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4.4.2 An example

Let’s write a program that will clarify the usage of these functions.

(use-modules (ncurses curses))

(define stdscr (initscr))          ; Start curses mode
(raw!)                             ; Line buffering disabled
(keypad! stdscr #t)                ; We get F1, F2, etc
(noecho!)                          ; Don't echo when we get a keypress
(addstr stdscr "Type any character to see it in bold\n")
(let ((ch (getch stdscr)))         ; Read a key press, put it in 'ch'
  (addstr stdscr "The pressed key is ")

  (if (char? ch)                    ; If a non-function key is pressed
      (addch stdscr (bold ch))      ; print its name

      (addchstr stdscr (bold (keyname ch)))) ; Or, print the function
                                             ; key name

  (refresh stdscr)			; Print it on the real screen
  (getch stdscr)			; Wait for user input
  (endwin))                             ; End curses mode

Hopefully this program is easy to follow even though I used functions that aren’t explained yet. The procedure getch is used to get a character from the user. If it returns a character, the user pressed a character key. If it returns a number, the use pressed a function key. The (bold ch) adds the bold attribute to the character, and addch prints the character on the screen.