GNU Astronomy Utilities manual

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10.4 Version controlled source

The source code that is publicly distributed does not contain the revision history, it is only the final snapshot of a stable release, ready to be configured and built. To be able to develop successfully, the revision history of the code can be very useful, also some updates that are not yet released might be in it. We use Git for the version control of Gnuastro. For those who are not familiar with it, we suggest Pro Git109. The whole book is publicly available for online reading and downloading. The latest version of Gnuastro can be cloned by running

$ git clone git://

The version controlled source code lacks the source files that we have not written or are automatically built (and included in the distributed gnuastro-0.1.tar.gz) for configuration and building. There are three types of files that we have not written:

To get the Gnulib and the Autoconf archives, just run these commands in any directory you want to store them in (let’s assume you are in ~/Development directory):

$ pwd
$ git clone git://
$ git clone git://

This will download the full version controlled source of the two in separate directories. Both these packages are regularly updated, so every once and a while you can run $ git pull within them to get any possible updates. First, include all the necessary packages from Gnulib. To do that, run the following command from within the cloned gnuastro directory111:

$ ~/Development/gnulib/gnulib-tool --import --source-base=gnulib/lib \
  --with-tests --tests-base=gnulib/tests --no-vc-files math argp \
  error progname

One of the directories made after running gnulib-tool is m4/. We can now add the necessary Autoconf checks from the Autoconf archives to this directory:

$ cp ~/Development/autoconf-archive/m4/ax_pthread.m4 ./m4/

The last thing you have to do is to make/convert all the figures in all the necessary formats. We use LaTeX (along with TikZ) to create some of the figures and ImageMagick’s convert tool for the conversion into various types. So make sure you have them installed. All the necessary scripts are ready and you just have to run a make command in the appropriate directory.

$ cd doc/plotsrc
$ make
$ cd ../../

All the necessary GNU C Library functions, Autoconf macros and manual figures are now available. The GNU build system will do the rest of the job. To generate all the other necessary files you have to run the following command in the cloned gnuastro directory112.

$ autoreconf --install

Now you can easily configure, build and start hacking into the code and you have the full revision history under your fingers.

The hand-written (version controlled) code for Gnuastro, this manual and the tests are divided in the following sub-directories of the top directory. Their names are standard and descriptive enough, but a short summary is given here:


The Texinfo source files for this manual and the Gnuastro webpage file(s).


The header files of the internal static libraries and also some other header files that are used by more than one program.


The internal static libraries (only their .c files) are stored here. These libraries hold functions that are used by more than one program, they will not be installed.


This directory contains a subdirectory for every program in this version of Gnuastro. The source code for each program is placed inside each of these sub-directories to be easily separable.


This directory keeps all the tests (checks) which are executed when make check is run.





Note that the gnulib-tool script has to be run from within the cloned Gnulib directory, it is not insxtalled.


autoreconf is part of GNU Autoconf and also requires GNU Automake, GNU Libtool and GNU Texinfo to create all the necessary files, see Building

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GNU Astronomy Utilities manual, November 2015.