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4.6.5 help-gnuastro mailing list

Gnuastro maintains the help-gnuastro mailing list for users to ask any questions related to Gnuastro. The experienced Gnuastro users and some of its developers are subscribed to this mailing list and your email will be sent to them immediately. However, when contacting this mailing list please have in mind that they are possibly very busy and might not be able to answer immediately.

To ask a question from this mailing list, send a mail to Anyone can view the mailing list archives at It is best that before sending a mail, you search the archives to see if anyone has asked a question similar to yours. If you want to make a suggestion or report a bug, please don’t send a mail to this mailing list. We have other mailing lists and tools for those purposes, see Report a bug or Suggest new feature.

Read in other formats.
GNU Astronomy Utilities manual, November 2015.