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5.6.5 Making or breaking connections between forms and fields

Procedure: set-form-fields form fields

This procedure takes a fields, which is a scheme list of field types, and assigns them to form.

It returns an integer that will have the value E_OK on success, E_BAD_ARGUMENT, E_CONNECTED if the fields are already connected to the form, E_POSTED if the form is already posted, or E_SYSTEM_ERROR if a system error occurred.

Procedure: field-count form

Returns the number of fields in form.

Procedure: move-field field row col

This moves the screen position of field to row, col. The field must not be connected to a form.

It returns an integer that will have the value E_OK on success, E_BAD_ARGUMENT, E_CONNECTED if the fields are already connected to the form, E_POSTED if the form is already posted, or E_SYSTEM_ERROR if a system error occurred.