an unaltered copy of this License. I. Preserve the section Entitled “History”, Preserve its Title, and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If there is no section Entitled “History” in the Document, create one stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in the previous sentence. J. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise the network locations given in the Document for previous versions it was based on. These may be placed in the “History” section. You may omit a network location for a work that was published at least four years before the Document itself, or if the original publisher of the version it refers to gives permission. K. For any section Entitled “Acknowledgements” or “Dedications”, Preserve the Title of the section, and preserve in the section all the substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or dedications given therein. L. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles. M. Delete any section Entitled “Endorsements”. Such a section may not be included in the Modified Version. N. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled “Endorsements” or to conflict in title with any Invariant Section. O. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers. If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version’s license notice. These titles must be distinct from any other section titles. You may add a section Entitled “Endorsements”, provided it contains nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties—for example, statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a standard. You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added the old one. The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or imply endorsement of any Modified Version. 5. COMBINING DOCUMENTS You may combine the Document with other documents released under this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its license notice, and that you preserve all their Warranty Disclaimers. The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work. In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled “History” in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled “History”; likewise combine any sections Entitled “Acknowledgements”, and any sections Entitled “Dedications”. You must delete all sections Entitled “Endorsements.” 6. COLLECTIONS OF DOCUMENTS You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects. You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document. 7. AGGREGATION WITH INDEPENDENT WORKS A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an “aggregate” if the copyright resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rights of the compilation’s users beyond what the individual works permit. When the Document is included in an aggregate, this License does not apply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselves derivative works of the Document. If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half of the entire aggregate, the Document’s Cover Texts may be placed on covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form. Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the whole aggregate. 8. TRANSLATION Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4. Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special permission from their copyright holders, but you may include translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a translation of this License, and all the license notices in the Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also include the original English version of this License and the original versions of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a disagreement between the translation and the original version of this License or a notice or disclaimer, the original version will prevail. If a section in the Document is Entitled “Acknowledgements”, “Dedications”, or “History”, the requirement (section 4) to Preserve its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual title. 9. TERMINATION You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after the cessation. Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after your receipt of the notice. Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently reinstated, receipt of a copy of some or all of the same material does not give you any rights to use it. 10. FUTURE REVISIONS OF THIS LICENSE The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See . Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this License “or any later version” applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions of this License can be used, that proxy’s public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you to choose that version for the Document. 11. RELICENSING “Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site” (or “MMC Site”) means any World Wide Web server that publishes copyrightable works and also provides prominent facilities for anybody to edit those works. A public wiki that anybody can edit is an example of such a server. A “Massive Multiauthor Collaboration” (or “MMC”) contained in the site means any set of copyrightable works thus published on the MMC site. “CC-BY-SA” means the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license published by Creative Commons Corporation, a not-for-profit corporation with a principal place of business in San Francisco, California, as well as future copyleft versions of that license published by that same organization. “Incorporate” means to publish or republish a Document, in whole or in part, as part of another Document. An MMC is “eligible for relicensing” if it is licensed under this License, and if all works that were first published under this License somewhere other than this MMC, and subsequently incorporated in whole or in part into the MMC, (1) had no cover texts or invariant sections, and (2) were thus incorporated prior to November 1, 2008. The operator of an MMC Site may republish an MMC contained in the site under CC-BY-SA on the same site at any time before August 1, 2009, provided the MMC is eligible for relicensing. ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents ==================================================== To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of the License in the document and put the following copyright and license notices just after the title page: Copyright (C) YEAR YOUR NAME. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU Free Documentation License''. If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts, replace the “with…Texts.” line with this: with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with the Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts being LIST. If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the situation. If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their use in free software. Index ***** * Menu: * activity-change: Stashes. (line 2248) * allocated-channels: Audio. (line 1265) * alpha-limit: Stashes. (line 2252) * application-state: Stashes. (line 2256) * blit-rgba: SDL_gfx. (line 1653) * blit-surface: Video. (line 652) * button?: Events. (line 1017) * call-with-clip-rect: Miscellaneous Utilities. (line 1760) * caption-ti: Video. (line 549) * cd-close: CDROM. (line 1172) * cd-eject: CDROM. (line 1169) * cd-get-cur-frame: CDROM. (line 1139) * cd-get-cur-track: CDROM. (line 1136) * cd-get-num-tracks: CDROM. (line 1133) * cd-in-drive?: CDROM. (line 1130) * cd-msf->frames: CDROM. (line 1175) * cd-name: CDROM. (line 1116) * cd-nth-track-itlo: CDROM. (line 1142) * cd-num-drives: CDROM. (line 1113) * cd-open: CDROM. (line 1121) * cd-pause: CDROM. (line 1160) * cd-play: CDROM. (line 1156) * cd-play-tracks: CDROM. (line 1147) * cd-resume: CDROM. (line 1163) * cd-status: CDROM. (line 1126) * cd-stop: CDROM. (line 1166) * cd-track-type: Stashes. (line 2260) * cd?: CDROM. (line 1110) * cdrom-state: Stashes. (line 2264) * close-audio: Audio. (line 1480) * color:b: Video. (line 426) * color:g: Video. (line 423) * color:r: Video. (line 420) * color:set-b!: Video. (line 435) * color:set-g!: Video. (line 432) * color:set-r!: Video. (line 429) * color?: Video. (line 414) * convert-surface: Video. (line 648) * copy-rectangle: Miscellaneous Utilities. (line 1825) * copy-surface: Miscellaneous Utilities. (line 1845) * create-cursor: Video. (line 320) * create-rgb-surface: Video. (line 581) * create-yuv-overlay: Video. (line 324) * delay: General SDL. (line 311) * device-ffc: Audio. (line 1270) * display-format: Video. (line 489) * display-format-alpha: Video. (line 493) * display-yuv-overlay: Video. (line 528) * draw-aa-circle: SDL_gfx. (line 1535) * draw-aa-ellipse: SDL_gfx. (line 1544) * draw-aa-line: SDL_gfx. (line 1515) * draw-aa-polygon: SDL_gfx. (line 1567) * draw-aa-trigon: SDL_gfx. (line 1558) * draw-arc: SDL_gfx. (line 1523) * draw-bezier: SDL_gfx. (line 1577) * draw-character: SDL_gfx. (line 1582) * draw-circle: SDL_gfx. (line 1531) * draw-ellipse: SDL_gfx. (line 1539) * draw-hline: SDL_gfx. (line 1492) * draw-line: SDL_gfx. (line 1511) * draw-pie-slice: SDL_gfx. (line 1548) * draw-point: SDL_gfx. (line 1489) * draw-polygon: SDL_gfx. (line 1562) * draw-rectangle: SDL_gfx. (line 1500) * draw-rounded-rectangle: SDL_gfx. (line 1505) * draw-string: SDL_gfx. (line 1585) * draw-textured-polygon: SDL_gfx. (line 1572) * draw-thick-line: SDL_gfx. (line 1519) * draw-trigon: SDL_gfx. (line 1553) * draw-vline: SDL_gfx. (line 1496) * enable-key-repeat: Events. (line 999) * enable-unicode: Events. (line 994) * enum->number: Enums and Constants. (line 215) * error key ‘non-member-symbol’: Enums and Constants. (line 232) * event-mask: Stashes. (line 2269) * event-type: Stashes. (line 2280) * event-type-handling: Events. (line 989) * event:active:gain: Events. (line 703) * event:active:set-gain!: Events. (line 710) * event:active:set-state!: Events. (line 713) * event:active:state: Events. (line 706) * event:button:button: Events. (line 803) * event:button:set-button!: Events. (line 815) * event:button:set-state!: Events. (line 818) * event:button:set-x!: Events. (line 821) * event:button:set-y!: Events. (line 824) * event:button:state: Events. (line 806) * event:button:x: Events. (line 809) * event:button:y: Events. (line 812) * event:jaxis:axis: Events. (line 846) * event:jaxis:set-axis!: Events. (line 855) * event:jaxis:set-value!: Events. (line 858) * event:jaxis:set-which!: Events. (line 852) * event:jaxis:value: Events. (line 849) * event:jaxis:which: Events. (line 843) * event:jball:ball: Events. (line 882) * event:jball:set-ball!: Events. (line 894) * event:jball:set-which!: Events. (line 891) * event:jball:set-xrel!: Events. (line 897) * event:jball:set-yrel!: Events. (line 900) * event:jball:which: Events. (line 879) * event:jball:xrel: Events. (line 885) * event:jball:yrel: Events. (line 888) * event:jbutton:button: Events. (line 864) * event:jbutton:set-button!: Events. (line 873) * event:jbutton:set-state!: Events. (line 876) * event:jbutton:set-which!: Events. (line 870) * event:jbutton:state: Events. (line 867) * event:jbutton:which: Events. (line 861) * event:jhat:hat: Events. (line 906) * event:jhat:set-hat!: Events. (line 916) * event:jhat:set-value!: Events. (line 919) * event:jhat:set-which!: Events. (line 913) * event:jhat:value: Events. (line 909) * event:jhat:which: Events. (line 903) * event:key:keysym:mod: Events. (line 729) * event:key:keysym:scancode: Events. (line 740) * event:key:keysym:set-mod!: Events. (line 733) * event:key:keysym:set-scancode!: Events. (line 749) * event:key:keysym:set-sym!: Events. (line 726) * event:key:keysym:set-unicode!: Events. (line 752) * event:key:keysym:sym: Events. (line 723) * event:key:keysym:unicode: Events. (line 743) * event:key:set-state!: Events. (line 746) * event:key:state: Events. (line 737) * event:motion:set-state!: Events. (line 774) * event:motion:set-x!: Events. (line 778) * event:motion:set-xrel!: Events. (line 784) * event:motion:set-y!: Events. (line 781) * event:motion:set-yrel!: Events. (line 787) * event:motion:state: Events. (line 758) * event:motion:x: Events. (line 762) * event:motion:xrel: Events. (line 768) * event:motion:y: Events. (line 765) * event:motion:yrel: Events. (line 771) * event:resize:h: Events. (line 929) * event:resize:set-h!: Events. (line 935) * event:resize:set-w!: Events. (line 932) * event:resize:w: Events. (line 926) * event:set-type!: Events. (line 690) * event:type: Events. (line 687) * evqueue-add: Events. (line 944) * evqueue-get: Events. (line 956) * evqueue-peek: Events. (line 948) * exact-truncate: Miscellaneous Utilities. (line 1749) * expire-channel: Audio. (line 1359) * fade-out-channel: Audio. (line 1365) * fade-out-group: Audio. (line 1371) * fade-out-music: Audio. (line 1377) * fader/3p: Miscellaneous Utilities. (line 1871) * fading-channel: Audio. (line 1386) * fading-music: Audio. (line 1382) * fading-status: Stashes. (line 2290) * fill-rect: Video. (line 485) * flags->number: Enums and Constants. (line 222) * flip: Video. (line 407) * font-rotation: Stashes. (line 2294) * font-rotation!: SDL_gfx. (line 1588) * font-style: Stashes. (line 2299) * font:ascent: TrueType. (line 1210) * font:descent: TrueType. (line 1214) * font:glyph-xXyYa: TrueType. (line 1221) * font:height: TrueType. (line 1207) * font:line-skip: TrueType. (line 1218) * font:set-style!: TrueType. (line 1202) * font:style: TrueType. (line 1197) * fps-manager-delay!: SDL_gfx. (line 1642) * fps-manager-get: SDL_gfx. (line 1638) * fps-manager-set!: SDL_gfx. (line 1634) * frames-msf: CDROM. (line 1179) * get-app-state: Video. (line 569) * get-clip-rect: Video. (line 645) * get-cursor: Video. (line 503) * get-error: General SDL. (line 314) * get-event-filter: Events. (line 983) * get-gamma-ramp: Video. (line 453) * get-key-state: Events. (line 1006) * get-mod-state: Events. (line 1009) * get-ticks: General SDL. (line 307) * get-video-surface: Video. (line 329) * get-wm-info: Video. (line 535) * gl-get-attribute: Video. (line 512) * gl-set-attribute: Video. (line 515) * gl-swap-buffers: Video. (line 519) * grab-input: Video. (line 564) * grab-mode: Stashes. (line 2304) * group-available: Audio. (line 1300) * group-channel: Audio. (line 1289) * group-channels: Audio. (line 1295) * group-count: Audio. (line 1304) * group-newer: Audio. (line 1312) * group-oldest: Audio. (line 1308) * halt-channel: Audio. (line 1348) * halt-group: Audio. (line 1352) * halt-music: Audio. (line 1356) * horizontal-flip-surface: Video. (line 664) * iconify-window: Video. (line 556) * ignore-all-event-types-except: Miscellaneous Utilities. (line 1852) * imfi-abs-diff: SDL_gfx. (line 1677) * imfi-add: SDL_gfx. (line 1668) * imfi-add-c: SDL_gfx. (line 1704) * imfi-add-c-to-half: SDL_gfx. (line 1707) * imfi-ashl: SDL_gfx. (line 1731) * imfi-ashr: SDL_gfx. (line 1713) * imfi-ashr-mul-c: SDL_gfx. (line 1722) * imfi-binarize: SDL_gfx. (line 1734) * imfi-bshl: SDL_gfx. (line 1725) * imfi-clip: SDL_gfx. (line 1737) * imfi-div: SDL_gfx. (line 1698) * imfi-logand: SDL_gfx. (line 1692) * imfi-logior: SDL_gfx. (line 1695) * imfi-lshl: SDL_gfx. (line 1728) * imfi-lshr: SDL_gfx. (line 1716) * imfi-mean: SDL_gfx. (line 1671) * imfi-mmx?: SDL_gfx. (line 1663) * imfi-mul-c: SDL_gfx. (line 1719) * imfi-muldiv2: SDL_gfx. (line 1686) * imfi-muldiv4: SDL_gfx. (line 1689) * imfi-mulnor: SDL_gfx. (line 1683) * imfi-mult: SDL_gfx. (line 1680) * imfi-normalize-linear: SDL_gfx. (line 1740) * imfi-not: SDL_gfx. (line 1701) * imfi-sub: SDL_gfx. (line 1674) * imfi-sub-c: SDL_gfx. (line 1710) * init: General SDL. (line 287) * init <1>: Stashes. (line 2308) * init-subsystem: General SDL. (line 291) * joystick-ball-xy: Joystick. (line 1093) * joystick-close: Joystick. (line 1104) * joystick-get-axis: Joystick. (line 1090) * joystick-get-button: Joystick. (line 1100) * joystick-get-hat: Joystick. (line 1097) * joystick-hat-position: Stashes. (line 2314) * joystick-index: Joystick. (line 1066) * joystick-name: Joystick. (line 1054) * joystick-num-axes: Joystick. (line 1069) * joystick-num-balls: Joystick. (line 1072) * joystick-num-buttons: Joystick. (line 1078) * joystick-num-hats: Joystick. (line 1075) * joystick-open: Joystick. (line 1058) * joystick-opened?: Joystick. (line 1062) * joystick-polling: Joystick. (line 1084) * joystick-update: Joystick. (line 1081) * joystick?: Joystick. (line 1051) * keyboard-modifier: Stashes. (line 2319) * keyboard/button-state: Stashes. (line 2326) * keysym: Stashes. (line 2330) * kotk: Enums and Constants. (line 204) * list-modes: Video. (line 346) * load-bmp: Video. (line 612) * load-font: TrueType. (line 1194) * load-image: Video. (line 616) * load-music: Audio. (line 1275) * load-wave: Audio. (line 1279) * lock-surface: Video. (line 606) * lock-yuv-overlay: Video. (line 522) * make-color: Video. (line 417) * make-event: Events. (line 683) * make-fps-manager: SDL_gfx. (line 1628) * make-rect: Video. (line 370) * make-surface: Video. (line 576) * map-rgb: Video. (line 465) * map-rgba: Video. (line 471) * mouse-button: Stashes. (line 2377) * mouse-button <1>: Stashes. (line 2383) * mouse-bxy: Events. (line 1036) * music-volume: Audio. (line 1344) * ‘non-member-symbol’, error key: Enums and Constants. (line 232) * num-joysticks: Joystick. (line 1048) * number->enum: Enums and Constants. (line 218) * number->flags: Enums and Constants. (line 227) * open-audio: Audio. (line 1260) * overlay: Stashes. (line 2389) * palette: Stashes. (line 2397) * pause: Audio. (line 1391) * pause-music: Audio. (line 1403) * paused-music?: Audio. (line 1412) * paused?: Audio. (line 1399) * pixel-rgb: Video. (line 477) * pixel-rgba: Video. (line 481) * play-channel: Audio. (line 1316) * play-music: Audio. (line 1325) * playing-music?: Audio. (line 1419) * playing?: Audio. (line 1415) * poll-event: Events. (line 963) * poll-with-push-on-timeout-proc: Miscellaneous Utilities. (line 1804) * pump-events: Events. (line 941) * push-event: Events. (line 973) * quit: General SDL. (line 295) * quit-subsystem: General SDL. (line 298) * rect:h: Video. (line 383) * rect:set-h!: Video. (line 395) * rect:set-w!: Video. (line 392) * rect:set-x!: Video. (line 386) * rect:set-y!: Video. (line 389) * rect:w: Video. (line 380) * rect:x: Video. (line 374) * rect:y: Video. (line 377) * rect<-surface: Miscellaneous Utilities. (line 1819) * rect?: Video. (line 367) * rectangle-closure: Miscellaneous Utilities. (line 1768) * rectangle<-geometry-string: Miscellaneous Utilities. (line 1780) * render-glyph: TrueType. (line 1248) * render-text: TrueType. (line 1236) * render-utf8: TrueType. (line 1242) * reserve-channels: Audio. (line 1283) * resume: Audio. (line 1395) * resume-music: Audio. (line 1406) * rewind-music: Audio. (line 1409) * rotate-square: Miscellaneous Utilities. (line 1764) * roto-zoom-surface: SDL_gfx. (line 1600) * roto-zoom-surface-xy: SDL_gfx. (line 1605) * ‘s16’: Uniform Vectors. (line 252) * save-bmp: Video. (line 620) * set-caption: Video. (line 544) * set-clip-rect!: Video. (line 640) * set-colors!: Video. (line 438) * set-cursor: Video. (line 500) * set-distance: Audio. (line 1440) * set-event-filter: Events. (line 976) * set-gamma: Video. (line 449) * set-gamma-ramp: Video. (line 459) * set-icon: Video. (line 553) * set-mod-state: Events. (line 1012) * set-music-command: Audio. (line 1422) * set-palette: Video. (line 443) * set-panning: Audio. (line 1434) * set-pixel-alpha!: SDL_gfx. (line 1648) * set-position: Audio. (line 1456) * set-video-mode: Video. (line 359) * show-cursor: Video. (line 506) * shrink-surface: SDL_gfx. (line 1617) * simple-canvas: Simple Closures. (line 1939) * simple-stylus: Simple Closures. (line 1970) * simple-vpacked-image: Simple Closures. (line 1996) * surface-alpha!: Video. (line 632) * surface-color-key!: Video. (line 624) * surface-get-format: Video. (line 600) * surface-pixels: Video. (line 671) * surface:depth: Video. (line 594) * surface:flags: Video. (line 597) * surface:h: Video. (line 591) * surface:w: Video. (line 588) * surface?: Video. (line 603) * text-wh: TrueType. (line 1226) * toggle-full-screen: Video. (line 559) * toroidal-panner/3p: Miscellaneous Utilities. (line 1886) * ttf-init: TrueType. (line 1191) * ttf-quit: TrueType. (line 1254) * ‘u16’: Uniform Vectors. (line 252) * ‘u8’: Uniform Vectors. (line 252) * uniform vector argument(s): Uniform Vectors. (line 252) * unlock-surface: Video. (line 609) * unlock-yuv-overlay: Video. (line 525) * update-rect: Video. (line 398) * update-rects: Video. (line 404) * utf8-wh: TrueType. (line 1231) * vertical-flip-surface: Video. (line 661) * vh-flip-surface: Video. (line 667) * video: Stashes. (line 2401) * video-cmf: Video. (line 332) * video-driver-name: Video. (line 343) * video-mode-ok: Video. (line 352) * volume: Audio. (line 1329) * wait-event: Events. (line 968) * warp-mouse: Video. (line 497) * was-init: General SDL. (line 302) * zoom-surface: SDL_gfx. (line 1612)