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For thirty years, the Free Software Foundation has been seen as a guiding light for the free software movement, fighting for user freedom.

Help keep our light burning brightly by donating to push us towards our goal of raising $450,000 by January 31st.

314k so far

Links to Other Free Software Sites

To help promote knowledge of free software that isn't GNU software distributed by the FSF, we have collected the following links to other web sites that contain free software, or is directly related to the issue of free software.

We do not have links to web sites of the well-known GNU/Linux system distributions, or to the well-known BSD system distributions, because all those sites explicitly describe, and facilitate access to, various non-free programs. We would be glad to know of other free software web sites that we could link to here.

The FSF is not responsible for the contents of other web sites, or how up-to-date they are.

Free GNU/Linux distributions

We maintain information about fully-free GNU/Linux distributions.

Other free operating systems

We maintain information about fully-free system distributions that are not GNU/Linux.

Collections of free software

Free software documentation

The documentation at these sites may be older than the latest versions distributed by GNU.

Unofficial GNU sites

Free knowledge & free culture

Organizations related to free software

Companies that support free software development, and exclusively free software development

Organizations that work for freedom in computer development and electronic communications


These sites provide hosting for free software packages, focused on source code. We don't list other well-known hosting sites since they have advertisements or other encouragement for proprietary software. As usual, contact us at <webmasters@gnu.org> if you have suggestions for the list.

News about free software

These sites offer updated news about GNU and other free software.

 [FSF logo] “Our mission is to preserve, protect and promote the freedom to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute computer software, and to defend the rights of Free Software users.”

The Free Software Foundation is the principal organizational sponsor of the GNU Operating System. Support GNU and the FSF by buying manuals and gear, joining the FSF as an associate member, or making a donation, either directly to the FSF or via Flattr.

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