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GNU Bucks

[Photo of a GNU

Free system distributions are committed to distributing information for practical use—like software and documentation—only when it's free. They go through a lot of effort to prevent nonfree materials from getting in—but a lot of software goes into a distribution, and packages are frequently updated, so it's difficult to check everything. People who help with this verification work by finding and reporting nonfree components in one of these endorsed distributions can be rewarded with GNU Bucks.

This page is maintained by the Free Software Foundation's Licensing and Compliance Lab. You can support our efforts by making a donation to the FSF. Have a question not answered here? Check out some of our other licensing resources or contact the Compliance Lab at licensing@fsf.org.

GNU Bucks are issued in one denomination—pi—and signed by Free Software Foundation president and “Chief GNUisance” Richard Stallman. We also maintain a list of people who have received GNU Bucks. This is all just our way of saying thanks to people who have helped contribute to the goals of the free software movement.

If you've found materials in the distribution—like software, documentation, fonts, or even graphics or music—that don't meet our guidelines for free distributions, we'd really appreciate it if you could report it. That way, we can help ensure that these distributions are always free for everyone to share. It's a great way to contribute to the free software community that has brought all this together. Just follow the instructions below.

Short Instructions

In order to be recognized by our GNU Bucks program, you need to file a detailed and actionable bug report with one of our endorsed distributions about materials that do not meet our guidelines, and send us a copy at report-nonfree@fsf.org. You will receive recognition after the maintainer has confirmed that the bug is valid.

Detailed Instructions

To help make sure everyone's on the same page, here's a little more information about what we're looking to see in this program, and why:

Where To Send Your Report

Below is a list of where you can report bugs for all of the distributions we endorse. Web addresses point to bug trackers or forums you can use—note that you may need to register before you can submit a report. After you file the bug, please send a link to it to report-nonfree@fsf.org. If an email address is provided instead, you can send your report there directly, and CC: report-nonfree@fsf.org.


While we do listen to feedback from distribution maintainers to determine what reports are eligible for recognition, ultimately the decision about who receives a GNU Buck rests with the FSF. If you have questions about the program in general, or about the eligibility of a particular bug, please write to us at report-nonfree@fsf.org.

Thanks for taking the time to submit a report. We understand the amount of effort that goes into it—it's a valuable contribution to free software, and we're grateful to those who offer it.

 [FSF logo] “Our mission is to preserve, protect and promote the freedom to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute computer software, and to defend the rights of Free Software users.”

The Free Software Foundation is the principal organizational sponsor of the GNU Operating System. Support GNU and the FSF by buying manuals and gear, joining the FSF as an associate member, or making a donation, either directly to the FSF or via Flattr.

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