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41.2 Controlling Motion after Insert

Since “self-inserting” characters in Picture mode overwrite and move point, there is no essential restriction on how point should be moved. Normally point moves right, but you can specify any of the eight orthogonal or diagonal directions for motion after a “self-inserting” character. This is useful for drawing lines in the buffer.

C-c <

Move left after insertion (picture-movement-left).

C-c >

Move right after insertion (picture-movement-right).

C-c ^
C-c UP

Move up after insertion (picture-movement-up).

C-c .

Move down after insertion (picture-movement-down).

C-c `
C-c Home

Move up and left (“northwest”) after insertion (picture-movement-nw).

C-c '
C-c prior

Move up and right (“northeast”) after insertion (picture-movement-ne).

C-c /
C-c End

Move down and left (“southwest”) after insertion

C-c \
C-c next

Move down and right (“southeast”) after insertion

Two motion commands move based on the current Picture insertion direction. The command C-c C-f (picture-motion) moves in the same direction as motion after “insertion” currently does, while C-c C-b (picture-motion-reverse) moves in the opposite direction.