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4.14.3 Menu Windows

Every menu created is associated with a window and a subwindow. The menu window displays any title or border associated with the menu. The menu subwindow displays the menu items currently available for selection. But we didn’t specify any window or sub window in the simple example. When a window is not specified, stdscr is taken as the main window, and then menu system calculates the subwindow size required for the display of items. Then items are displayed in the calculated sub window. So let’s play with these windows and display a menu with a border and a title.


(use-modules (srfi srfi-1)
             (ncurses curses)
             (ncurses menu))

(define stdscr (initscr))
(keypad! stdscr #t)
(init-pair! 1 COLOR_RED COLOR_BLACK)

(let* (;; Labels for the menu items
       (names '("Choice 1" "Choice 2" "Choice 3" "Choice 4" "Exit"))
       (descriptions '("Description 1" "Description 2" "Description 3"
                       "Description 4" ""))

       ;; Create menu items for each label
       (my-items (map (lambda (name desc) (new-item name desc))
       ;; Create the menu
       (my-menu (new-menu my-items))

       ;; Make a windows to hold the menu
       (my-menu-win (newwin 10 40 4 4)))

  (keypad! my-menu-win #t)

  ;; Set the main window and subwindow
  (set-menu-win! my-menu my-menu-win)
  (set-menu-sub! my-menu (derwin my-menu-win 6 38 3 1))

  ;; Set the menu mark string
  (set-menu-mark! my-menu " * ")

  ;; Print a border around the main window, and a title
  (box my-menu-win 0 0)

  (attr-on! my-menu-win (color-pair 1))
  (move my-menu-win 1 16)
  (addstr my-menu-win "My Menu")
  (attr-off! my-menu-win (color-pair 1))

  (move my-menu-win 2 0)
  (addch my-menu-win (acs-ltee))
  (move my-menu-win 2 1)
  (hline my-menu-win (acs-hline) 38)
  (move my-menu-win 2 39)
  (addch my-menu-win (acs-rtee))

  (move stdscr (- (lines) 2) 0)
  (addstr stdscr "F1 to exit")
  (refresh stdscr)

  ;; Post the menu
  (post-menu my-menu)
  (refresh my-menu-win)

  ;; Draw the menu
  (move stdscr (- (lines) 2) 0)
  (addstr stdscr "F1 to Exit")

  ;; Process the up and down arrow keys.  Break the loop if F1 is
  ;; pressed.  Ignore other keys.
  (let loop ((c (getch my-menu-win)))

     ;; Move down the menu when down arrow is pressed and then loop.
     ((eqv? c KEY_DOWN)
        (menu-driver my-menu REQ_DOWN_ITEM)
        (loop (getch my-menu-win))))

     ;; Move up the menu when the up arrow is pressed and then loop.
     ((eqv? c KEY_UP)
        (menu-driver my-menu REQ_UP_ITEM)
        (loop (getch my-menu-win))))

     ;; When enter is pressed, return the selection and quit.
     ((or (eqv? c KEY_ENTER)
          (eqv? c #\cr)
          (eqv? c #\nl))
        (unpost-menu my-menu)
        (move stdscr (- (lines) 4) 0)
        (addstr stdscr
                (format #f "You selected item #~a: ~a"
                        (item-index (current-item my-menu))
                        (item-name (current-item my-menu))))
        (refresh stdscr)
        (sleep 2)))

     ;; If F1 is pressed, quit.  Otherwise, loop.
     ((not (eqv? c (key-f 1)))
      (loop (getch stdscr)))))


This example creates a menu with a title, border, a fancy line separating title and the items. As you can see, in order to attach a window to a menu the function set-menu-win! has to be used. Then we attach the sub window also. This displays the items in the sub window. You can also set the mark string which gets displayed to the left of the selected item with set-menu-mark!.

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