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15.9 Using Org on a tty

Because Org contains a large number of commands, by default many of Org’s core commands are bound to keys that are generally not accessible on a tty, such as the cursor keys (left, right, up, down), TAB and RET, in particular when used together with modifiers like Meta and/or Shift. To access these commands on a tty when special keys are unavailable, the following alternative bindings can be used. The tty bindings below will likely be more cumbersome; you may find for some of the bindings below that a customized workaround suits you better. For example, changing a timestamp is really only fun with S-cursor keys, whereas on a tty you would rather use C-c . to re-insert the timestamp.

DefaultAlternative 1Speed keyAlternative 2
M-leftC-c C-x llEsc left
M-S-leftC-c C-x LL
M-rightC-c C-x rrEsc right
M-S-rightC-c C-x RR
M-upC-c C-x u Esc up
M-S-upC-c C-x UU
M-downC-c C-x d Esc down
M-S-downC-c C-x DD
S-RETC-c C-x c
M-RETC-c C-x m Esc RET
M-S-RETC-c C-x M
S-leftC-c left
S-rightC-c right
S-upC-c up
S-downC-c down
C-S-leftC-c C-x left
C-S-rightC-c C-x right

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