#!/usr/bin/perl -w # This is snmptrapd handler script to alert Platform Event Traps (PET). # I wrote it because traptoemail distributed with net-snmp- is # incapable of handling multi-line hexstrings and restricted to email alert. # # This script operates in two modes, traphandle or embperl. When in # traphandle mode, it concatenates the quoted hex string into one long line, # then builds structures to resemble embperl mode. Both modes then invokes # helper decoder, ipmi-pet(8) from FreeIPMI, parses the output and alerts # in given way like email, nagios external command, etc. See README for # a simple tutorial. # # This script is tested on Dell PowerEdge 1950 and PowerEdge R610 servers. # Feel free to adjust to meet your need. It's BSD-licensed. # # ChangeLog # # * Fri 16 Dec 2011 kaiwang.chen@gmail.com # - Re-add nsca support. # - Protect against hex string for traphandle missing ending whitespace. # # * Wed 14 Dec 2011 kaiwang.chen@gmail.com # - Add performance logging support with 'perf' token # # * Mon 12 Dec 2011 kaiwang.chen@gmail.com # - Remove nsca support because snmptrapd is meant to run on the Nagios host # - Fix nagios external command file support # - Map FreeIPMI Nominal state to Nagios OK # - Fix Net::SMTP typos and options handling # - Remove USAGE section, please refer to README # # * Sun 11 Dec 2011 kaiwang.chen@gmail.com # - Add -W to pass workaround flags to ipmi-pet # # * Wed 7 Dec 2011 kaiwang.chen@gmail.com # - Add --ack support # - capture exit code of helper # # * Mon 14 Nov 2011 kaiwang.chen@gmail.com # - complete rewritten, supports embperl mode and additional alert methods # # * Sat 12 Nov 2011 kaiwang.chen@gmail.com # - support sdr cache file mapping with -c option # - add debug log # - in case of no PTR, fallback to ip # # * Sun 06 Nov 2011 kaiwang.chen@gmail.com # - Inital version package IpmiPET::Perf; use Time::HiRes qw(tv_interval gettimeofday); sub new { bless { _elapsed => 0, }, __PACKAGE__; } sub start { shift->{_start} = [gettimeofday] } sub stop { my ($obj,$name) = @_; my $t1 = [gettimeofday]; my $t = tv_interval($obj->{_start}, $t1); $obj->{_elapsed} += $t; if ($name) { $obj->{_laps}{$name} = $t; } return $t; } sub reset { my ($obj) = @_; $obj->{_elapsed} = 0; if ($obj->{_start}) { delete $obj->{_start} } if ($obj->{_laps}) { delete $obj->{_laps} } } sub elapsed { shift->{_elapsed} } sub laps { shift->{_laps} } 1; package IpmiPET; use strict; use Getopt::Long; # mapping IPMI nodes to preinitialized sdr caches my %cache_mapping=(); # options my %opts = (); # options and args pass to specific alert mechanisms my %alert_opts = (); # when use builtin features to alert my $alert_prog = ""; # when use external program to alert # logger my $log_filename = "/var/log/petalert.log"; my %logger_token = ('warn' => 1); # always warn # performance ticker my $perf; sub usage { print <<"EOF"; USAGE $0 [OPTIONS] -- [ALERT_SPECIFIC_OPTIONS] ALERT_SPECIFIC_ARGS OPTIONS -m --mode {traphandle|embperl} Specify mode of execution. Required. --ack Acknowledge the trap before alert. -W --workaround Sets workaround flags for ipmi-pet to acknowledge the trap. -o --trapoid OID Sets trapoid in embperl mode, or defaults to "all". -c --sdrcache sdr_cache_config Specify the sdr cache configuration file. -f --log log_file Specify logging file -n --alert {mail|nagios|nsca|noop|MODULE} Specify alert method. Defaults to "noop". ALERT SPECIFIC OPTIONS AND ARGS email --prog mailer Sets mailer. If not specified, falls back to Net::SMTP. mailer_options_and_args --server smtp_server Sets the smtpserver for Net::SMTP to send the mail through. Defaults to "localhost". --from from_address Sets the email for Net:SNMP to be used on the From: line. Defaults to "root". to_addresses Sets where you want Net::SMTP to send the email to. Required. nagios --host {fqdn|short} Sets host in nagios external commands. Defaults to short (first component). --service Sets service in nagios external commands. Defaults to PET. command_file Sets Nagios external command file, a named pipe (FIFO). Required. nsca --prog send_nsca Sets path to send_nsca binary, required. --host {fqdn|short} Sets host for the passive check. Defaults to short (first component). --service Sets service for the passive check. Defaults to PET. -- send_nsca_options_and_args Pass options and args through to send_nsca binary. noop Yes, it is a no-op. MODULE --prog plugin Path to plugin script, which must provides.. plugin_options_and_args Additional arguments passed to plugin as \@ARGV. EOF exit; } sub logger { my ($token, $msg, $variable) = @_; $token ||= ""; if (open my $fh, ">>", $log_filename) { if ($logger_token{":all"} || $logger_token{$token}) { if ($variable) { use Data::Dumper; my $t = $Data::Dumper::Terse; $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; print $fh "[".localtime()."] $token $msg " . Dumper($variable); $Data::Dumper::Terse = $t; } else { print $fh "[".localtime()."] $token $msg\n"; } } close $fh; } } # extract ip from value like "UDP: []:32768" sub extract_ip { my ($ip) = ($_[0] =~ /\[([\d.]+)\]:/); return $ip || ""; } # decode specified event hexstring into hash like # 'Time' => '13:16:24', # 'Event' => 'General Chassis Intrusion ; Intrusion while system On', # 'System_ID' => '256', # 'State' => 'Critical', # 'GUID' => '44454c4c-5000-1059-8043-b2c04f333358', # 'Date' => 'Oct-15-2011', # 'Manufacturer_ID' => 'Dell Inc.', # 'Name' => 'Sensor #115', # 'Severity' => 'N/A', # 'Event_Direction' => 'Assertion Event', # 'Type' => 'Physical_Security' # sub decode_pet { my ($specific, $event_hexstring, $sdrcache) = @_; my $ipmi_pet = "/usr/sbin/ipmi-pet"; my @o = qw(-v -v --output-event-severity --output-event-state --interpret-oem-data --comma-separated-output); if ($sdrcache) { push @o, "--sdr-cache-file", $sdrcache } push @o, $specific; $event_hexstring =~ tr/0-9a-fA-F/ /cs; # sanity check $event_hexstring =~ s/^\s+//; # in case of (split/\s+/)[0] being "" push @o, split /\s+/, $event_hexstring; my @x = (); logger("decode", "command line ", [$ipmi_pet, \@o]); if (open my $fh, "-|", $ipmi_pet, @o) { @x = <$fh>; close $fh; if ($? >> 8) { logger("warn", "decode failure with CHILD_ERROR: $?"); return; } } else { logger("warn", "decoder failure: $!"); return; } chomp(@x); logger("decode", "output ", \@x); my @headers = split /,/, $x[0]; my @values = split /,/, $x[1]; # TODO support doubly quoted value if (@headers != @values) { logger("warn", "Spot malicious comma separated value", \@x); } my %event = (); for my $i (0..$#headers) { my $h = $headers[$i]; $h =~ s/ /_/g; $event{$h} = $values[$i]; } logger("decode", "event ", \%event); return \%event; } sub ack_pet { my ($specific, $event_hexstring, $host, $workaround) = @_; my $ipmi_pet = "/usr/sbin/ipmi-pet"; my @o = qw(--pet-acknowledge); if ($workaround) { push @o, "-W", $workaround; } push @o, "-h", $host; push @o, $specific; $event_hexstring =~ tr/0-9a-fA-F/ /cs; # sanity check $event_hexstring =~ s/^\s+//; # in case of (split/\s+/)[0] being "" push @o, split /\s+/, $event_hexstring; my @x = (); logger("ack", "command line ", [$ipmi_pet, \@o]); if (open my $fh, "-|", $ipmi_pet, @o) { @x = <$fh>; close $fh; if ($? >> 8) { logger("warn", "ackhelper failure with CHILD_ERROR: $?"); } } else { logger("warn", "ackhelper failure: $!"); } } # ipmi-pet localtime to calendar time sub pettime { my ($event) = @_; require POSIX; my ($hour,$min,$sec) = split /:/, $event->{Time}; my ($mon,$mday,$year) = split /-/, $event->{Date}; $year -= 1900; my %m = ( Jan => 0, Feb => 1, Mar => 2, Apr => 3, May => 4, Jun => 5, Jul => 6, Aug => 7, Sep => 8, Oct => 9, Nov => 10, Dec => 11, ); if (exists $m{$mon}) { $mon = $m{$mon} } else { logger("warn", "pettime month $mon will map to 0, please check ipmi-pet"); $mon = 0; } return POSIX::mktime($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year); } # convert event to nagios plugin output # See http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/pluginapi.html sub nagios_check { my ($event) = @_; my ($code, $state); $state = uc($event->{State}); if ($state eq "WARNING") {$code = 1} elsif ($state eq "CRITICAL") {$code = 2} elsif ($state eq "OK") {$code = 0} elsif ($state eq "NOMINAL") {$code = 0; $state = "OK"} else {$code = 3; $state = "UNKNOWN"} my $plugin_output = join(" ", $state, "-", map { defined $_ ? $_ : "" } @{%{$event}}{qw(Name Type Event_Direction Event)}); $plugin_output =~ tr/\n\t;|/@:/; return ($code, $plugin_output); } sub nagios_host { my ($pdu_info, $opt) = @_; my $h = $pdu_info->{hostname}; if ($opt eq 'short') { ($h) = ($pdu_info->{hostname} =~ m/([^.]+)/); } return $h; } # assemble SMTP DATA, http://cr.yp.to/smtp/mail.html # TODO return encoded data sub mail_data { my ($from, $to, $pdu_info, $uptime, $event) = @_; local $" = ", "; # " balance my $data = <<"DATA"; To: @{$to} From: $from Subject: PET from $pdu_info->{hostname}: $event->{State} - $event->{Event} Host: $pdu_info->{hostname} ($pdu_info->{receivedfrom}) uptime $uptime DATA for my $k (qw(Date Time Name Type Event Event_Direction State Severity GUID Manufacturer_ID System_ID)) { $data .= "$k: $event->{$k}\n"; } return $data; } # embperl NetSNMP::TrapReceiver trap receiver sub my_receiver { my ($pdu_info, $varbindings) = @_; #use Data::Dumper;print Dumper($pdu_info); print Dumper($varbindings); logger("embperl", "original input is ", \@_); # inject hostname unless (exists $pdu_info->{hostname}) { use Socket; my $ip = extract_ip($pdu_info->{receivedfrom}); $perf->start; $pdu_info->{hostname} = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($ip), AF_INET) || $ip; $perf->stop("resolv"); } # do cleanup before processing; values are untouched if -OQ, see snmpcmd(1) for (@$varbindings) { $_->[1] =~ s/^OID: //; $_->[1] =~ s/^IpAddress: //; $_->[1] =~ s/^STRING: //; $_->[1] =~ s/^Hex-STRING: //; if ($_->[1] =~ s/^Timeticks: //) { $_->[1] =~ s/^\(\d+\) //; $_->[1] =~ s/ days, /:/; } } logger("embperl", "input after cleanup is ", \@_); process($pdu_info, $varbindings); my $laps = $perf->laps; logger("perf", join(", ", map { $_ . "=" . $laps->{$_} } keys %{$laps})); $perf->reset; } # you got it.. sub process { my ($pdu_info, $varbindings) = @_; my ($event_oid, $specific, $uptime, $event); # locate the PET event hex string, and extract specific trap number for my $v (@{$varbindings}) { if ($v->[0] =~ /^\Q.\E$/) { $event_oid = $v->[1]; } if ($v->[0]=~ /^\Q.\E$/) { ($specific)=($v->[1]=~/(\d+)$/); } if ($v->[0] =~ /^\Q.\E$/) { $uptime = $v->[1]; } } $event_oid .= ".1"; $uptime ||= "00:00:00:00.00"; if (my ($d,$H,$M,$S,$x) = ($uptime =~ /(\d+):(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\.(\d+)/)) { if ($d > 0) { $uptime = "${d}d${H}h" } elsif ($H > 0) { $uptime = "${H}h${M}m" } elsif ($M > 0) { $uptime = "${M}m${S}s" } else { $uptime = "${S}.${x}s" } } # convert event string to human readable form for my $v (@{$varbindings}) { if ($v->[0] =~ /^\Q$event_oid\E$/) { my $ip = extract_ip($pdu_info->{receivedfrom}); if ($opts{ack}) { $perf->start; ack_pet($specific, $v->[1], $ip, $opts{workaround}); $perf->stop("ack"); } my $sdrcache = resolve_sdrcache($ip); # decode octet hex string $event = decode_pet($specific, $v->[1], $sdrcache); } } # invalid events cease here return unless $event; alert($pdu_info, $uptime, $event); return; } # build NetSNMP::TrapReceiver style structures from standard input # See NOTIFICATION PROCESSING snmptrapd.conf(5) sub get_from_stdin { my ($stdin) = @_; my $hostname = shift @{$stdin}; my $ipaddress = shift @{$stdin}; chomp($hostname); chomp($ipaddress); # in case of no PTR records available for the IPMI node if($hostname eq "" && (my $ip = extract_ip($ipaddress))) { $hostname = $ip; } # some defaults, blindly.. to resemble those by NetSNMP::TrapReceiver my %pdu_info = ( notificationtype => "TRAP", hostname => $hostname, receivedfrom => $ipaddress, version => 0, errorstatus => 0, messageid => 0, transactionid => 1, errorindex => 0, requestid => 0, ); my @varbindings= (); my ($oid,$value); my $more = 0; my $line = ""; for (@{$stdin}) { if ($more == 0 && $line) { $line =~ s/\n\Z//s; ($oid, $value) = ($line =~ /([^\s]+)\s+(.*)/s); $line = ""; push @varbindings, [$oid, $value, "="]; } # recognize doubly quoted context my $count = 0; my $x = -1; $x=index($_, q{"}); while ($x >= 0) { unless ($x > 0 && substr($_, $x-1, 1) eq "\\") { $count++; } $x += 1; $x=index($_, q{"}, $x); } if ($count % 2 == 1) { $more = $more == 1 ? 0 : 1; } $line .= "$_\n"; } if ($line) { $line =~ s/\n\Z//s; ($oid, $value) = ($line =~ /([^\s]+)\s+(.*)/s); $line = ""; push @varbindings, [$oid, $value]; } # Notice the assembled varbindings slightly differs from that in embperl. # For instance, hex string is surrounded by doubly quote, and never # prefixed by "Hex-STRING: ". return (\%pdu_info, \@varbindings); } # traphandle handler sub handle_trap { chomp(my @stdin = ); logger("traphandle", "input text is ", \@stdin); my ($pdu_info, $varbindings) = get_from_stdin(\@stdin); logger("traphandle", "got pdu_info and varbindings ", [$pdu_info,$varbindings]); process($pdu_info, $varbindings); my $laps = $perf->laps; logger("perf", join(", ", map { sprintf '%s=%f', $_,$laps->{$_} } keys %{$laps})); $perf->reset; } # alert dispatcher sub alert { my ($pdu_info, $uptime, $event) = @_; if ($opts{'alert'} eq 'email') { my $data = mail_data($alert_opts{'from'}, \@ARGV, $pdu_info, $uptime, $event); logger("alert", "mail data is", [\$data]); if ($alert_prog) { logger("alert", "mailer invoked with ", [$alert_prog,\@ARGV]); $perf->start; if (open MAILER, "|-", $alert_prog, @ARGV) { print MAILER $data; close MAILER; } else { logger("warn", "Unable to alert through mailer[$alert_prog @ARGV]: $!"); } $perf->stop("mailer"); } else { logger("alert", "mail by Net::SMTP ", [$alert_opts{'server'},$alert_opts{'from'}, \@ARGV]); $perf->start; eval { my $message = Net::SMTP->new($alert_opts{'server'}) || die "ERROR: can't talk to server $alert_opts{'server'}\n"; $message->mail($alert_opts{'from'}); $message->to(@ARGV) || die "ERROR: failed to send to the recepients ",join(",",@ARGV),": $!"; $message->data(); $message->datasend($data); $message->dataend(); $message->quit; }; $perf->stop("netsmtp"); if ($@) { logger("warn", "alert mail failure ", $@); } } } elsif ($opts{'alert'} eq 'nagios') { my $command_file = $ARGV[0]; logger("alert", "nagios external command file is $command_file"); my $t = pettime($event); my ($code,$plugin_output) = nagios_check($event); my $nagios_host = nagios_host($pdu_info, $alert_opts{host}); my $nagios_service = $alert_opts{service}; # http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/extcommands.html my $cmd = "[$t] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;$nagios_host;$nagios_service;$code;$plugin_output"; logger("alert", "nagios command is", $cmd); $perf->start; if (open NAGIOS, ">>", $command_file) { print NAGIOS "$cmd\n"; close NAGIOS; } else { logger("warn", "nagios failure with $command_file: $!"); } $perf->stop("nagios"); } elsif ($opts{'alert'} eq 'nsca') { logger("alert", "send_nsca invoked as ", [$alert_prog, \@ARGV]); my ($code,$plugin_output) = nagios_check($event); my $nagios_host = nagios_host($pdu_info, $alert_opts{host}); my $nagios_service = $alert_opts{service}; # http://nagios.sourceforge.net/download/contrib/documentation/misc/NSCA_Setup.pdf my $cmd= "$nagios_host\t$nagios_service\t$code\t$plugin_output"; logger("alert", "nsca command is", $cmd); $perf->start; if (open NSCA, "|-", $alert_prog, @ARGV) { print NSCA "$cmd\n"; close NSCA; if ($? >> 8) { logger("warn", "nsca failure with CHILD_ERROR: $?"); } } else { logger("warn", "nsca failure: $!"); } $perf->stop("nsca"); } elsif ($opts{'alert'} eq 'noop') { logger('alert', 'noop alert selected'); } else { logger("alert", "alert module"); # TODO module die "alert module is not implemented!"; } } # load sdr cache config into global mapping hash sub load_sdrcache_config { my ($conf) = @_; my $cache_file = ""; my $nl = 0; for (@{$conf}) { $nl++; chomp; s/#.*$//; # trim comment s/\s+$//; # trim trailing whitespaces next if /^$/; if (/^\S/) { if (-e $_) { $cache_file = $_; } else { return "ERROR: no such sdr cache file[$_] at line #$nl"; } } if (/^\s/) { s/^\s+//; # trim leading whitespaces if ($cache_file) { for (split /\s+/) { $cache_mapping{$_} = $cache_file; } } else { return "ERROR: missing sdr cache file for host[$_] at line #$nl"; } } } return; } # given an ipv4 address, resolve to related sdr cache sub resolve_sdrcache { my ($ipmi_node) = @_; my $sdrcache = ""; if (exists $cache_mapping{$ipmi_node}) { $sdrcache = $cache_mapping{$ipmi_node}; logger("sdrcache", "$ipmi_node resolved to $sdrcache"); } else { my $re = qr/^(.*)\[([-\d,]+)\](.*)$/; # to match against eg. 10.2.3.[4-7] for my $k (keys %cache_mapping) { if (my ($prefix,$range,$suffix) = ($k =~ m/$re/)) { if (my ($item) = ($ipmi_node =~ /^\Q$prefix\E(.+)\Q$suffix\E$/)) { for (split /,+/, $range) { my ($f,$t); if ( ((($f,$t) = m/^(\d+)-(\d+)$/) && $f <= $item && $item <= $t) || $item == $_ ) { # got it $sdrcache = $cache_mapping{$k}; logger("sdrcache", "$ipmi_node resolved to ", [$k => $sdrcache]); } } } } } } $sdrcache || logger("sdrcache", "$ipmi_node will use default cache"); return $sdrcache; } # process and verify args sub process_args { # parse global ARGV for this package GetOptions(\%opts, 'help!', 'quiet!', 'mode|m=s', 'ack!', 'workaround|W=s', 'trapoid|o=s', 'sdrcache|c=s', 'log|f=s', 'Debug|D=s', 'alert|n=s'); if ($opts{'help'}) { usage(); } # log file if ($opts{'log'}) { if (-w $opts{'log'}) { $log_filename = $opts{'log'}; } else { die "log file $opts{'log'} is not writable"; } } unless ($opts{'quiet'}) { print STDERR "petalert.pl is logging to $log_filename, use -q to suppress this tip\n"; } # comma-separted debug tokens if ($opts{'Debug'}) { $logger_token{$_} = 1 for split /,+/, $opts{'Debug'}; } # logging now ready logger("argv", "parsed options is ", \%opts); if ($opts{'sdrcache'}) { my $conf = $opts{'sdrcache'}; logger("sdrcache", "config is [$conf]"); open CONF, "<", $conf || logger("warn", "assumes default cache because failed to config file[$conf]: $!"); chomp(my @lines = ); close CONF; load_sdrcache_config(\@lines); logger("sdrcache", "cache_mapping is ", \%cache_mapping); if ($opts{'syntax-only'}) { exit; } } if ($opts{'mode'} eq 'embperl') { unless (exists $opts{trapoid}) { $opts{trapoid} = "all"; logger("argv", "no trapoid specified, defaults to all"); } require NetSNMP::TrapReceiver; } elsif ($opts{'mode'} eq 'traphandle') { } else { print STDERR "Unknown operation mode: $opts{mode}\n"; usage(); } # alert method defaults to no-op unless (exists $opts{'alert'}) { $opts{'alert'} = 'noop'; logger("argv", "no alert method specified, defaults to noop"); } # alert methods if ($opts{'alert'} eq 'email') { # use external mail program if ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq "--prog") { shift @ARGV; $alert_prog = shift @ARGV; unless (-x $alert_prog) { die "mailer[$alert_prog] is not executable\n"; } } # or use perl module else { GetOptions(\%alert_opts, "server=s", "from=s"); require Net::SMTP; } } elsif ($opts{'alert'} eq 'nagios' || $opts{'alert'} eq 'nsca') { GetOptions(\%alert_opts, "prog=s", "host|H=s", "service|S=s"); $alert_opts{host} ||= "short"; $alert_opts{service} ||= "PET"; if ($alert_opts{host} ne "fqdn" && $alert_opts{host} ne "short") { # TODO die "Unknown host mapping $alert_opts{host}\n"; } if ($opts{'alert'} eq 'nagios' && !($ARGV[0] && -w $ARGV[0])) { die "nagios external command file[$ARGV[0]] is not writable\n"; } if ($opts{'alert'} eq 'nsca' && ! $alert_opts{prog}) { die "send_nsca binary is not set\n"; } $alert_prog = $alert_opts{prog} || ""; } elsif ($opts{'alert'} eq 'noop') { } else { my $module = $opts{'alert'}; if (-r $module) { require "$module"; # TODO die ""; } else { die "Unknown alert module to load: $module\n"; } # invokes handler } # @ARGV now holds alert specific arguments } sub main { @ARGV = @_; # set global ARGV for this package process_args(); $perf = IpmiPET::Perf->new; if ($opts{'mode'} eq 'traphandle') { logger("main", "running as traphandle"); handle_trap(); } elsif ($opts{'mode'} eq 'embperl') { logger("main", "running as embperl"); NetSNMP::TrapReceiver::register($opts{trapoid}, \&my_receiver) || warn "failed to register our perl trap handler\n"; } else { die "Should never reach here!\n"; } return 0; } # run the program if ( !caller ) { exit main(@ARGV); } 1;