FreeIPMI Libraries by Albert Chu Last Updated: May 18, 2012 The following is a short summary of the libraries and APIs available for use in FreeIPMI. Libfreeipmi ----------- Libfreeipmi is the primary library that most of the FreeIPMI tools are based upon. The following describe the sub-sections of the library. api - The highest level API provided by libfreeipmi. It abstracts away the details of inband and outofband protocols from the user. It also provides useful error codes for the user to easily interpret IPMI problems. 'api' is used by most FreeIPMI tools and libraries, such as bmc-info(8), ipmi-sensors(8), and libipmimonitoring(3). cmds - Provides fiid templates and 'fill' functions for IPMI commands. Also provides macros definining common parameters for IPMI commands. The cmds are used by most other portions of libfreeipmi including the 'api' sub-section and tools such as ipmipower(8) and ipmiconsole(8). debug - Provides various packet/record dumping utility functions. Utilized by the 'api' subsection and by tools such as ipmipower(8) and ipmiconsole(8). driver - Provides APIs for in-band IPMI communication. Currently supported drivers are KCS, SSIF, OpenIPMI, and sunbmc. The 'driver' subsction is used by tools such as bmc-watchdog(8) and the 'api' sub-section. fiid - The "FreeIPMI Interface Definition" provides an API used for the construction/deconstruction of packets in libfreeipmi. The API works around fiid-templates, which are then used to create fiid-objects. Fiid-templates are used to describe packets through a string-name to bit-field mapping. The API allows users to read/write fields in an object using the string to bit-field mapping. Marshalling, packing, endian, and various other network issues are handled within 'fiid'. Fiid objects are used throughout libfreeipmi, including the 'api' sub-section, 'cmds' sub-sections, and various tools. fru - Provides an API for reading and parsing Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) records. Utilized by tools such as ipmi-fru(8). interface - Provides 'assemble' and 'disassemble' functions for building packets for individual in-band or out-of-band protocols. Also provides all necessary fiid templates, 'fill' functions, and other utility functions necessary to communicate on an IPMI interface. Utilized by the 'api' sub-section and tools such as ipmipower(8) and ipmiconsole(8). interpret - Provides an API for interpreting sensor or SEL events by mapping them into Nominal, Warning, or Critical states. Utilized by FreeIPMI tools and libraries, such as ipmi-sensors(8), ipmi-sel(8), and libipmimonitoring(3). locate - Provides an API to probe several standards to find default values for in-band IPMI communication. Utilized by the 'api' sub-section and the ipmi-locate(8) tool. payload - Provides macros, fiid-templates, and information on paylods used in IPMI. Used predominantly by ipmiconsole(8) and other serial-over-LAN (SOL) related code. record-format - Provides macros, fiid-templates, and information on records used in IPMI. Utilized by the 'fru' and 'sdr' subsection and tools like ipmi-sensors(8) and ipmi-fru(8). sdr - Provides an API for creating, caching, reading, and parsing a sensor data repository (SDR) and the SDR records within it. Utilized by tools such as ipmi-fru(8) and ipmi-sensors(8). sel - Provides an API for reading and parsing System Event Log (SEL) entries. Utilized by tools such as ipmi-sel(8). sensor-read - Provides an API for reading a sensor. Utilized by tools such as ipmi-sensors(8). spec - Provides macros and arrays for various other definitions and tables in IPMI. Utilized by tools such as ipmi-sensors(8). util - Provides various utility functions for the calculation of keys, sensor readings, etc. Utilized by most of the rest of FreeIPMI. Libipmiconsole -------------- Libipmiconsole implements a high level serial-over-lan (SOL) API for remote console access. It can be used to establish and manage multiple IPMI 2.0 SOL sessions. The goal of this library is to abstract away all of the underlying IPMI/SOL details away from the user into a relatively simple file descriptor interface. Libipmimonitoring ----------------- Libipmimonitoring implements a high level SEL and sensor monitoring API. An iterator interface is provided that allows the user to iterate through sensor values, groups, units, and states. Libipmidetect ------------- Libipmidetect implements a high level API for determing which nodes in a cluster do or do-not support IPMI. This library is primarily useful for detecting when nodes are removed from a cluster for servicing, so that IPMI applications can avoid unnecessary timeouts. The library interacts with the ipmidetectd(8) daemon. pkg-config support ------------------ FreeIPMI provides pkg-config support for all the above libraries. You can thus use the standard configure macros: PKG_CHECK_MODULES(FREEIPMI, libfreeipmi, HAVE_LIBFREEIPMI="yes", HAVE_LIBFREEIPMI="no") Or use direct pkg-config calls: CFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --cflags libfreeipmi) LIBS += $(shell pkg-config --libs libfreeipmi) For more information, refer to pkg-config documentation: