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5.2.12 Clearing windows and parts of window

The following family of functions clear all or part of a window. When clearing a window, the blanks created by erasure have the current background rendition (as set by bkgdset!) merged into them.

Procedure: erase win

The erase routine copies blanks to every position in the window, clearing the screen.

It returns #f on failure and #t on success.

Procedure: clear win

The clear routine is like erase, but they also call clearok!, so that the screen is cleared completely on the next call to refresh for that window and repainted from scratch.

Its return value is unspecified.

Procedure: clrtobot win

The clrtobot routine erase from the cursor to the end of screen. That is, they erase all lines below the cursor in the window. Also, the current line to the right of the cursor, inclusive, is erased.

Its return value is unspecified.

Procedure: clrtoeol win

The clrtoeol routine erase the current line to the right of the cursor, inclusive, to the end of the current line.

It returns #f on failure and #t on success. Failure could occur if the cursor position is offscreen.