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5.2.7 Outputting strings

Procedure: addstr win #:key y x n

This routine writes the characters of the unrendered simple string str on the given window. When called with n it writes at most n characters. If n is -1, then the entire string will be added, up to the maximum number of characters that will fit on the line, or until a terminating null is reached.

It returns #f upon failure and #t on success. Failure usually indicates at attempt to write beyond the borders of the window or to write in a place that would cause scroll or wrap on a window that doesn’t support it.

Procedure: addchstr win chstr #:key y x n

These routines copy the rendered, complex string chstr into the window image structure at and after the current cursor position. If n is defined, copy at most n elements, but no more than will fit on the line. If n equals -1 or if it is undefined, then the whole string is copied, to the maximum number of characters that will fit on the line.

The window cursor is not advanced, and these routines work faster than addstr. On the other hand, they do not perform any kind of checking (such as for the newline, backspace, or carriage return characters), they do not advance the current cursor position, they do not expand other control characters to ^-escapes, and they truncate the string if it crosses the right margin, rather than wrapping it around to the newline.

It returns #f upon failure and #t on success.

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