GCC 4.3 Release Series
Porting to the New Tools

The GCC 4.3 release series differs from previous GCC releases in more than the usual list of new features. Some of these changes are a result of bug fixing, and some old behaviors have been intentionally changed in order to support new standards, or relaxed in standards-conforming ways to facilitate compilation or runtime performance. Some of these changes are not visible to the naked eye, and will not cause problems when updating from older GCC versions.

However, some of these changes are visible, and can cause grief to users porting to GCC 4.3. This document is an effort to identify major issues and provide clear solutions in a quick and easily-searched manner. Additions and suggestions for improvement are welcome.

C language issues

Semantic change of extern inline

When compiling with -std=c99 or -std=gnu99, the extern inline keywords changes meaning. GCC 4.3 conforms to the ISO C99 specification, where extern inline is very different thing than the GNU extern inline extension. For the following code compiled with -std=c99,

extern inline int
{ return 5; }

Will result in a function definition for foo being emitted in the subsequent object file, whereas previously there was none. As a result, files that use this extension and compile in the C99 dialect will see many errors of the form:

multiple definition of `foo'
first defined here

When linking together multiple object files.

If the old GNU extern inline behavior is desired, one can use extern inline __attribute__((__gnu_inline__)). The use of this attribute can be guarded by #ifdef __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ which is a macro which is defined when inline has the ISO C99 behavior. Alternatively the code can be compiled with the -fgnu89-inline option.

The resulting, changed code looks like:

extern inline __attribute__((__gnu_inline__)) int
{ return 5; }

New warnings

Significant changes were made to -Wconversion. In addition, improvements to the GCC infrastructure allow improvements in the ability of several existing warnings to spot problematic code. As such, new warnings may exist for previously warning-free code that uses -Wuninitialized, -Wstrict-aliasing , -Wunused-function, -Wunused-variable. Note that -Wall subsumes many of these warning flags.

Although these warnings will not result in compilation failure, often -Wall is used in conjunction with -Werror and as a result, new warnings are turned into new errors.

As a workaround, remove -Werror until the new warnings are fixed, or for conversion warnings add -Wno-conversion.

C++ language issues

Header dependency cleanup

As detailed here (Header dependency streamlining), many of the standard C++ library include files have been edited to only include the smallest possible number of additional files. As such, many C++ programs that used std::memcpy without including <cstring>, or used std::auto_ptr without including <memory> will no longer compile.

Usually, this error is of the form:

error: 'strcmp' was not declared in this scope

The table below shows some of the missing items, and the header file that will have to be added as an #include for the compile to succeed.

If missing Then include this header
find, for_each, sort <algorithm>
ostream_iterator, istream_iterator <iterator>
auto_ptr <memory>
typeid <typeinfo>
isalnum, toupper <cctype>
printf <cstdio>
atoi, free, rand, exit <cstdlib>
EXIT_FAILURE <cstdlib>
strcmp, strdup, strcpy, memcpy <cstring>

Removal of Pre-ISO headers

Various backwards and deprecated headers have been removed.

If missing Then include this header
<algobase.h> <algorithm>
<algo.h> <algorithm>
<alloc.h> <memory>
<bvector.h> <vector>
<complex.h> <complex>
<defalloc.h> <memory>
<deque.h> <deque>
<fstream.h> <fstream>
<function.h> <functional>
<hash_map.h> <tr1/unordered_map>
<hashtable.h> <tr1/unordered_map> or <tr1/unordered_set>
<heap.h> <queue>
<iomanip.h> <iomanip>
<iostream.h> <iostream>
<istream.h> <istream>
<iterator.h> <iterator>
<list.h> <list>
<map.h> <map>
<multimap.h> <map>
<multiset.h> <set>
<new.h> <new>
<ostream.h> <ostream>
<pair.h> <utility>
<queue.h> <queue>
<rope.h> <ext/rope>
<set.h> <set>
<slist.h> <ext/slist>
<stack.h> <stack>
<streambuf.h> <streambuf>
<stream.h> <iostream>
<tempbuf.h> <ext/memory>
<tree.h> <ext/rb_tree> or <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp>
<vector.h> <vector>

For future reference, available headers are listed here.

An example.

#include <iostream.h>

int main()
  cout << "I'm too old" << endl;
  return 0;

Compiling with previous compilers gives:

warning: #warning This file includes at least one deprecated or
antiquated header. Please consider using one of the 32 headers found
in section of the C++ standard. Examples include substituting
the <X> header for the <X.h> header for C++ includes, or
<iostream> instead of the deprecated header
<iostream.h>. To disable this warning use -Wno-deprecated.

But now says:

error: iostream.h: No such file or directory
In function 'int main()':
6: error: 'cout' was not declared in this scope
6: error: 'endl' was not declared in this scope

Fixing this is easy, as demonstrated below.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
  cout << "I work again" << endl;
  return 0;

Note that explicitly qualifying cout as std::cout and likewise for endl instead of globally injecting the std namespace (ie, using namespace std) will also work.

Name lookup changes

GCC by default no longer accepts code such as

template <class _Tp> class auto_ptr {};
template <class _Tp>
struct counted_ptr
  auto_ptr<_Tp> auto_ptr();

but will issue the diagnostic

error: declaration of 'auto_ptr<_Tp> counted_ptr<_Tp>::auto_ptr()'
error: changes meaning of 'auto_ptr' from 'class auto_ptr<_Tp>'

The reference to struct auto_ptr needs to be qualified here, or the name of the member function changed to be unambiguous.

template <class _Tp> class auto_ptr {};
template <class _Tp>
struct counted_ptr
  ::auto_ptr<_Tp> auto_ptr();

In addition, -fpermissive can be used as a temporary workaround to convert the error into a warning until the code is fixed. Note that then in some case name lookup will not be standard conforming.

Duplicate function parameters

Duplicate function parameters are now treated uniformly as an error in C and C++.

void foo(int w, int w);

Now gives the following, re-worded error for both C and C++:

error: multiple parameters named 'w'

To fix, rename one of the parameters something unique.

void foo(int w, int w2);

Stricter requirements for function main signature

The two-argument signature for main has int as the first argument. GCC 4.3 rigorously enforces this.

int main(unsigned int m, char** c) 
{ return 0; }


error: first argument of 'int main(unsigned int, char**)' should be 'int'

Fixing this is straightforward: change the first argument to be of type int, not unsigned int. As transformed:

int main(int m, char** c) 
{ return 0; }

Explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class

Specializations of templates cannot explicitly specify a storage class, and have the same storage as the primary template. This is a change from previous behavior, based on the feedback and commentary as part of the ISO C++ Core Defect Report 605.

template<typename T>
  static void foo();

  static void foo<void>();  


error: explicit template specialization cannot have a storage class

This also happens with the extern specifier. Fixing this is easy: just remove any storage specifier on the specialization. Like so:

template<typename T>
  static void foo();

  void foo<void>();  

Java issues

Java 1.2 and earlier requires upgraded ant

The use of the Eclipse Java compiler in GCC 4.3 enables the use of all 1.5 language features, but use with older versions of the ant build tool are problematic. Typical errors of this sort look like:

[javac] source level should be comprised in between '1.3' and '1.6' (or '5', '5.0', ..., '7' or '7.0'): 1.2

To successfuly use the earlier java dialects with GCC, please use this patch:

svn diff -r529854:529855 http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/ant/core/trunk/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/compilers/DefaultCompilerAdapter.java


Jakub Jelinek, Mass rebuild status with gcc-4.3.0-0.4 of rawhide-20071220

Brian M. Carlson, GCC 4.3: Declaration of...Changes Meaning of...

Simon Baldwin, [PATCH][RFC] C++ error for parameter redefinition in function prototypes

Simon Baldwin, [REVISED PATCH][RFC] Fix PR c++/31923: Storage class with explicit template specialization