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<title>Companies that sell computers with GNU/Linux preinstalled
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<h2>Companies that sell computers with <acronym title="GNU's Not Unix!">GNU</acronym>/Linux preinstalled</h2>

href="http://www.garlach44.eu/en/for-free-software-users">Garlach44</a> href="http://minifree.org/">Minifree</a> offers a selection replacement of
proprietary firmware with
<a href="http://www.libreboot.org">LibreBoot</a>, a 100% free software BIOS,
and sells laptops that bear the
<a href="http://www.fsf.org/resources/hw/endorsement/respects-your-freedom">Respects Your Freedom</a>
certification mark. These ship preinstalled with LibreBoot
and a <a
href="http://trisquel.info">Trisquel GNU/Linux</a>.</p> href="/distros">fully free GNU/Linux distribution</a> such as
Trisquel, gNewSense or Parabola.</p>

<p><a href="http://laclinux.com/gnu/Start">Los Alamos Computers (LAC)</a> sells
laptops, desktops and servers preinstalled with
<a href="/distros">fully free
<acronym>GNU</acronym>/Linux distributions</a>, including
<a href="http://gnewsense.org">gNewSense</a>. In addition, they donate a portion
of every sale of such systems to the FSF.</p>

<a href="http://www.inatux.com/gnu">InaTux</a> also offers computers preinstalled with gNewSense.

<p><a href="http://libre.thinkpenguin.com/">ThinkPenguin.com</a> offers computers preinstalled with Trisquel.</p>

<p>You may check out and promote an <a href="http://www.ideastorm.com/ideaView?id=0877000000007G5AAI">idea
about gNewSense being preinstalled on computers from Dell</a>.</p>

</div> Dell</a>. (Note: requires you to have a Dell account!)</p>
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$Date: 2015/09/18 08:27:47 $
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