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For thirty years, the Free Software Foundation has been seen as a guiding light for the free software movement, fighting for user freedom.

Help keep our light burning brightly by donating to push us towards our goal of raising $450,000 by January 31st.

312k so far

FSF Fundraising Dinner

7 PM, August 7, 2003
San Francisco, CA (USA)

We invite you to join Andy Hertzfeld of Open Source Applications Foundation and Bradley M. Kuhn, Executive Director of the Free Software Foundation for a dinner/discussion at 7 PM on August 7 to benefit FSF.

Andy Hertzfeld is part of the design and development team at the Open Source Applications Foundation founded by Mitch Kapor. Andy was a principal member of the original Macintosh team, writing much of the original operating system and user interface toolbox for Apple's revolutionary computer. He left Apple in 1984 and has since co-founded three innovative companies: Radius (1986), General Magic (1990) and Eazel (1999). He is passionate about making computers easier and more fun to use, and is convinced that developing and improving free software is the best way to do that. He is also a loyal supporter of the Free Software Foundation.

Andy and Bradley will discuss the work of the Free Software Foundation which focuses primarily on promoting, protecting and preserving Free Software. FSF also works to defend the rights of all users of computer technology — rights that are harmed by the DMCA and other similar technology control measures in USA and the European Union. Andy and Bradley will discuss the details of this impact.

The fund-raising dinner will be held at a restaurant close to the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco. The cost is $125 per person which includes dinner and wine. Associate Members and representatives of FSF's Corporate Patron program will receive a 20% discount to the dinner.

This is a fundraising event, all proceeds will go to support the projects of the Free Software Foundation. We encourage your to make a larger donation if you can.

Seating is limited; you can reserve a space by contacting Ravi Khanna at <ravi@fsf.org> or at +1-617-620-9640.

 [FSF logo] “Our mission is to preserve, protect and promote the freedom to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute computer software, and to defend the rights of Free Software users.”

The Free Software Foundation is the principal organizational sponsor of the GNU Operating System. Support GNU and the FSF by buying manuals and gear, joining the FSF as an associate member, or making a donation, either directly to the FSF or via Flattr.

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