GNU Astronomy Utilities manual

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1.11 Acknowledgments

GNU Astronomy Utilities has significantly benefited from the help and support of various people and institutions. The plain text file THANKS which is distributed along with the source code has a full list. In particular the role of the Japanese Ministry of Science and Technology (MEXT) scholarship should be acknowledged for the long term scholarship of Mohammad Akhlaghi’s Masters and PhD period in Tohoku University Astronomical Insitute in Sendai city. Gnuastro would not have been possible without the long term learning and planning that could only be acheived with such a long term scholarship. Tohoku University was the first institution to sign a copyright disclaimer to the Free Software Foundation for Gnuastro, allowing it to be freely available for the astronomical community. The very critical view points of Professor Takashi Ichikawa (at Tohoku University) were also instrumental in the creation of Gnuastro.

Mohammad-reza Khellat and Alan Lefor kindly studied the manual multiple times and provided very useful suggestions. Alan and Mohammad-reza also helped in testing Gnuastro on other operating systems. Brandon Invergo, Karl Berry and Richard Stallman also provided very useful suggestions during the GNU evaluation process. At first we wanted to submit the programs as independent and individual small programs, but thanks to their suggestions and ideas, all the separate programs were merged into the complete system that is now available for the astronomical community. Finally we should thank all the anonymous developers in various online forums which patiently answered all our small (but very important) technical questions.

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GNU Astronomy Utilities manual, November 2015.