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27 Volume

We can use the `emms-volume' package, as provided by the emms-volume.el file, to manipulate the volume.

— User Option: emms-volume-change-amount

The amount to use when raising or lowering the volume using the emms-volume interface.

This should be a positive integer.

— Function: emms-volume-raise

Increase the volume.

— Function: emms-volume-lower

Decrease the volume.

If you feel like binding those two functions to global keys — don't do it or you'll miss the convenience of `emms-volume-minor-mode'. Instead, bind the following two commands to some keys that you like.

— Function: emms-volume-mode-plus

Raise volume and enable or extend the `emms-volume-minor-mode' timeout.

— Function: emms-volume-mode-minus

Lower volume and enable or extend the `emms-volume-minor-mode' timeout.


     (global-set-key (kbd "C-c +") 'emms-volume-mode-plus)
     (global-set-key (kbd "C-c -") 'emms-volume-mode-minus)

Whenever you use one of these keys or call these functions with M-x, Emms will be put into `emms-volume-minor-mode' for a short period defined by `emms-volume-mode-timeout'.

— User Option: emms-volume-mode-timeout

The timeout in amount of seconds used by `emms-volume-minor-mode'.

In this interval you can raise/lower the volume simply by pressing + or -, which will also reset the timer to its initial value. So instead of pressing C-c + six times to increase volume by six steps of emms-volume-change-amount, you would simply type C-c + + + + + +.