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4.14 Setting own connection related information

Sometimes, tramp is not able to detect correct connection related information. In such cases, you could tell tramp which value it has to take. Since this could result in errors, it has to be used with care.

Such settings can be performed via the list tramp-connection-properties. An entry in this list has the form (regexp property value). regexp matches remote file names for which a property shall be predefined. It can be nil. property is a string, and value the corresponding value. property could be any property found in the file tramp-persistency-file-name.

A special property is "busybox". This must be set, if the remote host runs a very restricted busybox as shell, which closes the connection at will. Since there is no reliable test for this, tramp must be indicated this way. Example:

(add-to-list 'tramp-connection-properties
             (list (regexp-quote "/ssh:user@randomhost.your.domain:")
                   "busybox" t))